[News] People across the globe disrupt “business as usual” for Palestine

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Fri Nov 10 13:15:00 EST 2023

People across the globe disrupt “business as usual” for Palestine
Natalia Marques - November 10, 2023
[image: shut-it-down-for-palestine-1024x576.png]

A wide array of actions were organized on November 9 for the Global
Shutdown for Palestine.

Around the world, people took action in solidarity with Palestine on
November 9, determined to disrupt the “business as usual” that has led to
almost 11,000 killed in the Gaza Strip. The call to “Shut It Down for
was convened by the Palestinian Youth Movement, National Students for
Justice in Palestine, the ANSWER Coalition, the People’s Forum, the
International Peoples’ Assembly, Al-Awda-NY, and the Palestinian American
Community Center (PACC)-NJ.

RIGHT NOW: Georgia State University students rally in front of
Georgia-Israel Law Enforcement Exchange Office in Atlanta!
pic.twitter.com/4wUyg50Jzw <https://t.co/4wUyg50Jzw>

— Party for Socialism and Liberation (@pslnational) November 9, 2023

JASOD, a socialist party in Bangladesh, organized a demonstration in Dhaka,
which condemned the US, the EU, and G-7 countries for their support of

In Italy, students occupied the University of Padua in solidarity with
Palestine. “After the occupation of the rectory’s courtyard and the
insufficient response of the University of Padua, we decided to occupy the
Humanities pole of our university,” wrote
the students on Instagram. “Let more and more voices be raised to stop the
genocide in Palestine, for the freedom of Palestine.”

A group of transport trade unions in Greece, Italy, and Turkey issued a joint
to “stop and prevent any loading and unloading of weapons, war material or
any means that could continue to fuel the massacre of the Palestinian

“We call on the trade unions of dockers, ship workers, airport workers,
railway workers, and all transport workers in Europe to support our
initiative and call for joint action by workers in our sectors across
Europe,” continued the statement, signed by USB Transport in Italy, the
Greek unions ENEDEP-COSCO Dockers Union, Piraeus Port, STEFENSON, PEMEN,
and PEEMAGEΝ, and the Turkish union Nakliyat Is.

The left-wing coalition Bloque de Resistencia Y Rebeldía Popular of El
Salvador organized a rally to stop the genocide
<https://x.com/Bloque_RP/status/1722688531749814546?s=20> in Gaza in Plaza
Palestina in San Salvador.

Palestine solidarity activists occupied Union Station in Toronto, Canada,
in an action organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement.

Today PYM alongside Jewish comrades shut down Toronto’s Union Station in
protest of the Zionist states genocide in Gaza, and to demand a ceasefire.
As part of @palyouthmvmt
<https://twitter.com/palyouthmvmt?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> global shut down, we
refuse to go on with business as usual while the bombs rain down on Gaza.
pic.twitter.com/wulsEFKtE5 <https://t.co/wulsEFKtE5>

— yara (@ysxsh) November 9, 2023

In the United States, the biggest financier of Israeli occupation in the
world, students organized numerous walkouts of high schools and
universities. Georgia State University students rallied in front of the
Georgia-Israel Law Enforcement Exchange Office in Atlanta. High school
students at numerous schools in New York City walked out of classes,
including the Young Women’s Leadership School of the Bronx.

Afrin, a senior at the Young Women’s Leadership School, said at the
walkout, “Students have historically been at the forefront of struggles for
justice. But especially struggles against war and militarism.”

“The people who we call our representatives and leaders are nothing but
pawns of power,” she continued. “Our power is greater than their power and
our morals are stronger than their hypocrisy.”

In the morning of November 9, a group of demonstrators occupied the lobby
of the BlackRock headquarters in New York City, unfurling a list of names
of the 11,000 murdered by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. Protesters shamed
BlackRock for holding major shares in weapons companies such as Lockheed
Martin, RTX, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and General Dynamics that supply
Israel, and began reading the list of names. Demonstrators did not even
finish reading out the last names that began with “A” before police
escorted them out.

A group of writers and journalists occupied the *New York Times* building
in New York City, reading out a shortened version of the list of 11,000
Gazans killed by Israel and protesting pro-zionist mainstream news
coverage. Protesters covered the lobby in fake *New York Times *newspapers
entitled “The New York (War) Crimes.”

Thousands of protesters also rallied in front of the New York Public
Library, marching to the *New York Times *building to join the media
workers gathered inside.

Thousands protest outside the New York Times headquarters — NYT
manufactures consent for genocide! #ShutItDown4Palestine
pic.twitter.com/q5CSpKdPJG <https://t.co/q5CSpKdPJG>

— Party for Socialism and Liberation (@pslnational) November 9, 2023

Organizers announced in a statement that the November 9 global shut down is
the first in a series of global days of actions that will continue “until
Gazans can live with dignity and Palestine is free!” Yara Shoufani of the
Palestinian Youth Movement said.

They said in the statement that the actions seek to build “a political
climate that makes Israel’s business of genocide unsustainable.” Meanwhile,
on the same day, Israel continued to launch airstrikes against vital areas
in Gaza. On November 9, Israel attacked several medical facilities
further endangering both patients and people who have taken refuge there.
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