[News] Palestinian Resistance operation takes Israeli occupation by storm

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Sat Oct 7 12:35:39 EDT 2023

Palestinian Resistance operation takes Israeli occupation by storm
Al Mayadeen English - October 7, 2023

Palestinian Resistance fighters have succeeded in capturing Israeli
occupation soldiers from inside settlements in the Gaza Envelope.


*Al Mayadeen*'s correspondent in occupied Palestine reported that Palestinian
Resistance fighters
have reportedly succeeded in kidnapping Israeli occupation soldiers.

Earlier, the Israeli newspaper *Yedioth Ahronoth* reported that "dozens of
militants infiltrated settlements in the Gaza envelope." Consequently,
settlers are currently afraid, shocked, and frustrated, as per Israeli
A difficult morning for “Israel”

Israeli media confirmed that “Israel” is experiencing a "difficult
morning", reporting hostages and numerous injuries in the Gaza Envelope.
Furthermore, Israeli *Channel 12*'s correspondent noted that Israeli
settlers are questioning, "Where is the Israeli army? Where are the
security forces? Why haven't they reached them yet?," adding that they are
simply fearful of the "significant disaster unfolding, with several
injuries reported in Sderot.”

Israeli media have reported multiple hostages and Israeli fatalities
resulting from the Operation in the Gaza Strip. Simultaneously, an Israeli
medical official has affirmed that the number of casualties is significant
and cannot be ascertained at this moment.

Israeli media shared footage of an Israeli tank on fire in the Gaza Strip,
with Palestinians celebrating and affirming that the Resistance succeeded
in capturing all the soldiers that were inside.

Furthermore, footage showed dozens of injuries among Israeli settlers.

Several scenes were circulated, showing Israeli occupation soldiers
captured by the Resistance inside the Gaza Strip. Images of an Israeli
soldier as a captive in Khan Yunis were circulated, amid reports of another
Israeli soldier taken active in Jabalia.
Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

Mohammad Deif, Commander-in-Chief of al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing
of Hamas, has announced the launching of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood
following a barrage of rockets fired and an infiltration operation into
Gaza Envelope settlements.

The leader said the operation comes in response to the Israeli occupation's
desecration of al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as multiple assaults against women
in its yards.

He added that the Resistance fired more than 5,000 rockets and shells
during the first stage of strikes.

Deif addressed the Palestinian Resistance fighter, saying, "This is your
day to make the enemy understand that its time has ended," adding that the
Resistance had previously warned the Israeli occupation against assaulting
women worshippers and desecrating al-Aqsa.

Al-Qassam Brigades leader also addressed the Palestinians in the occupied
West Bank, calling on them to "organize operations against settlements" and
"sweep" the occupation away.

He then urged Palestinians residing in occupied al-Quds, as well as those
in the 1948 occupied territories, to join the fight against the Israeli

Deif called on Palestinians to take up arms.

The Resistance's operation comes in the context of continued and unchecked
Israeli aggression
against Palestinians in the West Bank and al-Quds, as well as a suffocating
siege on the Gaza Strip.
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