[News] 'Israel' murders three sons of Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza City

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Wed Apr 10 23:24:58 EDT 2024

'Israel' murders three sons of Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza City
Al Mayadeen English
April 10, 2024

An Israeli strike targets the car used by Ismail Haniyeh's sons, killing
them and their children on Eid Al-Fitr as they were visiting relatives.
[image: e9e79f2f-f126-4b35-9721-5f3b1371e90a.jpg]

   - The sons of Ismail Haniyeh, Hazem, Amir, and Mohammad are seen in a
   picture circulated on social media.

Three sons of the head of Hamas' Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, were
killed in an Israeli strike on a car in the western part of the al-Shati
refugee camp in Gaza City, sources told *Al Mayadeen* on Wednesday.

On the day of Eid al-Fitr, a holiday celebrated by the Muslim community as
it marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, the Israeli occupation
committed yet another malicious act, killing Hazem, Amir, and Mohammad the
sons of Ismail Haniyeh and several of his grandchildren.

The children killed in the attack were: Amal, Khaled, and Razan.

Haniyeh, who is currently leading Hamas' Political Bureau from Qatar's
capital, Doha, received the news from his assistant with impeccable

The Resistance leader was seen on camera during a hospital visit he had
planned on Wednesday, to check up on wounded and sick Palestinians that
were transferred to a medical center in Doha. Haniyeh wished God's blessing
on his three martyred sons and their children, insisting that he would
finish his day's program at the hospital.

The Government's Media Office in Gaza said that the Israeli occupation
committed the massacre while the three were conducting Eid al-Fitr visits
to communities in the Gaza Strip.

On the day of the Eid, 125 Palestinians were murdered by Israeli forces
since Tuesday afternoon.
Haniyeh mourns his children on Eid al-Fitr

Commenting on the devastating incident, Haniyeh was quoted by Hamas' Media
Office as saying, "With this pain and blood, we create hope, a future, and
freedom for our people, our cause, and our nation."

"My sons, the martyrs, achieved the greatest honor and an [honorable
death]," he explained.

"My sons remained with the sons of our people in the Gaza Strip and they
did not leave the Strip," Haniyeh emphasized.

"All of our people and every family in the Gaza Strip paid a steep price
[toward the Palestinian struggle] with the blood of their children and I am
one of them."

"Nearly 60 of my relatives were martyred... there is no difference between
them [and other Palestinians]," the head of the Hamas politburo added.
"Israel" will fail to break the will of our people

"The occupation believes that by targeting the children of leaders, it will
break the determination of our people. We say to the occupation that this
bloodshed will only strengthen our steadfastness on our principles and our
attachment to our land," he stressed.

"What the enemy has failed to achieve through killing, destruction, and
genocide will not be obtained through negotiations," Haniyeh explained.

"We will not hesitate, retreat, or backtrack on our path to liberate
al-Quds and al-Aqsa."

"We will not yield to the blackmail practiced by the occupation because
nations that surrender do not achieve peace. We will not compromise or give
up, no matter what," he concluded.
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