[News] Days 3-4: Israel’s Massacre of Civilians in Gaza Continues Unabated in the Silence of the International Community

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Wed Oct 11 09:21:04 EDT 2023

Days 3-4: Israel’s Massacre of Civilians in Gaza Continues Unabated in 
the Silence of the International Community
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*Days 3-4: Israel’s Massacre of Civilians in Gaza Continues Unabated in 
the Silence of the International Community *

Date: 11 October 2023

For the third day, the Israeli military continued their military 
offensive against Gaza. The third day saw the largest number and most 
violent attacks against the civilian population in Gaza and against 
civilian objects, especially homes, which are supposed to be protected 
under international humanitarian law. The Israeli authorities used 
weapons with the capacity to cause large-scale destruction, resulting in 
significant loss of life and property.  Entire families were wiped out, 
and the attacks affected dozens of high-rise residential buildings, 
destroying or defacing entire residential neighborhoods. Homes and 
private facilities were attacked together with public buildings such as 
ministries, universities, schools, businesses, media agencies and 
hospitals. The state of the total siege was preserved, with supplies of 
electricity, water, fuel, food, and medicine cut off. Such acts 
constitute a serious breach of international norms and conventions.

The Israeli military forces intensified their aerial bombing across the 
entire Gaza Strip; no area was spared. Entities with special protected 
status and indispensable for the survival of the civilian population 
Gaza, were targeted, including ambulances, arterial roads, electricity 
networks, water and sewage networks, waste treatment sites, municipal 
buildings, agricultural lands, and livestock. According to the 
Palestinian Ministry of Health, as of 8 a.m. on 11 October, the military 
attacks have killed 950 Palestinians and injured 5,000 others. Thousands 
of homes and private and public properties were destroyed.

On 10 October 2023, a spokesperson 
of the Israeli army “[in Gaza] the emphasis is on damage not accuracy". 
This statement appears as an admission of intent to commit a widespread 
and systematic attack against the civilian population and commit war 
crimes and other grave international crimes against the civilian 
population in Gaza.

The following are the most severe Israeli attacks carried out in Gaza 
between midday on 9 October and midday on 10 October 2023, as monitored 
and documented jointly by Al-Haq, Al-Mezan, and the Palestinian Centre 
for Human Rights:


    In the North Gaza District, Israeli military forces targeted four
    houses belonging to Nasser Abu Obeid, the late Abdulrahim
    Al-Madhouns’ sons, Mahmoud Dahalan, and Mahmoud Al-Masri. Civil
    defence and ambulance teams managed to recover seven Palestinians
    from the rubble, including three children and a woman. There are
    also reports indicating that there are still bodies or survivors
    under the rubble of the Al-Madhoun and the Al-Masri homes.


    In Gaza City, Israeli forces conducted a series of airstrikes on
    residential neighborhoods, accompanied by intense shelling from
    artillery and naval vessels. Most of the bombing targeted the Ansar,
    Tal Al-Hawa, Al-Rimal, Al-Sheja’eyya, Al-Zaytoun, and Al-Sabra
    areas. These are densely populated neighborhoods with a significant
    number of shops and facilities, institutions, and other public
    facilities. The Al-Rimal neighborhood, which is in the center of
    Gaza City, is considered the city’s commercial and financial center.
    The intensive bombardment caused damage to infrastructure and water
    and electricity grids, and the destruction of entire neighborhoods
    and multi-story houses. Prominent among the facilities destroyed due
    to the attacks are the Islamic University headquarters, the Ministry
    of Awqaf (Endowments), the Ministry of Finance, the Palestinian Bar
    Association, the Ministry of Culture, and the headquarters of the
    Palestinian Telecommunications Company. Furthermore, Israeli forces
    targeted the Al-Badrsawi building adjacent to Al-Shifa Hospital and
    destroyed it completely. The attack also caused damage to the
    paediatric unit in Al-Shifa Hospital. The attacks on residential
    houses, including the Al-Helo, Dalloul, Al-Loulou, Hassouna, and
    Madi families, killed 62 Palestinians, including women and children.
    Three journalists were also killed in the bombing of the Babel
    building in Institutions Street near Gaza port. The search for
    survivors or bodies under the rubble is still ongoing.


    In the Middle Area District, Israeli forces targeted several houses
    and apartments belonging to the Abu Dan, Hassan, Adwan families, and
    others. The attacks killed 27 Palestinians, including 15 children
    and six women.


    In Khan Younis, Israeli forces targeted several houses and
    apartments belonging to the Al-Najjar, Al-Astal, Qannan, Al-Lahham,
    Al-Hila, and Qudeih families. The attacks killed 58 Palestinians,
    including 23 children and 19 women. Israeli forces also targeted
    several ambulances during attempts to rescue casualties. They
    targeted the Khan Younis Municipality building in the city center,
    completely destroying it, and killing a number of Palestinians in
    the vicinity. The search for survivors under the debris is still


    In Rafah, Israeli forces targeted the house and agricultural lands
    of the Al-Sheikh Eid family, killing 11 Palestinians, including four
    children and two women.

The search for bodies and survivors in the rubble continues. 
Furthermore, Israeli forces bombed the Rafah border crossing gate 
between Gaza and Egypt for the second time, the result of which is that 
no one can enter or leave Gaza via this crossing.

The ongoing Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, resulting in the death 
and injuries of hundreds of Palestinian civilians, coupled with the 
severe blockade and closure, are pushing the humanitarian situation to 
the brink of collapse. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health 
(MOH), ten medical facilities, including seven government hospitals, 
have been damaged due to Israeli attacks. Additionally, 12 ambulances, 
five of which belong to the MOH, were targeted, killing five medical 

Amid the ongoing offensive, healthcare facilities are struggling to 
deliver essential treatment and care to the thousands affected. The 
situation is exacerbated by power shortages and the unavailability of 
essential drugs and supplies for emergency departments and operating 
rooms. The full closure of crossings in and out of Gaza further 
endangers the lives of patients, particularly those undergoing treatment 
for cancer, as they are denied access to life-saving medical treatment 
outside Gaza.

The destruction caused by the Israeli military attacks on roads, water 
supplies and sewage networks, telephone landlines, and internet lines 
has caused the inhabitants of Gaza enormous suffering. Municipalities 
are struggling to repair the damage,  limited by a lack of materials and 
funds. The targeting of companies responsible for providing services, 
such as the Palestinian Telecommunications Company, adds to the 
difficulties in maintaining essential services. Moreover, the acute 
shortage of fuel and cutting off water and electricity impede the 
provision of clean water to the population. The lack of capacity to 
treat wastewater, and the accumulation of garbage in residential areas 
pose significant health and environmental risks.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees 
(UNRWA) announced 
that the number of internally displaced persons has increased to 187,518 
in 83 of its schools across the Gaza Strip. UNRWA highlighted 
difficulties in providing water. Additionally, 18 UNRWA facilities 
sustained damage due to Israeli attacks.

Israeli military attacks on the Gaza Strip targeted and killed 
journalists and destroyed media institutions. As reported by the Gaza 
Government Media Office, seven journalists have been killed during 
Israeli airstrikes, with another ten sustaining various injuries. Media 
headquarters located in multi-story buildings, such as the Watan Tower, 
were destroyed, and the homes of some journalists were also targeted.

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Al-Haq and Al Mezan condemn in 
the strongest terms Israel's aggression on Gaza and the crimes committed 
against civilians, including the widespread and systematic targeting of 
civilian structures and properties, which may amount to war crimes and 
crimes against humanity. Our organizations denounce the intensified 
attacks carried out on densely populated areas, and the strict closure 
and cutting off of supplies of electricity, fuel, water, food and 
medicine, which threatens the survival of the more than 2 million people 
living in the Gaza Strip.

Our organizations renew our call on the international community, 
especially those party to the Fourth Geneva Convention, to urgently 
intervene and take concrete steps to stop the killing and indiscriminate 
targeted attacks on the civilian population in Gaza, and prevent the 
imminent starvation and humanitarian catastrophe. We call on the 
international community to put pressure on the Israeli Government to 
respect its obligations under international humanitarian law. We ask for 
international protection for civilians, and mechanisms to ensure the 
movement of humanitarian relief to the Gaza Strip to stop the 
deterioration of the humanitarian situation on the ground.

We call on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, based on 
the Rome Statute, to investigate Israeli crimes, especially targeting 
homes and killing entire families, and to prosecute and hold accountable 
every individual who has carried out or ordered the commission of these 

For media enquiries from Al-Haq, contact: zainah at alhaq.org

For media enquiries from Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights, contact: 
advocacy at mezan.org






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