[News] Leila Khaled: “Where there is repression, there is resistance”

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Oct 28 20:08:14 EDT 2023

Leila Khaled: “Where there is repression, there is resistance”
Peoples Dispatch - October 27, 2023

Over 7,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s bombing of the Gaza
strip over the past three weeks. The atrocities and brutal violence carried
out by Israel has moved people of the world who have taken to the streets
in protest of Israeli crimes and in support of Palestinian resistance in
unprecedented levels.

On the sidelines of the III International Dilemmas of Humanity Conference
in Johannesburg, South Africa lifelong Palestinian freedom fighter Leila
Khaled spoke to media projects about the Palestinian struggle for freedom
and about the need for intensified international solidarity with Palestine.
She also spoke about her history in the liberation movement and the
inevitability of resistance.

*Interview conducted collectively by Iolanda Depizzol, Pedro Stropasolas,
Phakamile Hlubi-Majola, and Zoe Alexandra. *

*Transcription and text editing by Bianca Pessoa *

*Images by Craig Birchfield and Raúl Laffitte *

*Video editing by Craig Birchfield *

*Collaborative production between: Peoples Dispatch, Breakthrough News,
Brasil de Fato, NUMSA Media, Capire & Pan African Television.*
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