[News] Israel Cannot Rebut Apartheid

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Thu Jun 29 10:58:08 EDT 2023

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*Israel Cannot Rebut Apartheid: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)*

Samia Halaby (Palestine), /Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea to the 
Jordan River/, 2003.

Dear friends,

Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research 

On 24 June 2023, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) 
Herzl Halevi, Chief of Shin Bet (Intelligence) Ronen Bar, and Police 
Commissioner Kobi Shabtai released 
a joint statement. They pointed to ‘violent attacks… by Israeli citizens 
against innocent Palestinians’, which they characterised as ‘nationalist 
terror in every sense’. Such a statement is rare, particularly the 
description of the violence as ‘nationalist terror’ and the rendering of 
Palestinian victims as ‘innocent’. Typically, high-ranking officials in 
the Israeli government portray such attacks as retaliation for terror 
attacks by Palestinians.

Three days before this statement, the US government said 
it had heard ‘troubling reports of extremist settler violence against 
Palestinian civilians’. Settler groups – or, more accurately named, 
Israeli nationalist terrorist groups – have been running rampages across 
the West Bank alongside the Israeli armed forces, killing Palestinians 
at will to sow fear in this part of Palestine and urging 
further ethnic cleansing, euphemistically referred to as ‘demographic 

Israeli violence against Palestinians is not new, but it has been 
escalating rapidly. From January to May of this year, the United Nations 
that Israeli forces have killed 143 Palestinians (112 in the West Bank 
and 31 in Gaza) – more than twice the number of Palestinians killed in 
the same period last year. In 2022, 181 Palestinians were killed in 
total (151 in the West Bank and 30 in Gaza). Meanwhile, UN agencies 
that 2022 was the sixth year of consecutive annual increases in settler 
attacks, which have been rising since 2006, after the Second Intifada 
was crushed by Israel. In 2009, the UN warned 
that 250,000 Palestinians in 83 communities in the West Bank ‘are at 
risk of heightened violence’ from Israeli settlers. They called these 
‘price tag’ attacks because the settlers want to exact a high price from 
Palestinians for their existence in lands that Israelis call Judea and 

Tayseer Barakat (Palestine), Shoreless Sea #11, 2019.

Tayseer Barakat (Palestine), /Shoreless Sea #11/, 2019.

At a cabinet meeting on 25 June, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin 
Netanyahu told 
his colleagues that he too found the ‘calls to grab land illegally and 
actions of grabbing land illegally’ to be ‘unacceptable’. A close 
reading of Netanyahu’s statement to the cabinet finds, however, that he 
did not differ with the policy of land grabs and demographic 
engineering. The violent actions of the settlers, he said, ‘do not 
strengthen settlement – on the contrary, they hurt it. I say this as 
someone who doubled settlement in Judea and Samaria despite great and 
unprecedented international pressure to carry out withdrawals that I 
have not carried out and will not carry out’. These settlements, which 
Netanyahu extols, are illegal according to international law. As 
recently as 2016, the UN Security Council voted for resolution 2334 
which ‘condemn[s] all measures aimed at altering the demographic 
composition, character, and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied 
since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, /inter alia/, the 
construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, 
confiscation of land, demolition of homes, and displacement of 
Palestinian civilians’.

Over the past few years, a suite of policies and actions by the Israeli 
government has raised the spectre of apartheid, the Afrikaans word 
meaning ‘the state of being apart’. This term has increasingly been used 
to describe the institutionalised discrimination of Palestinians by 
Israel within the 1948 lines of Israel, in the Occupied Palestinian 
Territory (the OPT, which is made up of East Jerusalem, Gaza, and the 
West Bank) from 1967, and exiled in the diaspora. In 2017, the UN’s 
Economic and Social Commission of West Asia (ESCWA) published a strong 
/Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of 
Apartheid/. ESCWA’s then leader, Rima Khalaf, said 
that Israel’s apartheid regime works on two levels. First, it fragments 
the Palestinian people (inside Israel, the OPT, and the diaspora). 
Second, it oppresses Palestinians through ‘an array of laws, policies, 
and practices that ensure domination of them by a racial group and serve 
to maintain the regime’.

The use of the word apartheid to describe Israel’s treatment of 
Palestinians is now nearly ubiquitous. Amnesty International, for 
instance, published a 2022 report 
with a powerful title: /Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel 
System of Domination and Crime against Humanity. /In a blunt conclusion, 
Amnesty wrote:

Israel has perpetrated the international wrong of apartheid, as a human 
rights violation and a violation of public international law wherever it 
imposes this system. … [A]lmost all of Israel’s civilian administration 
and military authorities, as well as governmental and quasigovernmental 
institutions, are involved in the enforcement of the system of apartheid 
against Palestinians across Israel and the OPT and against Palestinian 
refugees and their descendants outside the territory.

Dina Mattar (Palestine), Untitled 1, 2019.

Dina Mattar (Palestine), /Untitled 1/, 2019.

>From 20 to 22 June, two former senior UN officials, Ban Ki-moon (former 
UN secretary-general) and Mary Robinson (former UN High Commissioner for 
Human Rights and president of Ireland), visited Palestine and Israel. 
They went to the region on behalf of The Elders, a group formed by 
Nelson Mandela in 2007 to bring together former government staff and top 
officials from multilateral institutions to address the dilemmas of 
humanity. When they left Tel Aviv, the two Elders published a scathing 
on their visit.

Based on their conversations with human rights organisations and their 
own investigations, Ban and Robinson pointed to the ‘ever-growing 
evidence that the situation meets the international legal definition of 
apartheid’. When they discussed this evidence with Israeli officials, 
they ‘heard no detailed rebuttal of the evidence of apartheid’. The 
Government Guidelines 
for Netanyahu’s cabinet, Ban and Robinson pointed out,

clearly show an intent to pursue permanent annexation rather than 
temporary occupation, based on Jewish supremacy. Measures include the 
transfer of administrative powers over the occupied West Bank from 
military to civilian authorities, accelerating the approval processes 
for building settlements, and constructing new infrastructure that would 
render a future Palestinian state unviable.

These are powerful words from senior officials who held two of the 
highest offices of the United Nations.

On 25 March 1986, the Israeli authorities arrested Walid Daqqah, who is 
from the town of Baqa al-

Gharbiyyeh. He was sentenced to 37 years in prison for being part of a 
group that killed the Israeli soldier Moshe Tamam. His imprisonment 
violates the Oslo Accords of 1993, which say that all Palestinian 
prisoners held before the signing of the agreement must be released. His 
37-year prison term expired on 24 March 2023, but Daqqah, who since his 
imprisonment has become an accomplished novelist, remains incarcerated 
on a new charge from 2018 for smuggling cell phones into the prison. 
This extended his sentence by two more years. Now 61 and battling cancer 
(a diagnosis he received in 2022), Walid was scheduled for a parole 
hearing, but this has been postponed by the Israeli government.

Amidst increasing international outcry, the International Union of Left 
of which Tricontinental: Institute of Social Research is a member, has 
released a statement 
calling upon the Israeli government to release Daqqah. Please read it below:

We, the International Union of Left Publishers (IULP), call on all 
publishers, writers, artists, intellectuals, and people of conscience to 
demand the immediate release of the revolutionary writer and thinker 
Walid Daqqah from the jails of the Israeli Occupation.

Walid Daqqah has been imprisoned since the age of 25 for his resistance 
to the Israeli Occupation and his defence of the Palestinian people. Now 
61, he has endured this unjust imprisonment for 37 years. His medical 
condition is rapidly deteriorating, and it is critical that he receive a 
bone marrow transplant and other urgent medical care, but he has been 
denied medical treatment by the Israeli authorities.

As one of the most important thinkers and visionaries of the Palestinian 
resistance today, Walid Daqqah has been subjected to extra levels of the 
routine torture, abuse, and neglect that Palestinian prisoners face in 
the Occupation’s jails. He is a voice of the people, a voice that the 
Occupation fears and hopes to silence. But though his body is behind 
bars, his voice has broken free through his novels, essays, and letters, 
which have nourished and motivated the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, 
the resistance, and the international solidarity movement in all corners 
of the world. Walid Daqqah’s imprisonment is a violation of his most 
basic human rights, those of his family and of his people, and also a 
violation of the rights of all people in struggle who deserve to learn 
from, listen to, and exchange with him and his ideas.

The ongoing imprisonment of Walid Daqqah is a sentence to death, and the 
world is witness to the US-backed Israeli Occupation’s attempts to 
silence the Palestinian resistance by any means possible. We demand the 
immediate release of Walid Daqqah to his family and immediate access to 
medical care. We raise our voices in firm solidarity with Walid Daqqah, 
the almost 5,000 Palestinian prisoners who remain unjustly behind bars, 
and the imprisoned and repressed voices of reason who suffer from the 
attacks of imperialism across the world.

In 2018, Daqqah published his first novel for children, The Oil’s Secret 
Tale. It tells the story of 12-year-old Jood, who goes to see his father 
in prison for the first time but is denied access by the authorities. 
The boy travels around Palestine, meeting with Samour the rabbit, Abu 
Reesha the bird, Ghanfour the cat, Abu Nab the dog, and an ancient olive 
tree, Um Rami, and speaking about the Israeli apartheid regime. Um Rami, 
who was to be felled by the Israeli authorities to free up land for an 
illegal settlement, tells Jood that she has an oil he can rub on his 
body to make him invisible. He uses the oil, walks into his father’s 
cell, and says to his bewildered father, ‘I am your son Jood’.



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