[News] Abu Obeida in New Statement: This is the Number of Armored Vehicles Destroyed in 24 Hours

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Sat Nov 4 21:40:10 EDT 2023

Abu Obeida in New Statement: This is the Number of Armored Vehicles
Destroyed in 24 HoursNovember 4, 2023
Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades. (Photo:
Al-Qassam military media, Video grab)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

“Al-Qassam Brigades’ snipers are dealing with (Israeli) soldiers (..) who
dare to stick their heads out from the vehicles they are sheltering in.” –
Abu Obeida

In a televised statement, Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the
Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Resistance group,
Hamas, announced the number of Israeli military vehicles that have been
destroyed by the Palestinian Resistance in the last 24 hours.

Abu Obeida also described the nature of the fighting and the tactics used
by the Palestinian Resistance in confronting invading Israeli forces on the
outskirts of Gaza City.

Abu Obeida said that this battle will be written in history as one of the
greatest epic battles against injustice.

Here are excerpts from the statements as communicated by the Resistance
News Network Telegram Channel:

“Our fighters have completely or partially destroyed 24 military vehicles
in the last 24 hours at the battlefronts.

“We directed anti-tank guided strikes towards the Israeli military vehicles.

“Al-Qassam Brigades’ snipers are dealing with (Israeli) soldiers (..) who
dare to stick their heads out from the vehicles they are sheltering in.

“Our fighters are still fighting in the axes of the zionist enemy’s advance
in the north and south of Gaza City and Beit Hanoun. They are fighting with
valor and bravery and continue to confront the enemy’s vehicles.

“What we have published and will publish will document the destruction of
the enemy forces and the commandeering of their vehicles, which we will
release in the coming minutes and hours.

“It is known that we are engaged in an asymmetrical war, which will be
studied by the world. What we have published and will publish documenting
the destruction and surprise attacks on the enemy forces is but a small
part of our fighters’ valor, their heroic stand, and their blessed
operations in the field.

“If the enemy thinks that by punishing our people and committing horrendous
massacres and using filthy methods, they will weaken our resolve, they are
deluded and stupid, and they should know that we will explode in anger
against them.”

*(The Palestine Chronicle)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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