[News] What Can We Read from Hezbollah’s Latest Statement on ‘Escalating’ the Conflict with Israel?

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Sun Oct 22 11:53:31 EDT 2023

What Can We Read from Hezbollah’s Latest Statement on ‘Escalating’ the
Conflict with Israel? - ANALYSIS
Sheikh Naim Qassem, Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
(Photo: via Al-Manar)

*By Palestine Chronicle Editors

Deputy Secretary General of the Lebanese Resistance group Hezbollah, Sheikh
Naim Qassem, issued an important statement today, October 21.

The statement, a copy of which was received by The Palestine Chronicle,
once more emphasized complete solidarity between Hezbollah and Palestinian
Resistance groups in Gaza.

However, the statement carried political and strategic messages regarding
Hezbollah’s next move in its ongoing, although limited confrontation with
the Israeli military in south Lebanon.
*‘Victory for the Resistance’*

*“Hezbollah is committed to keeping pace and confronting as part of its
vision to serve the victory of resistance, the liberation of Palestine and
al-Quds, and what serves our nation.”*

The phrase “keeping pace” here is quite critical. It simply means that
Hezbollah will escalate depending on the escalation of the Israeli war on
*‘We Will Do More’*

“*What we are doing in the south (of Lebanon) now is a stage that aligns
with the confrontation. If the situation demands more, we will do more, and
the enemy is perplexed.”*

Consistent with the above sentiment, Sheikh Qassem is emphasizing the above
paradigm: “If the situation demands more, we will do more”.

‘Rules of engagement’ between Hezbollah and Israel seem to have completely
changed since new norms were established following the failed Israeli
attack on Lebanon in 2006.

Between 2006 and October 2023, the established paradigm was as follows: If
Israel violates Lebanese sovereignty, Hezbollah reserves the right to
retaliate, and it often did.

What Hezbollah is now saying is that new rules of engagement are in place,
meaning that if Israel continues to violate Palestinian rights, Hezbollah
reserves the right to retaliate.

*“If the enemy further intervenes, matters will expand, and we say to those
who contact us that they must stop the aggression first to prevent the
conflict from escalating”*

Regardless of those who are “contacting us”, Sheikh Qassem had a final
message to Israel, that unlike US and Israeli claims, it is not Iran or
Hezbollah that aim at expanding the conflict, but Israel.

Sheikh Qassem is practically telling Israel that expanding the conflict is
directly linked to its current war on Gaza.

In other words, Hezbollah is making a commitment to Palestinians, that the
Resistance in Lebanon will certainly expand the conflict with Israel shall
Israel expand its war on the besieged Strip.

Below is the full statement by Sheikh Qassem.

*(The Palestine Chronicle did not edit the translation provided by
Hezbollah as communicated to Arab and international media using its channel
on Telegram.)*

Hezbollah Deputy to the Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem

The occupation is waging a systematic war of annihilation and destruction
targeting civilians, including children, women, and the elderly in Gaza.

Hezbollah is committed to keeping pace and confronting as part of its
vision to serve the victory of resistance, the liberation of Palestine and
al-Quds, and what serves our nation.

Today, we are in the heart of the battle and achieving accomplishments.
There are 3 Israeli brigades facing Hezbollah, while there are 5 brigades
facing Gaza.

As events continue to unfold and necessitate our increased involvement, we
will do so.

What we are doing in the south now is a stage that aligns with the
confrontation. If the situation demands more, we will do more, and the
enemy is perplexed.

If the enemy further intervenes, matters will expand, and we say to those
who contact us that they must stop the aggression first to prevent the
conflict from escalating.

We are not compelled to clarify our plan, and the enemy should suffice with
the defeat they have suffered, or else they will face an even greater
defeat with no hope for victory.

The Israeli ground incursion into Gaza will be a graveyard for the enemy,
and there is nothing ahead of them but defeat, while there is nothing ahead
of us but victory.
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