[News] Which countries have criticised Israeli attacks on Gaza?

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Sun Oct 15 13:58:41 EDT 2023

 Which countries have criticised Israeli attacks on Gaza?


*From South Africa to Norway, the Middle East to Southeast Asia, calls for
an end to the siege of Gaza are growing.*
[image: A boy holds a Palestinian flag during a demonstration to express
support for the people of Palestine, in Cape Town, South Africa, October 9,
2023. REUTERS/Esa Alexander]
A boy holds a Palestinian flag during a demonstration to express support
for the people of Palestine, in Cape Town, South Africa, October 9, 2023
[Esa Alexander/Reuters]
Published On 15 Oct 202315 Oct 2023

Following Hamas’s unprecedented surprise attack
on Israel more than a week ago, much of the international community rushed
to voice its concern
about the escalation in tensions.

However, as Israel continues to bomb Gaza
and attack Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, several governments have
started to turn critical of Israel’s actions — some more directly than

Here is a list of countries that have called on Israel to stop its
aggression and move towards a ceasefire.

The Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed deep concern over
Israel’s attacks on Gaza, accusing it of violating international
humanitarian law.

Algeria has also called for immediate international intervention to protect
the Palestinian people, whose rights it has described as central to the
resolution of the conflict.
African Union

The Chairperson of the African Union Moussa Faki Mahamat has highlighted
the denial of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people as the main
cause of the current tensions. The AU appealed to both parties to end
military hostilities and return to the negotiating table.

Belize has decried the hostilities between Hamas and Israel and called for
immediate de-escalation while supporting a Palestinian state with East
Jerusalem as its capital and demanding the right of return for Palestinians
displaced from their ancestral homeland.

Brazil’s Foreign Minister Mauro Luiz Iecker Vieira said
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZxZPDmrEDI> on Friday that his country
has “received with dismay the news that Israeli forces called for all
civilians — more than one million — living in northern Gaza to leave within
24 hours”.

Veira, who was speaking in New York after a United Nations Security Council
meeting, referred to the UN’s assessment that such a large-scale move of
people could lead to “unprecedented levels of misery” for civilians while
calling for an end to violence on both sides.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro emphasised the need for Israel and
Palestine to come to the negotiation table and work towards a two-state
solution. He drew historical comparisons between the situation in Gaza and
past atrocities.

In a statement posted on X, formerly Twitter, he said: “Gaza today appears
as destroyed
or more so than the Warsaw ghetto after it was destroyed by Nazi barbarity
in response to the Jewish and socialist insurrection in that concentration

Cuba has condemned the violence in Israel and Palestine, attributing it to
the long-standing violation of Palestinian rights.

Indonesia has urged an immediate end to violence to prevent further
casualties, also arguing that the occupation of Palestinian territories by
Israel was the root cause of the conflict as the occupation.

Iraq has likewise called the attacks on Gaza a continuation of the
oppression of Palestinians under Israel’s occupation.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani has described
Palestinian resistance as a natural reaction to Israel’s provocations.

Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has condemned Israel’s actions of
cutting off power, fuel supplies and water, calling it a violation of
international humanitarian law
and collective punishment.

Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed concern over the
escalation in Gaza, calling on the international community to stop the
violence, protect the Palestinian people, and end Israel’s provocations. It
has warned that the continuation of violence without deterrence would
undermine peace efforts and the prospects of a two-state solution.

Morocco, which is moving towards full diplomatic ties with Israel under the
Abraham Accords, has voiced deep concern over the situation in Gaza and
called for an immediate cessation of violence and a return to calm. The
country emphasised the importance of dialogue and negotiations as the way
to reach a two-state solution.

In an Arab League session, Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser
Bourita, emphasised Morocco’s “full and unwavering support” for Palestine.

Malaysia has called for an end to the violence in the Gaza Strip
highlighting the prolonged occupation and suffering of the Palestinian
people, and the desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque as the root cause of the

The Maldivian government has expressed concern about the escalating
violence in the Gaza Strip and reiterated its solidarity with the
Palestinian people.

Its government has said that lasting peace in the Middle East can only be
achieved through a two-state solution based on pre-1967 borders, with East
Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt has criticised the total
blockade of Gaza
as unacceptable and emphasised that Israel’s right to self-defence must
adhere to international law.

“The establishment of a full blockade, including on access to electricity,
water, food, and other goods that are indispensable for the survival of the
civilian population in Gaza, is unacceptable,” Huitfeldt said in a

“The scale of destruction in Gaza is enormous. A large number of civilians
have been killed. Given a full blockade by Israel, closed border crossings,
and continued Israeli attacks, I fear that the civilian population in Gaza
will face even greater hardship in the days to come,” she added.

Oman’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed concern over the ongoing
escalation between Palestinians and Israelis, emphasising the need for both
parties to exercise restraint, and calling for international intervention
to stop the escalation.

Stressing the importance of adhering to international law, Oman highlighted
the strategic necessity of finding a just, comprehensive, and lasting
solution to the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solution.

Qatar has called for all parties to de-escalate and exercise restraint amid
the escalating situation in Gaza, holding Israel responsible for the
escalation due to its violations of Palestinian rights, particularly
incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged the international community to compel
Israel to respect international law and the historical rights of the
Palestinian people and prevent further violence against Palestinian
civilians. Qatar has reiterated its firm position in support of the
Palestinian cause, including the establishment of an independent state
based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Russia stressed that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be resolved by
force but through political and diplomatic means. Russia called for an
immediate ceasefire, renouncing violence, and a negotiation process with
international community assistance to establish lasting peace in the Middle

President Vladimir Putin has emphasised the “creation of an independent
Palestine state with East Jerusalem as its capital” to resolve the issue.

Moscow has also refused to list Hamas as a “terrorist” organisation
following similar steps taken by France and the European Union earlier this

Syria has praised the Palestinian resistance factions behind last the
October 7 attack, while criticising Israel’s occupation and siege.
South Africa

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Saturday underscored
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHT1IZtsd2s> his country’s historic
support for the “just struggle” of Palestinians in a public statement,
standing with a keffiyeh around his shoulders in front of people holding
aloft small Palestinian flags.

“All of us standing here pledge our solidarity with the people of
Palestine,” he said.

He described Israel as an “oppressive regime” and pointed to what many
human rights groups have described as Israel’s apartheid-like policies
towards Palestinians.

The Government of Venezuela voiced its anxiety concerning the situation in
the Gaza Strip and called for the end of violence throughout Palestinian
territory through direct dialogue and compliance with UN Security Council
resolution 2334. Venezuela urged the United Nations to fulfil its role as a
guarantor of international peace and legality.
Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies
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