[News] Palestinian university students face a sharp increase in political arrests by the Palestinian Authority

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jun 20 10:26:20 EDT 2023

addameer.org <https://www.addameer.org/news/5070>
Palestinian university students face a sharp increase in political arrests
by the Palestinian Authority


Addameer Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association views with great
concern the increasing numbers of Palestinian university students who have
been recently arrested by Palestinian Authority security forces on grounds
of political affiliation. Following the latest student council elections at
Birzeit University, PA General Intelligence Service arrested the
President-elect of the Student Council, Abdulmajid Hasan, after having
brutally assaulted him in front of his home. Four other Birzeit University
students are also among those who were arrested within the last few days
and continue to be detained by PA security forces are: Yahya Qasem,
Abdullah Abu Qayyas, Abdulghani Fares, and Fouzi Abu Kweik. The current
arrest campaign carried out by the Palestinian Security Forces against
students of Palestinian universities in the West Bank is attributed to the
wrapping up of student council elections in a number of these academic

Addameer Association calls upon the Palestinian Attorney General, Counselor
Akram Al-Khatib, and the heads of the Palestinian Security Forces for the
immediate release of all arrested students on the pretext of political
affiliations and their unionized student activities, and to cease all
prosecution of university students out of respect to the obligations of the
State of Palestine under the international conventions and covenants that
it signed.
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