[News] Israel Acts With Impunity With Complicity of United States: Cuban Ambassador

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Thu Oct 26 15:38:23 EDT 2023

Israel Acts With Impunity With Complicity of United States: Cuban
26, 2023

*The Israeli regime acts with impunity with the complicity of the United
States, says the Cuban ambassador to Tehran, adding that every moment of
impunity for action, passivity, double standards or silence will cost more
innocent lives in the besieged Gaza Strip.*

In an interview with the *Press TV website*, Alberto Gonzalez Casals, the
ambassador of Cuba to the Islamic Republic to Iran, said a ceasefire must
be made immediately and the war rhetoric must end.

He said the international community must put pressure on the US government
so that “it does not continue to paralyze the (UN) Security Council using
the undemocratic and obsolete power of the veto” in order to protect its
ally in Tel Aviv.

The Israeli regime continues to bombard the densely-populated civilian
areas in the besieged Gaza Strip two weeks since the Hamas-led Palestinian
resistance movement launched what it called the ‘Al-Aqsa Storm’ (also known
as Al-Aqsa Flood) operation as a response to daily Israeli atrocities.

The death toll in the besieged coastal strip has surged to more than 4,500
people, mostly children, with hospitals teeming with critically wounded
patients and people displaced by the genocide.

Casals said in order to end the Israeli aggression in Gaza, the tenth
emergency special session of the UN General Assembly must be held and its
main priority must be to “achieve a cessation of violence, a ceasefire and
to promote the provision of urgent and sufficient humanitarian aid to the
Palestinian people”

Commenting on the aid that entered the besieged strip from the Rafah
Crossing on Saturday morning, the Cuban envoy said access for only 20
trucks is an “insult to those in need.”

“Emergency humanitarian aid must be urgently mobilized, under the
coordination of the United Nations, to address the catastrophic situation
in Gaza,” he asserted.

He said Cuba will “support and contribute in everything within its power to
legitimate international efforts in order to put an end to the current

On how the support of Western states has emboldened the Israeli regime to
commit horrendous war crimes in Gaza, Casals said the UN Security Council
“has not even been able to call to stop the ongoing massacre” in the
besieged territory.

“This week, the United States government vetoed a proposal in that body
that merely called for a humanitarian pause in the confrontation to allow
aid access to Gaza and guarantee the protection of civilians,” he remarked.

“The US used the pretext that it was premature. It was a resolution that
did not even call for a ceasefire, but only for a humanitarian pause that
would allow aid to be delivered to the civilian population of Gaza under
indiscriminate and criminal aggression.”

The US on Wednesday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have
called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in

The Cuban ambassador said the decision was not only regrettable but also

“However, it doesn’t surprise anyone. The United States government has
historically been complicit and responsible for Israel’s impunity for its
historically committed crimes when it has obstructed Security Council
action regarding Palestine and undermined peace and stability in the Middle
East,” he stated.

He also warned against the Israeli plan to launch the ground invasion of
the Gaza Strip, saying it would have “unpredictable consequences”, noting
that the impunity with which Israel acts can only be explained by its
confidence that it will not have to face consequences for its actions and
that it has the support of the US government and its other NATO allies.

Casals said Cuba “condemns in the strongest terms, the murders of
civilians, especially women, children and humanitarian workers of the
United Nations system; the indiscriminate bombings against the population
in Gaza and the destruction of homes, hospitals and civil infrastructure;
as well as the deprivation of water, food, electricity and fuel services to
the population of Gaza.”

These acts, he hastened to add, have worsened the “precarious humanitarian
situation resulting from the blockade of the Gaza Strip and constitute
flagrant violations of International Humanitarian Law.”

“Nothing can justify such actions, which constitute collective punishment,
serious violations of International Humanitarian Law and war crimes and
crimes against humanity,” he noted.

The Cuban ambassador further stated that Cuba “reiterates its invariable
solidarity with the Palestinian and Arab cause” and “advocates the search
for a prompt solution through negotiation, which stops this escalation of
violence and its very serious humanitarian consequences.”

“We reiterate our deep concern about the escalation of violence on the
ground, a consequence of 75 years of Israeli practices of illegal
occupation and colonization, in flagrant violation of the inalienable
rights of the Palestinian people in their own territory,” he said.

“As well as the prolonged disrespect for the purposes and principles of the
United Nations Charter and International Law, including numerous relevant
UN resolutions.”

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