[News] Hezbollah targets 3 Israeli military sites in occupied Shebaa Farms

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Sun Oct 8 13:58:01 EDT 2023

Hezbollah targets 3 Israeli military sites in occupied Shebaa Farms
Al Mayadeen English - October 8, 2023

Hezbollah has announced its responsibility for a simultaneous attack on
three Israeli sites in solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and
[image: 3bf09512-d715-429c-bb3a-095d3a88356c.jpg]

   - [image: Hezbollah attacks 3 Israeli military sites in occupied Shebaa
   Members of Hezbollah pose next to several flags of the Resistance group in
   a military training site, Janta, Lebanon, on August 19, 2022. *(AFP)*

The Lebanese Resistance Party, Hezbollah, has claimed responsibility for
the simultaneous targeting of three Israeli military sites located in the
occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms.

"On the path of liberating what is left of our occupied Lebanese land and
in solidarity with the triumphant Palestinian Resistance
and the [persevering] and patient Palestinian people... groups of martyr
leader Hajj Imad Mughniyeh, this Sunday morning, corresponding to 8 October
2023, attacked three occupation sites in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms
the Resistance party said in a statement.

The sites were targeted with large barrages of mortar shells as well as
guided missiles, and they are: ar-Radar, Zebdine, and Ruwaisat al-Alam.

Hezbollah confirmed direct hits on all three sites.

*Read more: Hezbollah hails Al-Aqsa Flood, in contact with Palestinian

Israeli media outlets reported that the Northern Front, in reference to the
area composed of the occupied Palestinian north and occupied Lebanese
territories, has now been opened.

Nearby settlers were ordered to move into fortified areas into fortified
areas, while resorts were shut down in the area.

Israeli settlers in the "Metula" settlement heard explosions, as Israeli
media outlets confirmed that "there were no injuries in today's shelling
from Lebanon to Israel in the Shebaa Farms area."

Lebanese media reported that the Israeli occupation forces shelled areas in
southern Lebanon.

The Israeli army radio confirmed that "the artillery units of the Israeli
army fired at the Lebanese area from which" mortar shells and rockets were
fired toward military sites.

A spokesperson said the Israeli military is ready for all scenarios and
will continue to "protect Israelis"

*Read more: Hezbollah's precision rockets a grave threat to 'Israel': IOF
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