[News] Raytheon entrance blocked as Tucson protesters decry 'genocide economy'

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Sat Nov 4 11:29:31 EDT 2023

Raytheon entrance blocked as Tucson protesters decry 'genocide economy'
November 2, 2023

A coalition representing "progressive Jewish anti-Zionist" and
pro-Palestine organizations on Thursday staged a "die-in," blocking the
entrance of Raytheon's Tucson office on Aeropark Boulevard.

The initial action featured about 60 protesters, clad in black with masks
covering their faces and signs with messages decrying "genocide in Gaza."
They chanted "free Palestine" before lying down on the pavement.

Over the course of the first 20 minutes, The Arizona Republic observed
roughly a dozen vehicles make a U-turn in front of the entrance being
blocked by the protesters. Those staging the “die-in” were lying behind a
series of ladders and barricades that they erected, while other protesters
stood in front of it, closer to the road.

The Republic observed a close call between a protester standing in front of
the barricades and a driver making a U-turn. A number of other drivers
honked their horns in support.

Protesters blocked the intersection until around 9:30 a.m. They sought to
disrupt the flow of business. Police were on the scene, but largely stood

The Thursday protest was organized by the Tucson Coalition for Palestine
<http://azcentral.com/>, Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance
<https://www.arizonapalestine.org/> and Jewish Voice for Peace
<https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/>. The first two groups express
support for Palestinians, while the latter describes itself as a
"grassroots, multiracial, cross-class, intergenerational movement of U.S.
Jews into solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle." The
Anti-Defamation League last week labeled it
<https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/jewish-voice-peace> "a radical
anti-Israel activist group."

Raytheon was not immediately available for comment.

Organizers indicated they targeted Raytheon because they said it’s the
largest private employer in Tucson.
They also noted the company held the no. 2 spot in defense revenues in
2022, according to Defense News. <https://people.defensenews.com/top-100/>

The "die-in" sought to "send a message that Raytheon cannot continue
business as usual while its weapons are being used for the mass murder of
civilians in Gaza."

"Here in Tucson, Raytheon is a major supplier of missiles, bombs, and
weapons systems to Israel through direct contracts and via the U.S.
Department of Defense. These weapons are being used daily to commit war
crimes," the groups said in a news release.

"Tucson residents will say no to a genocide economy and demand that
Raytheon stop profiting from the mass murder of civilians."

The protest comes as the Associated Press reported
Israeli troops advanced toward Gaza City, with the Palestinian death toll
rising above 9,000.
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