[News] Hezbollah swiftly responds to Israeli killing of Al Mayadeen reporters

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Tue Nov 21 14:22:09 EST 2023

Hezbollah swiftly responds to Israeli killing of Al Mayadeen reporters
Al Mayadeen English - November 21 2023

The Islamic Resistance carries out 3 separate operations in under 2 hours
targeting a set of Israeli military targets.
[image: 6a5e0bef-632b-4786-a5d9-5c203ccd88a7.jpg]

   - Hezbollah Resistance fighters parade with a missile as the Palestinian
   (R) and the movement's (back) flags flutter during an annual parade in the
   southern city of Nabatieh, Lebanon, on January 10, 2009 (*AFP*)

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah announced carrying out three
separate operations against Israeli military targets in response to the IOF
crime of murdering the Al Mayadeen's journalists
Farah Omar and Rabih Me'mari, and channel collaborator Hussein Akil, among
other civilians, on Tuesday.

Just a few hours after the reporters were martyred, the Resistance group
targeted at 2:25 pm a unit of the "War Corps" associated with the Israeli
military intelligence stationed in a house on the outskirts of the "Menara"

In the first statement, Hezbollah said this was "an initial response,"
confirming that it was carried out using two guided missiles, which
directly hit the target, resulting in certain deaths and injuries among the
Israeli force.

*Read more: Hezbollah says US partner in all Israeli massacres in Gaza

The Islamic Resistance announced another operation at 3:45 pm in response
to the martyrdom of Omar and Me'mari, which was carried out using guided
missiles, targeting Israeli soldiers stationed inside a house in "Avivim"
settlement near the Lebanese border. The Resistance confirmed that the
target was directly hit, confirming soldiers were either killed or wounded.

Israeli "Beit Hillel" military base was later targeted at 4:10 pm with a
barrage of Grad rockets (Katyusha) in response to the martyred journalists
and civilians, and in support of Gaza and Palestine, Hezbollah said in a
third statement, confirming direct hits.

After the journalists were announced martyrs earlier today, Hezbollah Media
Relations issued a statement strongly condemning the heinous crime.

*Read more: Israelis near Lebanon border who fled from clashes say will not

The Resistance group offered its deepest condolences to their families and
their colleagues at *Al Mayadeen Media Network*, pledging that the crime
will not go unanswered.

“We assert that this aggression that resulted in the martyrdom of fellow
citizens will not go unanswered from the freedom fighters of the Islamic
Resistance, who are engaging the enemy in the field with the most
remarkable heroism and redemption,” the statement said.
Israelis kill elderly civilian

The Resistance's operation also came in response to an Israeli attack on a
home in the Lebanese town of Kfar Kila this morning, which led to the
martyrdom of an elderly civilian, 80-year-old Lebanese citizen Laeqa
Sarhan, and the wounding of her granddaughter, a Syrian national, Alaa

It was also confirmed that several others of the martyr's grandchildren
miraculously survived the bombing that hit their home.

A source at the Marjeyoun Hospital, where Alaa was transported, told *AFP *that
her injuries are severe, adding that efforts are underway to save her life,
utilizing all available resources at the hospital.
Martyrs in support of Palestine

*Al Mayadeen*'s correspondent, Farah Omar, and cameraman, Rabih Me'mari,
were murdered today in an Israeli drone strike on their location in Tayr
Harfa, South Lebanon, marking a new episode in the long series of crimes
committed by the occupation entity.

Two Israeli rockets were launched at their location, which resulted in
their immediate martyrdom.

Farah and Rabih had just ended a live broadcast at 10 am, giving updates on
the latest Israeli bombardment in South Lebanon. She and her colleagues
were targeted soon after they wrapped up their coverage and went off air.
[image: a576ddc1-5202-404e-9b4e-e086d6febc43.jpg]

   - Farah Omar and Rabih Me'mari, Al Mayadeen's correspondent and
   cameraman who were martyred in an Israeli airstrike
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