[News] African countries are challenging Israel's plot across the continent

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Tue Mar 21 11:04:43 EDT 2023

African countries are challenging Israel's plot across the continent
Dr Ramzy Baroud - March 21, 2023

The sight of Israeli Ambassador Sharon Bar-Li and other Israeli delegates
being escorted
out of the opening ceremony of the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa on
18 February was historic. The very moment that was meant to crown twenty
years of Israeli diplomacy on the African continent turned within a few
seconds to represent Israel's failure in Africa.

Unable to fathom the breakdown of its diplomatic and political efforts, Tel
Aviv responded to Bar-Li's removal with a war of words against African
countries, accusing them of spearheading a campaign aimed at blocking
Israel's observer status. Referring to a "small number of extremist states
like South Africa and Algeria," a spokesperson for the Israeli foreign
ministry alluded
to a plot, supposedly hatched by Iran, and carried out by African
governments that are "driven by hate" for Israel.

The undiplomatic nature of the ministry's language is a major shift
compared to the upbeat, diplomatic rhetoric used by Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu when he visited Africa to speak at the Economic
Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in Liberia in 2017. "Israel is
coming back to Africa," said
Netanyahu, "and Africa is coming back to Israel." He added with a
theatrical flourish and emphasis on each syllable: "I believe in Africa."

Netanyahu's reference to "coming back to Africa" was intended to underscore
two points: Israel's diplomatic and political return to Africa; and an
imagined return to the continent as a representation of a shared historical

On the latter, Netanyahu had made various references to some drummed-up,
shared anti-colonial struggle between Israel and African countries. "Africa
and Israel share a natural affinity," he claimed
<https://www.facebook.com/notes/345669620041969/> in his ECOWAS speech. "We
have, in many ways, similar histories. Your nations toiled under foreign
rule. You experienced horrific wars and slaughters. This is very much our

The diplomatic "return", on the other hand, is more real than imagined.
However, the diplomatic ties between Israel and many African countries,
starting <https://africasacountry.com/2021/06/kwame-nkrumah-and-israel>
with Ghana in 1956, took place under unique historical circumstances, in
which many African countries were still colonised, semi-independent or
largely reliant on their former colonisers. For example, Ghana-Israel
relations started when Ghana was still called Gold Coast. In fact, the
diplomatic accords with Tel Aviv at the time only took place when Gold
Coast received official approval from Britain, because it was still a
British colony.

Before 1973, Israel had
full diplomatic ties with 33 African countries. Much of this changed in
October of the same year. When Arab countries fought
a war against Israel's colonial expansion, many African countries broke
ties with Israel in favour of maintaining their truly historic, economic
and spiritual ties with their Arab brethren. It was no wonder that it was
the Organisation of African Unity — the precursor to the African Union —
that first identified
Israel's founding ideology, Zionism, as a form of racism in its 12th
ordinary session held in Kampala in 1975.

The so-called "peace process" and the signing of the Oslo Accords between
Palestinian leaders and Israel weakened the stalwart African position
towards Palestine, not out of enmity to the Palestinians but due to western
pressure, and the misconception that peace and justice had finally arrived
in Occupied Palestine. It was against this very backdrop that Netanyahu
visited Africa and began his campaign for normalisation with many African

Israel's motives in Africa are clear: economic benefits and political
dividends, particularly pro-Israel votes at the UN. Years after Israel's
"return to Africa", though, the continent has neither benefited from the
lofty promises made by Tel Aviv to revitalise local economies and fight
desertification, nor, as a bloc, has it significantly changed its votes at
the UN, which tend to be in favour of Palestinian rights.

[image: South Africa (Mandela) stands with Palestine - Cartoon

South Africa stands with Palestine – Cartoon [Sabaaneh/MiddleEastMonitor]

Nevertheless, for Netanyahu, the benefits outweigh the disappointments,
especially as Tel Aviv fully understands that Africa, more than ever since
the Berlin Conference
in 1884, has once again become a major contested geopolitical space. That's
where the breakdown of Israel's calculations happened, thus the humiliating
episode in Addis Ababa.

Following the removal of the Israeli delegates, Tel Aviv continued to make
a case based on technical grounds: that the Israeli ambassador had the
proper accreditation; that Israel was officially an observer member of the
AU; and so on.

Israel's observer status has caused a rift among AU members. Approval was
unilaterally by the Chair of the AU Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, in
July 2021. As the news spread about Mahamat's personal decision, many
countries protested
and the status was frozen, pending a decision based on a proper democratic

Just two days after the Israeli delegation was removed from the summit, the
AU — in fact, Mahamat himself — announced
to reporters on 20 February that Israel's membership status "is suspended
until such time as this committee can deliberate." He asserted that, "We
did not invite Israeli officials to our summit."

The Israeli response to all of this reflected a general sense of confusion,
if not desperation within Israeli diplomatic circles. African countries,
however, followed the incident with a clear policy position, delineating
that the decision to suspend Israeli membership was not a technical or
procedural one. It was, in the words of Clayson Monyela, head of public
diplomacy in South Africa's Department of International Relations, "an
issue of principle".

*READ: South Africa parliament votes to downgrade embassy in Israel

Three weeks after the AU decision, the South African parliament voted
in favour of a motion that downgrades the country's embassy in Tel Aviv to
a mere liaison office. That, too, was a matter of principle, namely as a
"first step" that aims to pressure Israel "to comply with human rights,
recognise the rights of the Palestinian people (and) their right to exist."

As geopolitical spaces open for countries in the Global South due to
changing global power dynamics, more countries are daring to step up to
challenge the hegemony of former colonial powers. Considering their history
of valiant anti-colonial struggles, it is no surprise that African
countries are leading this momentum toward national and regional

Ultimately, it took only six years for Africa to prove Netanyahu wrong; to
prove that the settler-colonial state of Israel "did not return to Africa".
What is true, however, is that Africa itself is returning to its
anti-colonial roots.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not
necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.
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