[News] Gaza under attack with repeated occupation air raids; resistance leaders targeted

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon May 8 20:09:53 EDT 2023

Site logo image 	samidoun posted: " As of 4:50 pm Pacific time Monday, 8 
May, occupation forces are currently targeting the Gaza Strip, the 
Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance in attempted 
assassination raids, particularly targeting leaders of the Islamic Jihad 
Movement in" Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network 

  Breaking News: Gaza under attack with repeated occupation air raids;
  resistance leaders targeted



May 8

As of 4:50 pm Pacific time Monday, 8 May, occupation forces are 
currently targeting the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian people and the 
Palestinian resistance in attempted assassination raids, particularly 
targeting leaders of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine. Homes in 
Rafah, in Gaza City and elsewhere have been hit by Zionist missiles, 
leading to casualties and martyrs. The homes that have so far been 
targeted reportedly include those of resistance leaders Jihad Ghannam 
and Abu Hadi al-Bahtini.

Occupation warplanes are continuing to attack central and southern Gaza 
and occupation forces announced their intention to close the Erez and 
Kerem Salem crossings "indefinitely," further tightening the 16-year 
siege of Gaza.

All Palestinian resistance fighters, police and security personnel are 
on high alert in Gaza and a state of emergency has been declared. In the 
meantime, occupation forces are calling on settlers around Gaza to 
shelter or go to bunkers, in fear of the response of the Palestinian 

Fascist Israeli minister Itamar Ben Gvir tweeted "It's time!" as 
occupation forces rained U.S.-made and -provided weaponry on residential 
neighbourhoods and Palestinian self-defense sites.

*These attacks are ongoing Zionist war crimes, funded and supported by 
US and Western imperialism. As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of 
Nakba -- and 75 years of ongoing resistance to Zionism and imperialism 
-- this is a key example of the ongoing colonial violence perpetrated 
against the Palestinian people, as well as the strength and 
steadfastness of the people and their resistance. We urge all to 
mobilize, organize and make clear that we will not accept the ongoing 
murder of the Palestinian people and their resistance leaders, and that 
Palestine will, and must be, free, from the river to the sea.*


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