[News] Palestinian Resistance delays release captives over Israeli violations

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Sat Nov 25 13:17:06 EST 2023

Palestinian Resistance delays release captives over Israeli violations
Al Mayadeen English - November 26, 2023

The Palestinian Resistance decides to postpone the handover of captured
Israelis to the Israeli occupation for its violation of the agreement.
[image: 14a2e946-b372-42ff-84b0-5f6ba35198d6.jpg]

   - A helicopter carrying captives released by the Palestinian Resistance
   lands at Schneider Medical Center in 'Petah Tikva', occupied Palestine,
   November 24, 2023 (AP)

The military wing of the Hamas Resistance movement, the al-Qassam Brigades,
announced Saturday that it decided to postpone the release of the Israeli
captives it has due to the Israeli occupation not committing to the
stipulations of the prisoner swap agreement.

According to the Palestinian Resistance, the Israeli occupation did not
fulfill the stipulations regarding the entry of humanitarian aid to the
North of the Gaza Strip nor those relating to the standards of the release
of the prisoners that had previously been agreed upon.

Hamas Politburo member Osama Hamdan told *Al Mayadeen* that there are
multiple violations committed by the Israelis in implementing the terms of
the truce, some of which occurred yesterday and were repeated today.

Hamdan said that the violations committed by the Israeli occupation are
related to the issue of aid trucks, in addition to its forces firing and
killing people.

The Palestinian Resistance decided to suspend the release of the second
batch of captives, and there are communications to address and end the
Israeli violations, added the Politburo member.

*Read next: Joy roams Palestine after 39 prisoners freed from Israeli

The head of the Palestinian Commission of Detainees and ex-Detainees
Affairs said earlier in the day that the second batch of imprisoned
Palestinian women and children would take place in al-Bireh, the occupied
West Bank, adding that the liberation would take place at the same time as
the first batch of Palestinian prisoners was liberated on Friday.

"Israel had planned to hand over the prisoners today in Ariha, but we
rejected that," he said. "Israel did not adhere today to the release of
prisoners according to how long the prisoner has been in prison."

"There is great dissatisfaction among the Palestinian resistance regarding
the Israeli manipulation of the list of prisoners set to be liberated," the
commission's chair revealed.

Israeli media outlets reported on Friday that the Israeli captives crossed
the Rafah Crossing
into Egypt, after being received earlier by the Red Crescent at the Khan
Yunis Hospital in the Gaza Strip, which transferred them to the
Palestinian-Egyptian borders.

According to news outlets, 24 captives were released, and "all of them are
in relatively good condition."

Following over 6 weeks of the Israeli brutal war on Gaza, which was
accompanied by a near-complete blockade, a full siege on the residents, and
over 1,300 massacres during the short period, the Resistance was able to
enforce its initial conditions of not releasing any Israeli captive unless
through an indirect prisoner exchange.

*Read more: Ansar Allah: IOF yielded to truce on the terms of the

The captive's release comes as part of the previously announced prisoner
exchange agreement between the occupation entity and Resistance group
Hamas, mediated by Qatar and Egypt, which saw the liberation of 150
Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.

*Check out the truce terms

The media outlets added that the captives met with Shin Bet officers inside
Egypt after their arrival.

A 4-day aggression pause agreement was reached this week following 47 days
of a brutal Israeli war on Gaza, which was accompanied by a near-complete
blockade, a full siege on the residents, and over 1,300 massacres during
the short period.

The deal, which came into effect at 7 am on Friday
 and has the potential to be extended, achieved the liberation of 150
Palestinian women and children, in return for the release of 50 captives
between women and others under the age of nineteen. The exchange will take
place over the course of the four days of the temporary truce

The Resistance was also able to impose a condition that the Israelis would
put to a complete halt the flight of hostile aircraft over the southern
Gaza Strip, and a cessation of flights for six hours daily, from 10 AM to 4
PM, over Gaza City and the northern part of the Strip. Additionally, 200
aid trucks and 4 trucks of fuel and cooking oil will enter Gaza on a daily
basis, and will not be restricted to a specific area.

*Read more: One hour after taking effect, Israeli forces violate temporary
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