[News] After 20 days of war, Resistance is still in excellent shape: Haniyeh

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Fri Oct 27 00:47:54 EDT 2023

After 20 days of war, Resistance is still in excellent shape: Haniyeh
Al Mayadeen English - October 27, 2023

The Hamas Political Bureau Chief calls on allied countries to "exert the
necessary pressure in all forums to stop the aggression on Gaza."

Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh pointed out on Thursday that
the continuation of the Israeli aggression on Gaza "will take the entire
region, which has become a powder keg, out of control."

Haniyeh indicated that "the aftermaths of Al-Aqsa Flood will accompany us
in all our stages in the land of Palestine and in the struggle of the
nation and Resistance against the Zionist project."

He pointed out that after 20 days of war, the Resistance, led by Al-Qassam
Brigades, continues its strikes and guards its borders, affirming that "the
Resistance is still in excellent shape."

The Hamas chief said that "the occupation will not be able to recover due
to the strategic strike and the resounding defeat it has suffered,"
stressing that "this battle will change the course of history and move
toward achieving the higher goals of the Palestinian people who have
suffered from historical injustice."

In the same context, Haniyeh called on allied countries to "exert the
necessary pressure in all forums to stop the aggression on Gaza."

He also called for "opening all crossings, with Rafah crossing at the
forefront," emphasizing the need to deliver everything possible to the
people in Gaza to restore life in the Strip.

He also urged "all presidents, leaders, thinkers, and opinion holders to
explicitly affirm the legitimacy of resistance on the land of Palestine."

Haniyeh considered that "terrorism is what supports this occupier and
remains silent about the massacres," emphasizing the need to win the battle
of awareness.

The Hamas Political Bureau Chief praised all the brave stances that have
clearly declared the legitimacy of the righteous resistance, calling on the
masses of the nation and the free people of the world to stage continuous
popular uprisings every Friday.

Under the title "Open Rafah Crossing... Stop the Genocidal War,"
Palestinian factions earlier on Thursday called on both the Islamic and
Arab nations and free people of the world to mobilize on Friday in all
squares, cities, capitals, and at the borders with occupied Palestine.

This comes as the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza
continues to respond to the Israeli occupation's crimes against civilians.
Earlier, the Resistance launched salvos of rockets toward the occupied
Palestinian territories.

Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced that it targeted
"Tel Aviv" with a salvo of rockets. Similarly, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
confirmed that its fighters targeted an Israeli foot patrol force at the
entrance to an Israeli occupation military camp with a heavy barrage of
bullets within a pre-prepared ambush.

*Read more: Gaza Resistance continues to target Israeli military
gatherings, bases
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