[News] ‘Israel is Starving Us’ - Gaza Children Hold Press Conference at Al-Shifa Hospital

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Tue Nov 7 20:49:12 EST 2023

‘Israel is Starving Us’ - Gaza Children Hold Press Conference at Al-Shifa
Hospital (VIDEO)November 7, 2023
Children in Gaza hold a press conference at Al-Shifa Hospital. (Photo:
video grab)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

A group of children on Tuesday night made use of their time at the Al-Shifa
Hospital in Gaza and held a press conference.

The kids are either displaced refugees who had fled to the hospital as a
result of Israeli bombing, or had accompanied other family members who
arrived dead or wounded at Al-Shifa.

The video of the press conference was made available through the Resistance
News Network on Telegram.

The children seemed to speak on their behalf and other Palestinian
children, who are the main category of victims in the current Israeli war
on the Strip.

“Since October 7, we have been subjected to genocide, killing,
displacement, and bombs falling on our head in front of the whole world,” a
child, who seems to be around 10 years old, said.

“They are lying to the world, saying that they are targeting Resistance
fighters, but as children, we have escaped death more than once. We, as
children, have escaped death more than once,” he added.

According to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), Israeli airstrikes
kill one child every ten minutes in Gaza. Numbers provided by the
Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza indicate that 4,237 children have
been killed since the beginning of the war.

“We came to Al-Shifa Hospital as a safe place after we were repeatedly
exposed to bombing. We were surprised that we were once again exposed to
death after the occupation targeted Al-Shifa Hospital,” the spokesperson of
the Gaza children said.

“The occupation starves us. For many days, we have no water or food, or
even bread. We drink contaminated water.”

The child ended by appealing to the world,

“We came to shout as children, urging you all to protect us. Stop the
death. We want life. We want peace. We want a trial for the killers. We
want medicine. We want food. We want education. We want life.”

*(The Palestine Chronicle) *

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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