[News] Palestine Action Crash International Weapons Dealers Summit

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Sep 6 12:16:34 EDT 2023

Four actionists were also not sent to prison after being convicted

While senior representatives of the world's largest arms firms convened 
at the ‘International Composites Summit 2023’ to discuss 
"cost-effective" weaponry components, Palestine Action snuck their way 
in and crashed the event.

Once inside the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes, four activists took 
over the stage to disrupt the marketing of ‘genocide’ as a tool to be 
bought-and-sold to annihilate the Palestinian people.

Activists over-spoke the corporate speeches and raised the Palestinian 
flag, stating: "You are all war criminals. We're making a stand against 
you and your weapons of death. Palestinians suffer everyday from the 
brutality of apartheid... We know who you are, we know what you do, 
merchants of death, we're coming for you."

Talks by Sean Cooper, Chief Engineer at Defence & Space National 
Composites Centre, representatives of weapons firm Qinetiq and missiles 
manufacturer MBDA were drowned out by the stage invasion; crippling the 
smooth running of the event.

Many of the companies who attended the event have previously been 
targeted by Palestine Action. One such firm is the ADS group — 
representatives and advocates for the world's largest arms dealers, 
including Israel's biggest weapons manufacturer, Elbit Systems.

Dinners, award ceremonies and conferences are attended by war criminals 
across the country. Join our upcoming event crashing online workshop on 
Saturday 9th September at 3PM to find out how you can take action 
against them: bit.ly/EventCrash 

Full Press Release 

Share on Twitter 

Join the Event Crashing Workshop 

Elsewhere, four actionists were sentenced after being convicted for 
taking action against Israel's weapons trade. All four were NOT sent to 
prison, but given suspended sentences for 2 years, made to attend 
"rehabilitation days" and do unpaid work. Amongst them was Palestinian 
activist Ibrahim Smadi, Tony Greenstein and former Green MP candidate 
Jeremy Parker.

They were convicted earlier this year after a 7 week trial, in which 
Judge Michael Chambers would not allow the activists to argue their 
actions were done to prevent Israel's crimes against the Palestinian 
people, done using Elbit weaponry. This came after Israeli embassy 
interference in Palestine Action court cases.

We're pleased to see all four were not sent to prison. Although we all 
know that Elbit is the guilty party, and the actionists should be 
heralded as heroes, not face any sentencing or convictions.

  The fight to #ShutElbitDown expands to Boston, USA

In the USA, graffiti appeared across Elbit's factory in Cambridge, 
Massachusetts. The global community is rising and together we will 
#ShutElbitDown everywhere!

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