[News] Saudi-Israel normalisation seeks the complete surrender of the Palestinians

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Mon Sep 25 13:18:31 EDT 2023

Saudi-Israel normalisation seeks the complete surrender of the Palestinians
by Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh
<https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/6-author/dr-amira-abo-el-fetouh/>  -
September 25, 2023

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was very clear about Saudi
Arabia’s inclination towards normalising with the Zionist enemy in his
speech at the UN General Assembly: Israel, he claimed, is “at the cusp” of
normalisation with the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin
Salman said that his country is close to normalisation. This suggests that
there has been contact and negotiations between them behind closed doors,
and that they will announce an agreement soon.

It would seem, therefore, that Saudi Arabia is about to sell the
Palestinian issue very cheaply. A normalisation agreement with the Saudis
will embolden Netanyahu to annex the occupied West Bank, establish even
more apartheid
with the Palestinians, expand illegal settlements and encourage
Jewish-settler terrorism.

Speculation has been rife about this normalisation since Bin Salman became
crown prince. He made a secret visit to Israel in 2016 and met senior
Israeli politicians. The news was leaked; Israel usually exposes Arab
rulers and its contacts with them. Israeli media published a photo of Bin
Salman’s aircraft at Ben Gurion Airport in 2016, and he opened Saudi
airspace to Israeli planes last year; Israeli officials and business people
have visited the Kingdom. All of this pointed to Saudi Arabia heading
towards normalisation, with the only thing holding it back was the
pampering it was receiving; there was never any shame that the Custodian of
the two Holy Mosques in Makkah and Madinah was courting Israel.

Bin Salman was behind Donald Trump’s “deal of the century”, which was
revealed by Western media, including the *American Conservative* magazine
affiliated with supporters of the Republican Party. It explained the
details of the meeting between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud
Abbas and Bin Salman, in which the prince is reported to have said that
Abbas has forgotten about Jerusalem once and for all, and the State of
Palestine will be in the Gaza Strip, supported by land of unspecified size
in the Sinai Peninsula.

countries that speak Arabic and whose religion is Islam, but whose rulers
are Zionists loyal to Israel

This normalisation agreement will change the features of the Arab world. It
will not be Arab, but purely Zionist, with countries that speak Arabic and
whose religion is Islam, but whose rulers are Zionists loyal to Israel.
This is what Netanyahu called the “New Middle East” at the UN, which
Zionist politicians, most notably Shimon Peres, have dreamt of. There is
neither an Arab world nor a Palestinian issue on the map that Netanyahu
waved around, but rather a regional power — the apartheid state of Israel —
supported by the US-led West, that will fill its coffers with Saudi oil
money in exchange for a concession to allow uranium enrichment. Bin Salman
said that his country wants to engage in a nuclear project, but it will not
attempt to manufacture a nuclear bomb unless Iran is allowed to do so.

[image: Israel: normalisation with Saudi Arabia a 'matter of time - Cartoon
[Sabaaneh/Middle East Monitor]]

Israel: normalisation with Saudi Arabia a ‘matter of time – Cartoon
[Sabaaneh/Middle East Monitor]

Netanyahu’s statements after his meeting with US President Joe Biden
indicate the possibilities of arranging a US-Israeli agreement that
addresses Riyadh’s three demands: a nuclear project, Washington’s pledge to
defend the Kingdom, and some gains for the Palestinians in the two-state
solution. This “solution” is the huge lie that has always been used to
cover the shameful deals and suspicious agreements with the Zionist enemy.

There is no doubt that both Biden and Netanyahu need to help each other.
With a Saudi-Israel normalisation deal Biden will save the nightmare
coalition, as *Haaretz* described Netanyahu’s government, and Netanyahu
will exploit it by using Israel’s influence on representatives in Congress,
whether Republicans or Democrats, to agree to the Saudi conditions with the
exception of course, of the two-state solution. This does not matter to Bin
Salman, as he tries to whitewash his image in the eyes of the Arab people.
Ultimately all that matters to him are the strategic goals that support
Saudi Arabia’s position regionally and globally, after his reputation took
a hit with his failed war in Yemen, the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, and his
country’s blockade of Qatar.

*READ: **Israel says framework Saudi normalisation deal possible by early

Normalisation with Israel will achieve US goals by erasing the Palestinian
issue from the equation of regional and international relations. The
integration of Israel into the region requires the abolition of legitimate
Palestinian rights, as Washington works to transform the Middle East into a
political, commercial and military corridor between Asia and Europe. Hence,
it hopes to end Arab hostility towards Israel, as the apartheid state
becomes the power that manages the regional security and economy, and
controls its wealth.

The idea of normalisation with the Arab world and isolating the
Palestinians so that they surrender is not new. It was common after the
1948 Nakba, but the start of the Palestinian revolution made it more
difficult, and so it was necessary to remove the Palestine Liberation
Organisation from Lebanon. The first Palestinian intifada in 1987 flipped
the equation, while the defeat of Iraq was the gateway to an attempt to
subjugate the Palestinians through the cursed Oslo Accords
in 1993. Normalisation returned strongly with Trump’s presidency and his
success with the 2020 Abraham Accords, which the Zionist Arab regimes
rushed to sign, surprising even the Israelis.

It was thus confirmed to Washington that the Abraham Accords, which will
soon be embraced by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is the best solution to
force the surrender and complete submission of the Arab people, including
the Palestinians.

*OPINION: **Saudi Arabia does not care about Palestine or Jerusalem; it
cares about Israel*

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not
necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.
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