[News] Israeli Forces Injure Dozens of Palestinians While They Waited for the Release of Detainees

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Sat Nov 25 21:38:44 EST 2023

Israeli Forces Injure Dozens of Palestinians While They Waited for the
Release of Detainees
By Ali Salam - November 25, 2023

On Friday, Israeli soldiers injured, on Friday, at least thirty-one
Palestinians who were gathered in front of Ofer prison in Beitunia town,
west of Ramallah in the central occupied West Bank, awaiting the release of
detainees being held in Israeli prisons.

Israeli forces attacked Palestinian citizens while they were waiting for
the release of their family members who were being released from occupation
prisons, in front of Ofer prison.

Hundreds of family members were gathered in front of the prison, while
soldiers fired live ammunition, rubber-coated steel rounds, and tear gas
canisters at the peaceful citizens.

Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) medics treated 31 Palestinians in
front of the prison, including 3 who were shot with live rounds, 4 who were
shot with rubber-coated steel rounds, including a photojournalist who was
shot in the leg.

Additionally 22 people sustained inhalation injuries from tear gas
exposure, and 2 suffered injuries as a result of falls.

Sources added that among those who sustained injuries from live ammunition
were two children 12 and 16 years old, and a young man, 20. They were all
transported to hospital for medical intervention.

As part of the truce deal between the occupation state and the Islamic
resistance movement (Hamas), several Palestinian detainees will be released
from Israeli prisons, in exchange for the release of hostages being held by
the resistance group.

On Friday evening, the occupation handed over 39 Palestinian detainees,
including 24 women and 15 children to the International Committee of the
Red Cross.

It is important to note that prior to the release of the detainees, Israeli
forces stormed the homes of three female detainees in occupied Jerusalem
and warned their families not to celebrate, organize receptions, or hold
any press interviews.

The following is the full list of names of Palestinian detainees that were
released from occupation prisons;

1. Youssef Muhammad Mustafa Atta / Ramallah

2. Qusay Hani Ali Ahmed / Bethlehem

3. Jibril Ghassan Ismail Jibril / Qalqilia

4. Muhammad Ahmad Suleiman Abu Rajab / Hebron

5. Ahmad Numan Ahmed Abu Naim / Ramallah

6. Baraa Bilal Mahmoud Rabi / Hebron

7. Aban Iyad Muhammad Saeed Hammad / Qalqilia

8. Moataz Hatem Musa Abu Aram / Hebron

9. Iyad Abdel Qader Muhammad Khatib / Jerusalem

10. Hazma Laith Khalil Othman Othman / Ramallah

11. Muhammad Mahmoud Ayoub Dar Darwish / Ramallah

12. Jamal Khalil Jamal Barahma / Jericho

13. Jamal Youssef Jamal Abu Hamdan / Nablus

14. Muhammad Anis Salim Turabi / Nablus

15. Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Rahman Suleiman Rizq / Jerusalem

16. Rawan Nafez Muhammad Abu Matar / Ramallah

17. Marah Jawdat Musa Bakir / Jerusalem

18. Malik Muhammad Youssef Suleiman / Jerusalem

19. Amani Khaled Noman Hashim / Jerusalem

20. Nahayya Khader Hussein Sawan / Jerusalem

21. Fayrouz Fayez Mahmoud Al-Bo / Jerusalem

22. Adnan Muhammad Abu Sariyeh / Nablus

23. Farid Abdel Latif Najm / Nablus

24. Walaa Khaled Fawzi Tangier / Tulkarem

25. Maryam Khaled Abdel Majeed Arafat / Nablus

26. Aseel Munir Ibrahim Al-Titi / Nablus

27. Azhar Thaer Bakr Assaf / Jerusalem

28. Raghad Nashaat Salah Al-Fanni / Tulkarem

29. Fatima Numan Ali Badr / Jerusalem

30. Rawda Musa Abdel Qader Abu Ajamiya / Bethlehem

31. Sarah Ayman Abdel Aziz Abdullah Al-Suwaisa / Nablus

32. Fatima Ismail Abdel Rahman Shaheen / Bethlehem

33. Samira Abdel Harbawi / Jerusalem

34. Samah Bilal Abdel Al-Rahman Sof / Qalqilia

35. Fatima Bakr Musa Abu Shalal / Nablus

36. Hanan Saleh Abdullah Al-Barghouti / Ramallah

37. Fatima Nasr Muhammad Amarneh / Jenin

38. Zeina Raed Abdo / Jerusalem

39. Nour Muhammad Hafez Al-Taher / Nablus
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