[News] Israeli ground troops face fierce resistance inside Gaza

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Mon Oct 30 12:08:47 EDT 2023

Israeli ground troops face fierce resistance inside Gaza
October 29, 2023

The Palestinian resistance has continued to confront
Israeli ground troops penetrating the Gaza border, after Tel Aviv announced
an expansion of limited ground incursions into the besieged strip on Friday.

The Qassam Brigades launched a surprise attack on Israeli forces on Sunday
“after infiltrating behind their lines and clashing with enemy forces” who
were making an incursion northwest of Beit Lahia, their Telegram channel

In a statement released earlier on 29 October, Hamas’ Qassam Brigades
announced that they “continue to confront the Zionist forces penetrating
the Al-Amiriyya area northwest of Beit Lahia, where they engaged in armed
clashes with them and targeted enemy vehicles with … mortar shells.”

The Qassam Brigades “carried out several sniping operations. The enemy
admitted that a number of its soldiers were wounded in the clashes with our
Mujahideen who … are still targeting enemy forces.”

They also targeted on Sunday morning a “gathering of enemy vehicles” with a
suicide drone, according to the resistance group’s Telegram channel.

The armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement, the Quds
Brigades, also announced on 29 October targeting Israeli forces attempting
to enter the northern Gaza Strip with rockets and mortar shells.

Israel’s military announced
earlier on 29 October that one of its officers was seriously hurt and
another soldier moderately injured “in the northern Gaza Strip overnight.”

The Qassam Brigades released a video on Saturday evening, 28 October,
showing their destruction of an Israeli armored vehicle believed to be
carrying over a dozen soldiers. The attack took place near the Gaza Strip’s
Shujaiya area.

Over the past week, Israel has carried out “limited” ground incursions
into northern Gaza aimed at testing the waters for the planned invasion.
The Israeli army said it struck several Hamas targets during small-scale
incursions on 25 and 26 October.

Israeli troops took heavy losses the week before that while attempting to
enter the Gaza Strip on land.

Tel Aviv announced on 27 October that it is “expanding” its limited ground
activity in Gaza.

However, an army spokesman told ABC News that day that “the expanded
operations taking place in Gaza are not an official ground invasion.”

So far, Israel has delayed fully invading Gaza and attempting to carry out
its stated goal of “eradicating” Hamas, who are well prepared for an
Israeli ground invasion.

Many experts, including *The Cradle*
Hasan Illaik, have said recently that Israel will be unable to bear the
cost of launching a full ground assault on the Gaza Strip. Such an invasion
could also instigate the opening of several new fronts and the outbreak of
regional war.

"We want to convey to our enemy that we are impatiently awaiting the
opportunity to introduce [its forces] to new forms of demise," Qassam
Brigades spokesman, Abu Obeida, said
on 28 October.
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