[News] Gaza Resistance rocket launches ongoing after thwarting IOF incursions

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Sat Oct 28 11:34:51 EDT 2023

Gaza Resistance rocket launches ongoing after thwarting IOF incursions
Al Mayadeen English - October 28, 2023

The Resistance factions targeted several Israeli settlements and military
gatherings today.
[image: c9209ea0-301e-4f70-a6f2-7594b1441a78.jpg] Al-Qassam Resistance
fighters monitoring an Israeli occupation surveillance post adjacent to the
Gaza border on July 19, 2023 (*AFP*)


Hamas' al-Qassam Brigades said on Saturday that they targeted "Tel Aviv"
and several Israeli occupation settlements in response to the continued
Israeli massacres against civilians in Gaza.

In a statement, the Resistance group added that its rockets and mortars
also targeted Israeli military gatherings in "Zikim," "Ashkelon," and
"Mivtahim," in addition to "Erez" and "Sofa".

Furthermore, they confirmed striking Israeli military vehicles in the
vicinity of al-Atatra neighborhood in Beit Lahia, northwest Gaza.

*Read more: 'Israel' says it can't guarantee journalists' safety in Gaza

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement's al-Quds Brigades
confirmed that their Resistance fighters are still deployed on the
frontlines across the Gaza border and confronting Israeli occupation forces
attempting to advance into the Strip.

The Resistance group also announced targeting Israeli military gatherings
in "Kissufim", which activated sirens in the settlement, and an army
vehicles depot this morning.

Israeli media expressed growing concern over ongoing Resistance launches,
highlighting a substantial and widespread wave of operations from the Gaza

This comes after the Israeli occupation army said it expanded the scope of
its ground operations to move into Gaza starting Friday, as per Israeli
army spokesperson Daniel Hagari.

His statement coincided with the Israeli occupation entity completely
cutting off internet and telecom services access across the Strip,
technically isolating and blocking Gaza
from the rest of the world while committing its genocide.

The Israeli escalation came as talks for a ceasefire agreement were
reportedly progressing, sources disclosed to *Al Mayadeen*. The agreement
potentially included the release of all children and women held by the
occupation, while the Resistance would release foreign non-military
captives it held since October 7.

Hamas confirmed
that the Palestinian Resistance foiled the Israeli ground offensive
launched on Friday evening after Hagari's announcment on three fronts.

Al-Qassam revealed that the Palestinian Resistance lured intruding forces
into several ambushes, leading to casualties among Israeli occupation

The Palestinian Health Ministry announced on Saturday that the number of
martyrs in Gaza due to the Israeli aggression has risen to 7,703 so far,
including 3,595 children. In a statement, the Ministry added that the
Israeli occupation committed 53 massacres just yesterday and 825 against
families in total since October 7.
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