[News] We won't accept ignoring genocide against Palestinians: Diaz-Canel

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Sat Oct 28 21:12:46 EDT 2023

We won't accept ignoring genocide against Palestinians: Diaz-Canel
Al Mayadeen English - October 28, 2023

The Cuban President expresses his country's strong condemnation of the
Israeli shelling of innocent people in Gaza.
[image: 86731815-660f-4cd9-a06b-edb17ca5995d.jpg]

   - Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel addresses the 78th session of the
   United Nations General Assembly, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2023, at United Nations
   headquarters *(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)*

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel recalled on Saturday the words of the
historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, 63 years ago, in
his historic speech before the United Nations General Assembly.

"From the beginning of human history, wars have arisen, fundamentally, for
one reason: some people's desire to deprive others of their riches. Let the
philosophy of plunder disappear, and the philosophy of war will have

Diaz-Canel pointed out that "this broad and deep idea summarizes the reason
for the suffering of the Palestinian people today, who are besieged under a
new apartheid system of racial segregation on a small piece of land."

The Cuban President expressed his belief that "the philosophy of depriving
others of their rights is what is causing a humanitarian catastrophe of
terrifying dimensions today."

He pointed to the number of Palestinian martyrs, stating that more than
3,000 children and 1,700 women have been killed in recent weeks.

He added that thousands are still trapped under the rubble more than 40% of
Gaza's homes have been reduced to rubble, and the Strip's hospitals have
been turned into makeshift morgues.

Diaz-Canel expressed his country's strong condemnation of the shelling of
innocent people in Gaza and the destruction of their homes, hospitals, and
civilian infrastructure, saying, "We reject the killing of innocent people
as a result of the current escalation and fierce and indiscriminate
aggression, without distinction of race, origin, gender, or belief."

"We will not accept any selective indignation that seeks to ignore the
danger of the genocide that is being perpetrated against the Palestinians,
portray the Israeli side as the victim, and ignore 75 years of aggression,
occupation, violations, and exclusion," he stressed.

The Cuban leader indicated that "nothing can justify what the Israeli army
is doing in Gaza, and nothing can justify the serious violations of
international humanitarian law being committed." While Diaz-Canel pointed
out that "Israel violates all United Nations resolutions and all
commitments imposed on it as an occupying power as stipulated in the Fourth
Geneva Convention," he recalled how "the Security Council was unable to
call on Israel to stop the ongoing massacre, as the United States used the
veto right."

"Those who oppose stopping the violence in Gaza today and refuse to
consider it a matter of utmost priority will bear the grave consequences
that will result from that," he added.

According to the Cuban President, "The comprehensive, just, and permanent
solution to the conflict undoubtedly requires the real exercise of the
inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the establishment of their
independent and sovereign state within the borders of pre-1967, with its
capital in East al-Quds."

He also confirmed that a group of countries, including his own, proposed a
draft resolution to the United Nations General Assembly, which was recently
approved, demanding an immediate ceasefire, the establishment of an urgent
mechanism to protect Palestinian civilians, rejecting the displacement of
civilians and human rights defenders, and the provision of emergency
humanitarian aid.

"Every moment of procrastination and passivity will cost the loss of more
innocent lives, and action must be taken immediately," he warned.

It is noteworthy that since the start of the savage Israeli aggression on
the Gaza Strip, Cuba has expressed its deep concern about the situation,
stressing that this escalation comes as a result of 75 years of
permanent violation
of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people
and of "Israel's" aggressive and expansionist policy.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry has underlined that the United Nations Security
Council must fulfill its obligations and put an end to the impunity of
"Israel", the occupier, through the historical complicity of the United
States that repeatedly obstructs the work of the UNSC, undermining peace,
security, and stability in the Middle East region.

This comes as the Israeli occupation continues its brutal aggression on
Gaza for the 22nd day in a row after it completely cut internet access and
the phone network
across the Strip on Friday, with the Health Ministry in Gaza announcing
that the number of Palestinians killed has risen to 7,703 and that the
number of injuries has reached 19,743.

The Ministry emphasized that the Israeli occupation has committed 53
massacres in the past 24 hours, in which 377 Gazans were killed, most of
them among the displaced in the southern Gaza Strip, which "Israel" claimed
to be "safe" from shelling.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk warned on Saturday
there was the potential for thousands more civilians to die
if "Israel" launches a major ground invasion into Gaza.

*Read more: Cuba, Venezuela condemn Israeli massacre in Gaza hospital
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