[News] Israel stares failure in the face, again

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Sat May 13 10:33:52 EDT 2023

Israel stares failure in the face, again

Maureen Clare Murphy
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy> and Ali
Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> - 12 May 2023
[image: A man holds two young boys in his arms as people gather in street]

Palestinians run after an apartment was targeted by Israel in Gaza City on
12 May.
APA images

Israel’s surprise attack on Gaza extended into its fourth day on Friday
with the Palestinian death toll rising to 33

Efforts toward a ceasefire remained at an impasse on Friday, with Israel
quitting – at least temporarily – Egyptian-led talks after the resistance
group Islamic Jihad <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/islamic-jihad>
fired rockets from Gaza reaching the Jerusalem area after a 13-hour lull.

As Friday came to a close, the Israeli military was bracing for the
launching of long-range rockets from Gaza following the assassination of a
sixth Islamic Jihad leader since Tuesday.

Islamic Jihad in Gaza appears to be taking a slow burn approach to the
latest escalation that was begun by Israel, but which the resistance
insists will end on its own terms.

This tactical innovation, whether by necessity or design, appears to be
keeping the Israeli side guessing amid behind-the-scenes international
pressure to end the latest round of cross-boundary fire.

While making statements about the unity of the resistance in Gaza, Hamas
continues to watch from the sidelines, despite calls from some frustrated
people in Gaza to join the fight

A primary factor for Hamas’ reluctance is likely its awareness that its
involvement would trigger an escalation that would be even more difficult
to climb down from, when it was not seeking an escalation in the first

Hamas is also surely sensitive to the reality that Gaza’s already
beleaguered health care system is struggling to cope with the current
number of casualties and the severe humanitarian impact of Israel’s closure
of the territory’s main crossings.

Israel also appears keen to avoid Hamas joining the fray, with its military
spokesperson saying
on Friday that the Islamist political party “is not involved in fighting,
does not provide logistical assistance. We are focusing on [Islamic] Jihad.”

This is a marked change of tune from Israel, which usually insists that
Hamas is responsible for everything that happens in Gaza.

Palestinian resistance groups – which have repeatedly emphasized their
unity of strategy and decision making – may be calculating that they can
make concrete achievements, compelling Israel to make concessions in
exchange for a ceasefire – without an even more costly broader conflict.
Netanyahu’s dilemma

The escalation was initiated by Israel but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/benjamin-netanyahu> appears to see no
way out of the mess of his own creation.

Netanyahu is unable to meet both the demands of his extreme-right public
security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/itamar-ben-gvir>, on the one hand, and
Islamic Jihad in Gaza, on the other.

The resistance group is demanding an end to the renewed policy of
assassinating resistance leaders – revived by Netanyahu
in capitulation to Ben-Gvir in order to preserve his fragile ruling

Islamic Jihad’s conditions for a ceasefire also include the transfer of the
body of Khader Adnan <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/khader-adnan>,
the Palestinian political prisoner who died earlier this month
after a lengthy hunger strike, and the cancelation of Israel’s annual
ultra-nationalist “Flag March”
in Jerusalem next week.

Netanyahu and his defense minister, Yoav Gallant, held a live address this
saying that Israel had achieved its military objectives in Gaza.

But that message must ring hollow to the Israeli public after being
promised a devastating blow to the resistance’s capability with each
episode of direct confrontation, occurring on an ever more frequent basis,
only for armed groups in Gaza to fire greater numbers of projectiles with
increased range during the next round.

As Amos Harel, a columnist for the Tel Aviv daily *Haaretz*, asked
“Israel has carried out no fewer than 15 military operations in the Gaza
Strip since disengaging from it in 2005. What have all these campaigns,
from First Rain to Guardian of the Walls, achieved?”

Harel added that “the Israeli public doesn’t appear to be buying
[Netanyahu’s] hyperbolic excitement … If the operations were really all
that successful, we wouldn’t need them once a year on average, with the
time between them becoming shorter in the past few years.”

Similarly, Alon Pinkas, a former senior diplomat, queried
“how many times can you inflict ‘an unprecedented blow from which they may
never recover’ on these terror organizations, only to do it again 18 months

Israel undoubtedly retains immense military power to cause death and
destruction. But as these commentators appear to accept, its ability to
impose its political will by force is eroding amid a rapidly changing
regional and geopolitical environment

In a televised speech
on Friday, Hasan Nasrallah, the leader of the formidable Lebanese
resistance organization Hizballah, praised the performance and unity of
Palestinian resistance in the current confrontation.

“Netanyahu cannot lie to Israeli society by saying that he has restored
deterrence, as the resistance in Gaza stands strong, and it has thwarted
the enemy’s goal of restoring deterrence,” Nasrallah said.

“The battle of Gaza is important and its effects are not limited to the
Strip, but rather extend to the entire region,” Nasrallah added.

He said that Hizballah is in constant contact with the Palestinian
resistance and “will not hesitate to provide assistance at any time when
such responsibility is imposed.”

Those comments are likely to rattle nerves among Israel’s leaders.

While Israel is unwilling to accept the demands of the resistance, it has
in recent days repeatedly signaled its eagerness for an end to the
escalation it started – albeit with a truce on its own terms.

A key reason for that was articulated
by defense minister Yoav Gallant last month: the likelihood that a major
escalation in one arena would quickly spread into a multi-front war.

“This is the end of the era of limited conflicts,” Gallant said. “We are
facing a new security era in which there may be a real threat to all arenas
at the same time.”

For Tel Aviv, the biggest threat is Hizballah, which humiliated the Israeli
army when it invaded Lebanon in 2006.

Hizballah, like Palestinian armed resistance groups, is supported by an
increasingly confident and technologically capable Iran.

“Iran is the driving force in the convergence of the arenas,” Gallant said.
“It transfers resources, ideology, knowledge and training” to the
resistance organizations, he added.

The same fear appears to be motivating US pressure on Israel to bring the
current escalation to an end.

“The Biden administration is concerned that the fighting in Gaza will
expand into a multi-front conflict including missiles being launched at
Israel from Lebanon or Syria, as happened last month,” the Tel Aviv
newspaper *Haaretz* reported
on Thursday.

The last 20 years have proven that there is no military solution for Israel
in Gaza, and that it has been foolish to dismiss Hamas’ repeated offers of
a long-term truce <https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna24235665> conditioned on
lifting the siege imposed on the territory and other terms.

Failing that, “futility”
is how some of Israel’s more sober observers are describing the latest
escalation – a “preamble to the next round of fighting,”
according to Alon Pinkas.

Indeed, Islamic Jihad has fired nearly 1,000 rockets into Israel in
response to the assassination of three of its leaders early Tuesday, with
air raid sirens sending residents into shelters in Tel Aviv and the
Jerusalem area, as well as in communities closer to Gaza.
The Israeli military said on Friday
that fewer than half of the 750 rockets that crossed Gaza’s boundary were
intercepted by its missile defense system. Nearly 200 rockets fell short
inside Gaza, according to the military, which said that it hit some 250
“sites belonging to Islamic Jihad,” though residential buildings once again
appear to be a primary target. [image: Men, some wearing paramedics
clothing, carry a person on a stretcher near a fire truck and ambulance]

Palestinians evacuate a wounded person after an apartment building was
targeted by Israel in Gaza City on 12 May.
Atia Darwish APA images

Iyad al-Hassani, an Islamic Jihad military commander killed in an Israeli
strike on a residential building in Gaza City on Friday, is the sixth
prominent figure from the group to be assassinated since Tuesday.

Al-Hassani had reportedly replaced Khalil al-Bahtini
who was killed along with his wife and their 4-year-old daughter
in Israel’s surprise bombing early Tuesday. Two sisters aged 17 and 19 who
lived in a neighboring home were killed in the same strike as the
al-Bahtini family.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said
on Friday afternoon Gaza time that six Palestinians were killed in the
territory that day, all of them members of armed groups.

The rights group said that of the 31 Palestinians killed since Tuesday
morning up to the time of its report, 15 were civilians, including six
children and four women. Some of those killed likely include those injured
as a result of projectiles fired from Gaza that fell short of their targets
in Israel.

The UN agency UNRWA said
that at least 11 of those killed since Tuesday were refugees.

More than 100 Palestinians in Gaza have been injured, including 32 children
and 17 women.

An 80-year-old woman
killed by Palestinian rocket fire from Gaza on Thursday is Israel’s sole
fatality thus far. Israel said
that the woman died after a technical failure caused its missile
interception system to miss the rocket that struck her home in Rehovot near
Tel Aviv.
[image: Crying woman stand over the body of a young man shrouded in Islamic
Jihad flag in crowded room]

Mourners attend the funeral of Abdelhalim Najjar, 22, killed in an Israeli
strike in Jabaliya, northern Gaza, on 12 May
Atia Darwish APA

Following the assassination
of Islamic Jihad leader Ahmad Abu Daqqa in Khan Younis Thursday afternoon,
Israeli shelling east of Gaza City killed <https://mezan.org/en/post/45927>
Hussein Yousif Dalloul, 23, and Muhammad Suleiman Dader, 31 – both members
of the armed resistance.
On Thursday evening, an Israeli missile killed another Palestinian –
22-year-old Abdelhalim Jawdat al-Najjar, east of Jabaliya in northern Gaza.
Another man, Elayyan Ata Abu Wadi, 38, died early Friday from injuries
sustained in the same strike.

Resistance member Udai Riyad al-Louh, 25, was killed in an Israeli drone
strike in central Gaza that same night.
Israel has destroyed 13 homes since early Tuesday and damaged hundreds
more, according to Al Mezan, a human rights group based in Gaza. Fuel crisis

Meanwhile, the humanitarian impact of Israel’s closure of Gaza’s crossings
grew ever more dire, with patients unable to access medical treatment
outside the territory and the Strip’s sole power plant further reducing
supply of electricity due to a halt in fuel imports.
The ban on the entry of fuel to Gaza threatens to shut down the power plant
entirely, “jeopardizing the continued provision of basic services such as
medical care and the supply of drinking water to families,” Al Mezan said.

Even with the power plant functioning at a limited capacity, health
services in Gaza “have been struggling to cope with the influx of injuries
amid chronic shortages of essential medicines and supplies” due to Israel’s
16-year blockade, the UK charity Medical Aid for Palestinians said on Friday

The charity added that Israel’s closure of Erez checkpoint in northern Gaza
since Tuesday has prevented nearly 450 patients, most of them being treated
for cancer, from accessing hospitals in Israel and the West Bank.

“Twenty-seven of the patients are in need of life-saving treatment,”
Medical Aid for Palestinians said.

Some patients are missing appointments for medical care unavailable in Gaza
following years of permit delays by Israeli authorities.
On Thursday <https://mezan.org/en/post/45926>, Al Mezan, along with three
human rights groups based in Israel, appealed to the Israeli authorities to
stop harming Gaza’s civilian population and immediately reopen the Erez and
Kerem Shalom checkpoints, allowing the movement of people and goods.

“As Kerem Shalom remains closed, basic necessities have not entered Gaza
for three days in a row,” the groups stated.

“Israel has flagrantly breached international law by attacking civilians
and homes, preventing the movement of people, including medical patients,
and blocking the supply of essential goods, giving rise to a suspicion of
war crimes,” they added.

“This has been done with almost blanket impunity.”

*Maureen Clare Murphy is senior editor and Ali Abunimah is executive
director of The Electronic Intifada.*
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