[News] Hezbollah's dual threat to 'Israel'; massive firepower, Radwan Force

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Wed Nov 8 17:26:51 EST 2023

Hezbollah's dual threat to 'Israel'; massive firepower, Radwan Force
Al Mayadeen English - November 8, 2023

Israeli media say intelligence agencies estimate Hezbollah has 50,000
combat fighters with the ability to recruit up to 100,000 people.
[image: d98166a6-e669-4480-800a-acd0b8232603.jpg]

   - Hezbollah Resistance fighters carry out a training exercise in Aaramta
   village in the Jezzine District, southern Lebanon, on Sunday, May 21, 2023 (

Hezbollah is considered the organization with the "most powerful firepower
in the world," Israeli *Channel 12* said in a report on Wednesday based on
assessments conducted by Israeli spy agencies regarding the military
capabilities of the Lebanese Resistance party.

The Israeli outlet pointed out that Israeli intelligence agencies'
estimations indicate that Hezbollah "comprises at least 50,000 fighters,
with the potential to recruit a maximum number of 100,000 fighters  from
activists and supporters," adding that this number consists of "2,500
fighters from the Radwan elite force."

*Read more: Hezbollah targets Israeli sites, infantry in response to

Furthermore, Hezbollah possesses "between 150,000 and 200,000 rockets,
projectiles, and mortar shells," the report said, citing details and
figures provided by the Israeli intelligence.

*Channel 12* emphasized that the most significant threat to the Israeli
entity is the hundreds or even thousands of heavy warhead-tipped missiles
with high precision that Hezbollah owns, which Hezbollah Secretary-General
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah had threatened to use against strategic facilities
within the entity.

On the other hand, the Arab affairs correspondent for the channel, Ohad
Khemo, warned that there is "nothing reassuring about these numbers, and
this threat looms from the north."

*Read more: Hezbollah warns 'serious consequences' if Israelis expands

He called for an understanding that "there is a very significant enemy here
with firepower capabilities unparalleled in European countries," recalling
statements from the former army chief Gadi Eisenkot.

Khemo emphasized that the precise missiles possessed by Hezbollah are "a
big thing", suggesting that the Resistance has large numbers of precise
missiles capable of achieving a 10-meter accuracy.

"This is crucial because you can use a missile like this with GPS and hit a
specific important point in Israel," he said, highlighting the presence of
numerous strategic Israeli locations that Hezbollah could target using
these precision missiles.

He noted that Hezbollah posed a "dual threat", explaining that firstly, the
party is a missile threat with massive firepower, and as per Israeli
intelligence, it is capable of launching 3,000 missiles and rockets a day,
some even estimating over 5,000.

The second threat discussed by Khemo is the elite Radwan Force, which has
been reportedly deployed in southern Lebanon in recent months, according to
his remarks in the discussion. He called for a focus on the fact that
Hezbollah fighters have accumulated major experience in their participation
in the war on Syria alongside the Syrian army.

*Read more: Northern front huge challenge; Hezbollah strikes swift, precise
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