[News] Israel told US it is modeling Gaza attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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Wed Nov 1 19:42:40 EDT 2023

Israel told US it is modeling Gaza attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Tamara Nassar <https://electronicintifada.net/people/tamara-nassar> - 1
November 2023
[image: Man in a suit is seated while audience behind him has their hands
raised and painted red]

Protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza raise their hands covered in red
paint as Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies at a Senate
appropriations committee hearing to ask for billions more in military aid
for Israel, on Capitol Hill, in Washington DC, 31 October.

“It became evident to US officials that Israeli leaders believed mass
civilian casualties were an acceptable price in the military campaign,” *The
New York Times* reported
<https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/30/us/politics/biden-israel.html> on

“In private conversations with American counterparts, Israeli officials
referred to how the United States and other allied powers resorted to
devastating bombings in Germany and Japan during World War II – including
the dropping of the two atomic warheads in Hiroshima and Nagasaki – to try
to defeat those countries,” the newspaper added.

Despite this horrifying knowledge, the Biden administration still adamantly
opposes a ceasefire in Israel’s extermination campaign in Gaza.

A visible symbol of that determination to let Israel kill as many
Palestinians as it pleases came when Antony Blinken sat stony-faced as
anti-war activists repeatedly disrupted
the secretary of state as he put forward the case for billions more in
military aid for Israel and Ukraine at a congressional hearing on Tuesday.

The Biden administration is asking for $14.3 billion for Israel – on top of
the minimum of $3.8 billion it already provides every year.

One by one, members of the audience rose from their seats, calling for a
ceasefire and denouncing Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and the
American role in it.

Activists with the anti-war campaign group CODEPINK also called for an end
to US military aid to Israel.

Others sat silently with their arms raised, showing their palms covered in
red paint.

Security officers removed protestors from the room, while Blinken
maintained an indifferent demeanor.

“No red lines”

The United States is drawing “no red lines” for Israel in its genocidal
slaughter of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Those were the words
of White House national security spokesperson John Kirby last week.

Even as the death toll in Gaza soared above 8,000 Palestinians – almost
half children
Kirby asserted <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3osYUmITvE> on Monday: “We
do not believe that a ceasefire is the right answer right now. We believe
that a ceasefire right now benefits Hamas.”

Kirby said the Biden administration supports “temporary, localized
humanitarian pauses to allow aid to get to specific populations” – though
none of that has happened.

The Biden administration continues to talk about getting aid in through
Egypt – a tiny trickly that serves as a fig leaf
for the ongoing US-backed starvation of the population by Israel, which has
cut off water, food, medicine, fuel and other life essentials to the
besieged territory.
Kirby reiterated that the US does “not support a ceasefire at this time.”

On Monday, the Pentagon confirmed that Washington is flying more weapons to
Israel on an almost daily basis.

“We are not putting any limits on how Israel uses weapons,” deputy press
secretary Sabrina Singh told
reporters. “That is really up to the Israeli Defense Force to use and how
they are going to conduct their operations.”
Americans want a ceasefire

Meanwhile, two-thirds of Americans support
a ceasefire in Gaza, according to a Data for Progress poll published on 20

Remarkably, that included more than half of all Republicans and 80 percent
of supporters of Biden’s Democrat Party.

Only a quarter of all those surveyed said they oppose the US calling for a

Still, that hasn’t stopped the White House press secretary Karine
Jean-Pierre from comparing protesters supporting an end to the carnage
with neo-Nazi
and white supremacist
crowds at a notorious far-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia five
years ago.
The revelation that Israeli officials are modeling their slaughter on the
American dropping of atomic bombs on Japanese cities and the notorious
British firebombing of Dresden
<https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51448486> can leave no doubt about
their genocidal intent.

And the fact that US officials continue to arm Israel unconditionally to
carry out this slaughter makes them just as culpable in this genocide.

The bomb that the US dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 had the explosive power
of 15,000 tons of TNT.

Israel has deployed at least 12,000 tons of explosive on Gaza since 7
October, according
to Hamas’ media office in Gaza.

Israel has admitted
to dropping more than 6,000 bombs on tiny Gaza in just the first few days
of its attack.

But Israel’s modern high explosives are almost certainly more powerful than
TNT, so it’s very likely that what it has dropped already matches or
exceeds the Hiroshima bomb.

The Israeli army dropped six one-ton bombs on a housing block in the
Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza on Tuesday, killing and injuring
close to 400 people, according
<https://electronicintifada.net/updates#node-39386> to Gaza’s health
Israeli army spokesperson Richard Hecht, making no apologies for the scale
of death and destruction, claimed
on CNN that Israel was targeting “a very senior Hamas commander” in the
area around the camp.

Even CNN’s notoriously pro-Israel
<https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/wolf-blitzer> anchor Wolf Blitzer had
a hard time stomaching that.
*Ali Abunimah contributed reporting.*
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