[News] Ben-Gvir Warned Palestinians against Celebrating Their Freedom, but This Happened

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Sat Nov 25 03:40:36 EST 2023

Ben-Gvir Warned Palestinians against Celebrating Their Freedom, but This
Happened - VIDEOS & PHOTOSNovember 24, 2023
Palestinian prisoners were released following the deal between Israel and
the Palestinian Resistance. (Photo: C. Wajah Bani Moufleh, via Eye on

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

Unable to stop a prisoner swap between Palestinian Resistance groups and
Israel, Tel Aviv’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir
used his power for something else entirely.

According to The Times of Israel, Ben-Gvir instructed
the head of Israel’s Prison Service on Friday to prevent prisoners from
showing any signs of joy and celebration.

Indeed, freed Palestinian prisoners conveyed to journalists, as soon as
they were released in the town of Beitunia, near Ramallah, in the West
Bank, that the Israeli prison administration had humiliated them until the
last minute, denying them food, water or the ability to use the toilet.

It was a sharp contrast between the way Palestinian fighters with Al-Qassam
Brigades treated Israeli prisoners. The scene at the Rafah Crossing showed
Palestinian Resistance fighters carrying elderly Israeli hostages, gently
guiding a child to the Red Cross vehicle and exchanging friendly words with
some of the hostages.

One of the Palestinian children released in Beitunia conveyed a horror
scene in an interview with Guevara al-Budayri, Al-Jazeera’s correspondent
in the West Bank.

When al-Budayri asked him if the Israeli prison administration had to sign
them papers prior to their release, the boy said: “No, but they threatened
us that if there are people waiting for us outside or if we celebrate, we
will be imprisoned again.”

The irony is that the boy was speaking while being carried by hundreds of
Palestinians who came to celebrate his release and the release of 38 other
Palestinian prisoners.

So, it seems that another Israeli intimidation strategy has failed. While
Israel can indeed confine Palestinians, they cannot control their sense of
joy when they meet their families, or control the celebrations of millions
of Palestinians, who despite their collective grief, are still able to
treasure a moment of freedom, however symbolic, or fleeting.

Below are some of these scenes as they transpired across the West Bank.

*(The Palestine Chronicle)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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