[News] ‘Like a prison’: The Palestinians in Hebron living under Israeli lockdown

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Sun Nov 5 11:38:16 EST 2023

 ‘Like a prison’: The Palestinians in Hebron living under Israeli lockdown

*In Hebron’s H2, 700 Israeli settlers get military protection while 35,000
Palestinians can be shot if they step outside.*
[image: Blurry view of people lined up at a checkpoint]
Palestinians wait at an H2 checkpoint to get back to their homes in the
hour that Israel allows them to move around [Al Jazeera]
By Al Jazeera Staff
Published On 5 Nov 2023

*Hebron, occupied West Bank* – Across the neighbourhoods of the H2 area of
Hebron – the 20 percent of the Palestinian city where some 700 Israelis
live in illegal settlements and the Israeli military has full control – the
streets are mostly empty of H2’s approximately 35,000 Palestinian residents.

Patrolling the streets and manning the rooftops, instead, are Israeli
soldiers and armed settlers in military uniform on the lookout for any
movement from Palestinian homes. Besieged, Palestinian families describe
conditions in which they are attacked, deprived of vital supplies and
services, and have had their livelihoods cut off.

“This has never happened before where a full lockdown is implemented, even
during the second Intifada,” said Bassam Abu Aisha, 61, vice president of a
local drivers’ union and former president of the popular committee for Tel
Rumeida, a hill and neighbourhood in the H2 area. “[Back then] we would
have the liberty to go buy things and be in the street. But now no one can
do that.”

Several residents who spoke to Al Jazeera said the same thing: “It’s like
we are in a prison.”
Soldiers by day, settlers by night

Following the shocking October 7 attack on southern Israel by Hamas,
Israeli soldiers came without warning to Palestinian shops in Hebron and
ordered their owners and workers at gunpoint to close shop and stay home.

In online community chat groups, word trickled across the neighbourhoods of
H2: Any Palestinians found outside their homes would be shot.
[image: view down a deserted street with old stone buildings]H2’s 35,000
Palestinians are nowhere to be seen now. Shown here is a view of Shuhada
Street [Al Jazeera]

Palestinians in H2 were completely unable to leave their homes for the
first four days, living off whatever supplies they already had. Now, they
can only leave their homes and cross checkpoints at a designated hour in
the morning and an hour in the evening on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Residents also describe a flurry of attacks and threats that began
immediately after October 7. Local activist Issa Amro, 43, was apprehended
by soldiers and settlers dressed in military uniform, telling him he was
under arrest.

Amro explained over the phone that he was taken to the military base in Tel
Rumeida. Cuffed and tightly blindfolded, Amro said he was beaten and spat
at for hours, with settlers shouting slurs at him. After 10 hours, they let
him go.

Over the next few days, Amro said settlers in military uniform attacked his
home, stealing his house keys at one point. On October 20, soldiers forced
Amro from his home, declaring it a “closed military zone”, insisting it was
for his “protection”. Amro, who is now staying with friends in the H1 area,
has not been able to return to his home and is still recovering from
injuries to his back, legs and hands.

“This is my first live experience to be tortured,” said a shaken Amro.

With regular military forces moved to Gaza and the Lebanese border, the
city’s reserve battalion has taken on primary security responsibility in H2
as well as much of Area C, the 60 percent of the West Bank under full
Israeli military control.

“During the day they are soldiers, and at night they are settlers,” said
Emad Hamdan, executive director of Hebron Rehabilitation Committee (HRC), a
Palestinian NGO based in the Old City of Hebron. “So they have the same

Palestinian residents say soldiers aim guns at anyone who goes up to their
roof or even peers through their window, shouting at them to stay inside.

When they do go outside during the allotted time, residents still risk
attacks and threats from settlers, who now wear military uniforms.

“The settlers try to touch our women and daughters,” said Abu Aisha. “They
hit us; they say all kinds of horrible words in order to provoke a reaction
so they have an excuse to murder us.”

In one confrontation on the street, a reserve soldier – a local settler and
paramedic who Abu Aisha has encountered before – was cocking his gun as if
to shoot Abu Aisha. A video recorded by a neighbour shows the man fumbling
to put a bullet into the gun before it drops to the ground.

‘The children are constantly afraid’

While the military recently began allowing students to walk outside and
cross checkpoints for an hour in the morning and another hour in the
afternoon during the school week, parents are not allowed to accompany
their children. As a result, children have largely been unable to go to
school, due to both the movement restrictions and because their parents
fear attacks from armed settlers.

A woman from the Jabari family, who resides in Wadi Hussein, a stretch of
Palestinian land in H2 that lies between the Israeli settlements of Givat
Hava’ot and Kiryat Arba – where Israel’s far-right National Security
Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir lives – said the 11 children in the family
compound are growing restless. They wish they could go to school or at
least to a shop to buy sweets, she said.

While some families have tried online learning, the internet connection has
been too poor for lessons, she added.

The Jabari family say they have been targeted by settlers for years. Among
other violent incidents, a family member had been attacked with an iron
pole, leaving him with severe head injuries, a female family member told Al

The community believes that settlers see the Jabari home as key to
ultimately dismantling the Palestinian neighbourhood and connecting the two
[image: still from a video showing a confrontation]A video of a
confrontation between Bassam Abu Aisha and soldiers and settlers dressed in
military uniforms [Al Jazeera]

The Jabaris say that other than to get food, they have been unable to go
out since settlers recently placed couches across from their home, where
they sit in wait.

The woman from the family, who did not wish to be identified, said that
while they try to tell the children not to worry, they “know something
dangerous is happening here”.

In one instance, a child in the family was chased down the street by a
settler, she said. Another time, a five-year-old girl in the family saw a
settler on the street and immediately ran in fear, falling and injuring

“The children are constantly afraid,” the family member said. “They live in

For weeks, soldiers have prevented families from bringing in gas tanks for
cooking and heating from H1 (the area of Hebron under the Palestinian
Authority) into H2. Following lobbying from local and international
organisations, the military recently agreed to allow gas tanks in under
supervised distribution.
‘Absolutely surreal’ – soldiers deny access to medical care

The onerous movement restrictions mean residents cannot access basic
services or medical treatment, even when they desperately need it.

With both the Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF)
mobile health clinic and the local clinic in Tel Rumeida shuttered – and
residents unable to reach them even if they were still open – Palestinians
with medical emergencies are encountering a security apparatus entirely
unmoved by their needs.
[image: View from the Jabari family night camera shows soldiers moving
around outside]A view from the Jabari family night camera shows soldiers
moving around outside [Al Jazeera]

In the Jaber neighbourhood, a pregnant Palestinian woman woke up at 5am one
morning in pain. According to the woman’s mother and a family friend,
soldiers stationed outside their home refused to allow her to leave for
several hours. At around 11am, they managed to leave in a private car.
Doctors at the hospital discovered internal bleeding – the baby had died.

In another case, a woman required an injection at a clinic only 20 metres
away from her home. Despite prior attempts at coordination, guns were
pointed at her when she tried to leave her home. Despite the insistence of
medical professionals, a soldier at the scene decided the injection could
wait until the next day.

According to the Jabari family member, another member of the family who had
been injured while working waited for an ambulance for three and a half
hours. It was held up because of the restrictions. In the end, relatives
had to carry him all the way to the nearest checkpoint, worsening his leg

“Decisions are being made over what is medically urgent or not by poorly
trained military reservists,” said a humanitarian worker in the area. “It
is absolutely surreal.”
No income, savings running out

But what might be most pressing for these families is their dwindling cash
reserves. Even in the other areas of Hebron, which are suffering because of
a movement bottleneck into and out of the city, as well as because of
business closures, Palestinians report dramatic income losses that have
pushed families to the brink.

In H2, the economic situation is particularly dire.

“Most of the families in these areas, they are regular labourers, they are
blue-collar people,” said Hamdan of HRC. “If they don’t work, they have no
income. So how can they cover expenses if they cannot go to work?”

Families in H2 describe having to dip into whatever savings they have to
buy food and supplies.

“The families help each other in this time,” said the Jabari family member,
explaining how neighbours sneak between their houses in her area, comprised
of about 100 families, to share food and supplies.

But with little to no income, neighbours can help each other for only so

“We are [financially] better off than some of our neighbours,” said Abu
Aisha in Tel Rumeida. “But we don’t know how even we can sustain ourselves
for more than a few weeks.”

Already, NGOs are privately discussing possible aid measures if the severe
restrictions continue.
‘They are depriving us of life’

Monitoring of the situation has been spotty, with international monitoring
group the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel
(EAPPI) leaving when war broke out and remaining civil society
organisations finding it difficult to reach families under the movement

Residents report having their phones confiscated, and photos and videos of
incidents are routinely deleted from them by soldiers and settlers. One
neighbour was detained for several days for recording soldier activities,
according to Abu Aisha.
[image: Posters and banners on blast walls]Settlement materials on Shuhada
Street [Al Jazeera]

Residents say some families who had elsewhere to live have left, though no
one knows how many have gone.

In the meantime, residents and humanitarian organisations report that
settlers are taking advantage of the situation to occupy vacated properties
in the Tel Rumeida area. Abu Aisha shared a video of Israeli settlers
harvesting olives from trees owned by Palestinian families in the area.

Families have been unable to pick olives during the all-important harvest
season, which runs until mid-November. No harvest this year would be
economically catastrophic for some families.

Unable to go to school, work or play, the Jabaris try to keep their spirits
up by reading religious scripture or telling the children stories at night.

“Like all Palestinians, we hope for a better reality than what we really
live,” said the female Jabari family member.

But what’s going on at home and on their televisions keeps them up at night.

“We’re not able to really live life,” said Abu Aisha, who has nine people
and three children staying in his home. “Eating, drinking, going about our
daily lives is difficult because all we can do is just sit in front of the
television and take in these horrific images from Gaza.”

Family members sleep in shifts, terrified of what might come next.

“Settlers could come into our house and kill everyone, and no one would be
able to do anything about it,” said Abu Aisha.

“It’s a reflection of what’s happening in Gaza,” said the Jabari family
member, who also shared videos of nighttime raids around the family home
this week.

“We are being deprived of basic freedoms. They are depriving us of life.”
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