[News] The Siege Begins: Hundreds Descend on Leicester's Israeli Drone Factory

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue May 2 10:36:54 EDT 2023

Mass mobilisation kicks off amid police repression

  *Palestine Action's Siege Against UAV Tactical Systems Commences:*

  Hundreds arrive on the scene yesterday to join mobilisation against
  the Leicester factory of Israel's largest weapons company, Elbit
  Systems. *

  Factory blockaded this morning, as lock-ons prevent all access

The siege has begun. In Leicester's Braunstone Town, hundreds mobilised 
yesterday, coming from across the country to force the closure of the 
drone factory owned by Israel's largest weapons company, Elbit Systems. 
People descended on the site through the afternoon, greeted by an 
empowering performance by rapper and activist Lowkey, along with award 
winning actor and playwright Tayo Aluko, Palestinian Dabke, poetry, and 
inspiring speeches. Another camp, in addition to the first 
was been pitched immediately outside the factory to sustain the siege 
into day two.

Early this morning, four activists then took action to further disrupt 
Elbit, using lock-ons to form two blockades. One of these reinforcing 
the road-camp outside the site to the south, and the other obstructing 
all access via the road north of the site - meaning that both entrances 
to the factory are now cut off. These activists put their bodies in the 
way and their liberties on the line, in determination that Elbit cannot 
be allowed to make their drone technologies in Leicester, not today nor 
any day to come.

As expected, the police have devoted extensive public resources to 
protecting Elbit's profits and operations. Police have erected a metal 
separation wall around the premises and deployed riot vans, surrounding 
the site at which Elbit had already reinforced the fencing, installed 
more cameras, and hired dogs. Three arrests were made yesterday, 
including one raid and arrest made late Sunday night, as police used all 
of their means to carry out random searches and harass those outside. 
Too busy attempting to intimidate activists, the police ignored the fact 
that the real criminals are in Elbit's boardrooms, offices and factories.

In Leicester and across Elbit's other 7 remaining sites in Britain, 
military technologies are manufactured for export directly to Israel. 
The UAV Tactical Systems site regularly sends drones and drone 
technologies to Israel 
where Elbit's drone products brutally enforce the Israeli occupation of 
Palestine. UAV Tactical Systems' flagship drone, the /Watchkeeper/, has 
been used by the British military in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the English 
Channel - but is itself modelled on the notorious and deadly /Hermes/ 
drone, after the latter was 'battle-tested' 
on Palestinians.

Despite police collusion with Elbit, despite Elbit's shallow attempts at 
spreading falsehoods, people have been turning out in solidarity with 
Palestinians and to rid Leicester, like London 
and Oldham 
of Elbit's business-of-bloodshed.

We know that protests, petitions and all appeals to the British 
establishment to end their century-long complicity have failed. However, 
the mass movement of people willing to mobilise to shut Elbit down 
demonstrates that the route to victory lies with the people - and with 
not the powers that be. We will resist until we win.

Visit palestineaction.org/siege 
for all you need to know about joining the siege, and follow our Twitter 
for regular updates throughout today and the days to come.


If you're not able to join us in Leicester while the Siege continues on, 
donate through the fundraising link below in order to support the 
campaign from afar.


  Support the Teledyne 4 in Caernarfon Crown Court next week

After six months on remand in prison, the 'Teledyne 4' will be appearing 
in Caernarfon Crown Court, Wales, next week, as they fight 'conspiracy 
to commit criminal damage' charges and prove that #TeledyneIsGuilty.

The four Welsh activists took action against the Prestigne, Powys, 
factory of the American-owned Teledyne Labtech. Teledyne and their 
subsidiaries are the largest exporters of weapons from Britain to 
Israel, with a decades-long complicity in Israeli crimes committed with 
their products.

*In a trial starting on Tuesday May 9th and set to last for two weeks, 
support has been called for each day starting at 9:30am, at Caernarfon 
Crown Court, Llanberis Road. Caernarfon. Gwynedd. LL55 2DF*

*Teledyne 4*

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