[News] Hamas - We control the battlefield; 'Israel' at an all time worst

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Sat Oct 21 20:34:35 EDT 2023

Abu Obeida: We control the battlefield; 'Israel' at an all time worst
Al Mayadeen English - October 21, 2023

Abu Obeida says that the Palestinian Resistance is in great shape,
promising 'Israel' that it will pay the price for its crimes against the
Palestinian people.

Abu Obeida the military spokesperson of Hamas' al-Qassam Brigades issued
another warning to the Israeli occupation on Thursday, promising a
significant, "painful and harsh" retaliation as payback for the crimes
committed against the Palestinian people and its dessicration of al-Aqsa

The spokesperson pointed to the continuous crimes
committed by "Israel" against Palestinians including the targeting of
children and civilians, as well as its targeting of residential areas in

Abu Obeida
called on all individuals to join in on Operation Al-Aqsa Flood to expand
the scope of confrontation against the Israeli occupation.

He emphasized that the Resistance is in good shape and that its leadership
knows how and when to strike the enemy.

Abu Obeida called on the Ummah to defend al-Aqsa Mosque against its
desecration, adding that the Israeli occupation military is currently in
its worst-ever state.

He called on the masses, outside of Palestine, to march together toward
Palestinian borders and confront the occupation's expansionist project.

In his address, Abu Obeida reaffirmed that the Palestinian Resistance in
Gaza is in excellent condition and is prepared for a long battle against
the occupier.
Israeli war cabinet greenlights invasion

Earlier on Thursday, Security Minister Yoav Gallant told soldiers
positioned outside the Gaza Strip that a ground invasion would start soon.

"You see Gaza now from a distance, you will soon see it from inside
The command will come," the minister said as quoted by *The Times of Israel*

Gallant also admitted his responsibility for the demise of the Israeli
occupation forces on October 7 which saw hundreds of soldiers including
commanders killed and taken captive by Palestinian Resistance fighters.

Netanyahu also paid a visit on Thursday to occupation soldiers conscripted
in the infamous Golani Brigade near the Gaza Strip.

In an address to the occupation troops, Netanyahu claimed, "We are going to
win with all our strength."

The Israeli military and political command has been mulling a ground
invasion of the Gaza Strip for a week. Bad weather has been used as an
excuse for why aggression has not yet been launched.

On October 7 the Israeli occupation's Gaza division got a taste of the
Palestinian Resistance's capabilities as they suffered great losses in the
early hours of the morning. Al-Qassam Brigades led the attack on numerous
military sites in Gaza's Envelope taking down the division's communications
center, naval bases, and sites from which armored reinforcements are sent
into sites in close proximity to the Gaza Strip.

The surprise attack dealt heavy casualties to the IOF including hundreds of
killed soldiers and captured commanders. In a historical first the
Resistance baited the Israeli occupation and ensued on an offensive that
shocked allies and enemies.

Officials including Netanyahu have asserted that in response to the defeat
they suffered
on October 7, "Israel's" military response will involve the uprooting of
Hamas from Gaza.

However, such a task will prove extremely difficult or even impossible for
occupation forces that have not experienced combat within Gaza's defensive
structures and will likely include well-planned ambushes, Improvised
Explosive Devices
and tunnels to assist the movement of forces behind enemy lines.

If a ground invasion were to happen in the upcoming days, the Israeli
occupation forces would be pushed into a suburban terrain that would favor
the defenders. Hopes are high among leaders of the Palestinian Resistance,
as the armed wings of various Resistance factions have released statements
and footage promising the occupation that it would experience the pits of
hell in Gaza

*Read more: Al-Qassam issues a warning to 'Israel' amid ground invasion
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