[News] A memo organized by a US diplomat reveals staggering internal divisions within the Biden administration regarding the war on Gaza

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Mon Nov 13 12:07:25 EST 2023

US State Dept memo demand ceasefire in Gaza, change in ‘Israel’ policy
Al Mayadeen English - November 13, 2023

A memo organized by a US diplomat reveals staggering internal divisions
within the Biden administration regarding the war on Gaza, Axios reported.
[image: 62673989-cf0d-4f58-9404-431de937cb0a.jpg]

   - Families in Gaza trying to find refuge following an Israeli airstrike,
   October 9, 2023 (*AFP*)

A State Department dissent memo accused US President Joe Biden
of "spreading misinformation" on the war on Gaza and acknowledged that
"Israel" is committing "war crimes" in the Strip, as per a copy of the memo
obtained by *Axios*.

The memo, organized by a junior diplomat who has previously indicated on
social media that President Biden's support for "Israel" implicates him in
genocide in Gaza, reveals significant internal divisions within the Biden
administration regarding the war on Gaza

Signed by 100 US personnel, the memo calls on senior US officials to
reconsider their policy toward "Israel" and push for a ceasefire in Gaza,
where more than 11,000 Palestinians have been killed including over 4,500
children due to the brutal Israeli aggression, as per the Palestinian
Health Ministry.

The sentiment expressed in the memo aligns with that of progressive
activists in the US, whose dissatisfaction and demonstrations against
Biden's management of the war on Gaza have reverberated within the
Democratic Party, presenting a fresh obstacle for the president's 2024

 Furthermore, the memo asserted that Biden is guilty of "spreading
misinformation in his Oct. 10 speech" endorsing unwavering support for
"Israel". Additionally, the memo urged the US government to actively
support the release of Palestinian prisoners held without charge in Israeli

Primarily, the memo's writers center on the aggressive actions of Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against Gazans. As Biden barely expressed
about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza while vowing
unwavering support for Gaza, the memo contends that Biden should intensify
his scrutiny of Israeli actions.

The memo asserted that actions such as cutting off electricity, restricting
aid, and launching non-stop bombardment, which led to the displacement of
hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and the killing of over 11,000
including at least 4,500 children, are all violations of international law,
constituting war crimes and/or crimes against humanity.

"Yet we have failed to reassess our posture towards Israel," the memo
states. "We doubled down on our unwavering military assistance to the
(Israeli government) without clear or actionable redlines."

Throughout the memo, there are overarching criticisms of US policy in West
highlighting what the authors characterize as a failure to promote a
"viable path to a two-state solution" in the Palestinian struggle, a
position Biden has expressed support for.

The document accused members of the White House and the National Security
Council of displaying a clear disregard for the lives of Palestinians, a
documented unwillingness to de-escalate, and, even before October 7, a
reckless lack of strategic foresight.

The memo additionally condemned Biden for questioning the number of
Palestinians killed in Gaza. On October 27, Biden expressed "no confidence"
in the figures provided by the Health Ministry in Gaza, while acknowledging
that he was "sure innocents have been killed" there.

*Read more: Gaza nips Biden claims in the bud, releases names of 7000+

The number of dissent memos filed within the State Department during the
Israeli aggression on Gaza is unclear.

* Politico* reported last week on a memo urging the US to "publicly
criticize Israeli violations of international norms." The State Department
has maintained a "dissent channel" since the Vietnam War, reportedly
allowing diplomats to register opposition to policies. While dissent memos
are intended to remain internal, they occasionally get leaked to the media.
Examples include a 2016 cable criticizing the Obama administration's Syria
policy and a 2021 memo on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, which sparked
a conflict between Congress and the State Department.

*Read next: Majority of Americans believe Biden is mishandling aggression
on Gaza
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