[News] Hamas condemns Israeli bombing of UNRWA’s aid warehouse

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Oct 17 11:50:09 EDT 2023

Hamas condemns Israeli bombing of UNRWA’s aid warehouse
GAZA, (PIC) - October 17, 2023

[image: 1972130165.jpg]
The Hamas Movement denounced the Israeli bombing of UNRWA’s food aid
warehouse in northern Gaza on Monday as “another war crime” and urged the
agency to continue shouldering its responsibilities towards the civilians
in the war-torn coastal enclave.

In a statement, Hamas said that the Israeli bombing of UNRWA’s warehouse
containing food aid is aimed at tightening its chokehold on the population
in Gaza and depriving them of their most basic needs.

The Movement called on the UN and its refugee agency to condemn such a Nazi
behavior, reconsider its current policies and provide the Palestinian
people with protection and assistance and enforce the simplest principles
of the international law in Gaza, whose people are exposed to the most
heinous crimes in full view of the entire world..

In another statement, Hamas condemned the Israeli occupation army for
recently attacking ambulances, civil defense headquarters, medical centers
and hospitals and killing a number of paramedics and rescuers, describing
such practices as “vicious war crimes.”

“The occupation forces aim to paralyze the health and service facilities
and rescue operations as part of the genocidal war they are waging against
our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip,” Hamas affirmed.

The Movement called on the international community to protect the civilians
in Gaza, and end Israel’s brutal crimes against them and its systematic
violations of the international law and human rights.

For its part, the Government Media Office deplored the Israeli airstrike on
an aid warehouse belonging to UNRWA in northern Gaza, and accused the
Israeli occupation of seeking to exacerbate the catastrophic humanitarian
situation in Gaza and depriving the population of receiving any assistance.

Head of the Media Office Salama Maarouf also criticized the UN and its
refugee agency for remaining silent on such a crime and failing to issue
any statement condemning it or take any step to ensure the safety of its
facilities in Gaza.
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