[News] Call on Remaining Third States to immediately and Urgently Fund UNRWA to Prevent Famine & the Genocidal Destruction of the Palestinian People

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Tue Apr 9 15:04:11 EDT 2024

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*PHROC Calls on Remaining Third States to immediately and Urgently Fund 
UNRWA to Prevent Famine and the Genocidal Destruction of the Palestinian 
People *

The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC) warns that 
Palestinians in Gaza are currently experiencing catastrophic hunger, and 
are on the verge of a completely avoidable man-induced famine, 
engineered by Israel as a weapon of war to destroy the Palestinian 
people. Crippled by 16-years of a punitive military siege and blockade, 
even prior to October 7th, Gaza was already de-developed to the point of 
dysfunction, with over one million 
people dependent on food aid for survival. Since March, due to Israel’s 
genocidal policies and implementation of a total siege in North Gaza, 
and the denial of life-saving aid into the territory, at least 28 
children have died from malnutrition 
and dehydration –– adding their number to the 33,207 Palestinians killed 
since October 7th. UNICEF warn 
that this number will likely rise should Israel’s assault on Gaza 
continue and obstacles it has imposed on humanitarian aid remain. Full 
resourcing of UNRWA 
is urgently needed to provide for the survival of the Palestinian people 
in Gaza.

UNRWA operates under the principle 
meaning that “humanitarian actors must not take sides in hostilities or 
engage in controversies of a political, racial, religious, or 
ideological nature”. UNRWA is the “backbone 
of humanitarian assistance in Gaza, as UN Secretary-General Antonio 
Guterres describes. It plays, as EU High Representative for Foreign 
Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell Fontelles 
explains, an “irreplaceable role as lifeline for the strained civilians 
in Gaza and provides indispensable support to the Palestinians of the 
whole region”.

For years, Israel has attempted to systematically destroy UNRWA as part 
of its annexationist settler colonial objective to prevent the right of 
return of the Palestinian people. Seventy percent 
of Palestinians in Gaza are refugees denied the right of return to their 
homes in Israel. Israel’s political leaders have castigated 
and smeared UNRWA with malicious claims of “perpetuat[ing] the 
Palestinian refugee problem” and “teach[ing] children to hate Israel”. 
In 2018 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu 
for UNRWA to be “dismantled”. Also in 2018, United States President 
Trump halted funding to UNRWA, with US Ambassador to the United Nations, 
Nikki Haley 
stating, “we have to look at [the] right of return" of classified 
Palestinian refugees. More recently, Israel’s Minister of Foreign 
Affairs, Israel Katz 
attacked UNRWA as “part of the Palestinian lie that there are ‘refugees’ 
who need to return to the State of Israel. We are working to remove 
UNRWA from Gaza”. On 2 February, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu 
“[UNRWA] is self-perpetuating also in its desire to keep alive the 
Palestinian refugee issue. And we need to get other U.N. agencies and 
other aid agencies replacing UNRWA if we’re going to solve the problem 
of Gaza as we intend to do”.

Israel has taken both military and political actions to target and 
eliminate UNRWA. In February, Israel’s Minister of Finance, Bezalel 
blocked four shipments of flour from being transferred to UNRWA in Gaza. 
Between 7 October and 7 April, 178 UNRWA 
staff members were killed in attacks across Gaza, and 161 UNRWA 
installations, many housing the forcibly displaced Palestinian 
population, were damaged. On the same day that the International Court 
of Justice awarded provisional measures against Israel for plausibly 
committing genocide in Gaza, accusations were published against UNRWA 
staff, who were immediately fired without due process 
on secret evidence 
allegations which later turned out to be unsubstantiated 
A Channel 4 investigation 
Israel’s meagre six-page dossier of allegations against UNRWA workers, 
found that it “contains no evidence”. Despite this, 20 States suspended 
and withdrew vital funding to UNRWA. These included Australia, Austria, 
Canada, Estonia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, 
Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, Sweden, 
Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The allegations 
were clearly aligned to deflect attention from Israel’s loss at the 
International Court of Justice and destroy UNRWA as a continuing settler 
colonial objective.

In March, UNRWA warned that it would run out of funding at the end of 
While some Third States including Australia 
Austria, Canada, 
Denmark Finland 
France, Iceland, 
and Sweden 
and the United States 
have begun to reinstate their funding to UNRWA –– many more States have 
yet to follow –– including Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, 
Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. 
On 25 March, Germany 
reinstated its regional funding for UNRWA, however it deliberately 
excluded Gaza.

The situation in Gaza has deteriorated catastrophically. On March 6, 
South Africa filed 
for additional provisional measures before the International Court of 
Justice in its genocide case against Israel, invoking the widespread 
starvation in Gaza, which is spreading at an unprecedented rate. In 
recent days, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and 
Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths warned that Israel’s 
“decision to block its food convoys to the north only pushes thousands 
closer to famine” and urged full support for UNRWA –– “the beating heart 
of the humanitarian response in Gaza”.

We urge the remaining States, to resume funding UNRWA immediately.

*State Obligations to Prevent Genocide*

We remind Third States that in the event of a breach of a peremptory 
norm of international law, which includes the prohibition against 
genocide, they are under the obligation not recognise the illegal 
situation arising from the breach, nor render assistance in maintaining 
the illegal situation, and to collaborate towards ending the illegal 
situation. Furthermore, under Article VIII of the 1948 Genocide 
States Parties “may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations 
to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they 
consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of 

We further remind Third States, who do have the ability to alleviate the 
sufferings of the Palestinian people, including through funding UNRWA, 
that history 
harshly judges those who stand by during genocide. Suspending such 
funding is tantamount to condemning millions of Palestinians to die of 
hunger, dehydration and disease. Such actions may amount to complicity 
in the ongoing genocide as it entrenches conditions of life calculated 
to bring about the destruction of the Palestinian people.

In light of the above, we call on Third States to immediately and 
urgently continue funding UNRWA and to take concrete steps to bring the 
genocide to an end.






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