[News] Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: to the steadfast masses

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Nov 24 18:02:12 EST 2023

Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine, Jamil Mezher

https://t.me/PalestineResist   Telegram

To the steadfast masses of our people in all places:

Our great people in Gaza, the land of dignity, heroism, sacrifice, and 
defiance... Gaza, the blood and soul of Palestine, the creator of 
miracles and conqueror of armies.

Our heroic resistance, you with your heroism are laying the foundations 
of victory. Words fail to honor your worth or describe your sacrifices. 
Apologies to you, Gaza, O shrine of martyrs, O pride of Palestine and 
its remaining bleeding wound, O jewel on the [Arab and Islamic] nation's 
forehead, the glory of all Arabs, and the icon of the world's free 
people. You proclaim your right to life and freedom, and your love for 
Palestine. Salute to the pure souls of the martyrs, to the most sacred 
blood spilled by the vilest and most despicable murderers of the earth, 
the zionist killers of innocents. Salute to the families and relatives 
of the martyrs, nobler than all of us, to the displaced and grieved, to 
those whose homes were destroyed by the zionist hatred and international 
conspiracy, to the children starved by zionist malice and international 

Salute to the doctors, paramedics, and civil defense workers who stood 
firm and sacrificed to fulfill their duty towards our wounded. Salute to 
the wounded enduring pain and bearing the cost of the crime of the siege 
imposed by all the evil forces and powers of this world. Salute to the 
brave warriors of truth among the journalists and media professionals 
who were at the forefront of this battle to convey the truth to the world.

And peace be upon you, oh phoenix that rises from beneath the embers, 
destruction, and ashes, to shatter every iron sword of the invaders and 
to create the coming flood of victory.

To our people, our blood and our flesh:

 From your grandeur are written the epics of dignity, honor, and refusal 
of displacement or surrender. We behold the greatness of your 
steadfastness and sacrifices, your determination to resist displacement 
or surrender. We see in it the very meaning of the word resistance. This 
patience and steadfastness are the resistance, its foundation, its 
essence, and the path to its continuation, not only in Gaza but 
throughout all of Palestine.

The pain is immense, the wounds are deep, and the souls are tormented, 
groaning under this injustice. But your cries of pain and anger, through 
generations, have created the revolution of Palestine, the epic of the 
7th of October, and they are what initiated the revenge against the 
enemy, will defeat this enemy, and topple the aggression with your will, 
sacrifices, and firm resistance.

O masses of Palestine, the Arab nation, and free people of the world:

We are at a pivotal moment in the course of this battle, and the history 
of Palestine, the region, and the Arab nation, where we restore the 
value and dignity of the Arab human, and topple the plans for the 
liquidation of the Palestinian cause and the genocide and displacement 
of the Palestinian people. In light of this legendary scene embodied by 
our people and its brave resistance, we affirm the following:

1. The genocidal war waged by the criminal enemy against our people 
targets all of Palestine and our entire people, and it did not begin on 
the 7th of October. Thus, we are called upon to adopt a united 
Palestinian national stance that adheres to the rights of our people and 
reflects their unity. From a position of national and historical 
responsibility, we call everyone to immediately begin forming a united 
national emergency leadership to confront this aggression and to manage 
the political and field battle, resisting the liquidation and 
displacement plans.

2. Everyone must bear responsibility and is demanded to contribute to 
overthrowing the aims of this aggression, rejecting the occupation and 
its supports plans to uproot the resistance or demonize any of its 
factions or accuse them of terrorism, and to confront the displacement 
projects. There is no way to bypass the legitimate rights of our people, 
even if all the powers of the earth were to unite against us.

3. Our people alone possess the right to determine their destiny and 
chart their future, and will not allow any force or entity in this world 
to impose its guardianship over them, neither in Gaza nor any inch of 
Palestine. We will resist any involvement by any Arab or international 
state or party in the plans of the forces of aggression regarding the 
fate of our people. The enemy's prisoners will only be released by 
stopping the aggression, breaking the siege, and releasing all our 
prisoners. The temporary truce imposed by the resistance on the 
occupation through its will does not substitute the necessity for an 
immediate halt to the aggression in all its forms, removing its effects, 
and reconstruction.

4. The United States, along with all colonial governments, is primarily 
responsible for the continuation of this aggression and has supplied it 
with all means of bombing and destruction, making their forces and 
fleets a legitimate target for all honorable fighters, to force them to 
stop the aggression.

5. The official Arab stance has not risen to the minimum level of duty 
required on any of its levels to end the aggression and is still 
incapable of enforcing even the feeble decisions issued by the Arab 
League. Therefore, we call on the Arab masses, the peoples of the 
region, and the free people of the world to escalate their struggle 
against the forces and countries of aggression and to act against the 
interests of the parties involved in the aggression.

6. International institutions, foremost among them the United Nations, 
are complicit in the aggression and in covering up its crimes, in the 
genocidal war, the deadly siege, and targeting of hospitals. Hence, we 
call upon the global conscience and all the free people of the world to 
act to hold those responsible accountable and to prosecute them as 
accomplices in war crimes according to the degree of their involvement.

7. We salute the Axis of Resistance in Lebanon, particularly our 
brothers in Hezbollah, and in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria, who have taken the 
initiative since the onset of Al-Aqsa Flood to engage in a real war of 
attrition against the zionist enemy.

Our great, steadfast people in Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, the 
occupied territories, and in the refugee and diaspora camps:

Despite the conspiracy of the whole world against you, your feats and 
sacrifices will remain eternal. From a position of responsibility, we 
will remain your shield and servants to you and your people, a sword 
defending your rights. You must trust the resistance and its decisions, 
rally around it, and have faith in its capable and responsible 
management of this battle to repel this aggression, to inflict a new 
defeat on the criminal Netanyahu and his gang, where the resistance 
imposes its will, terms, and equations on the path to an decisive and 
inevitable victory over this criminal zionist entity.

For you and for Palestine, we will fight together, win together, and 
remain free together with our heads held high.

Glory to the martyrs. Victory to Palestine. Freedom to the prisoners. 
Healing to the wounded.

Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Front
Jamil Mezher
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