[News] Please Support the Freedom Archives

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jun 13 10:27:27 EDT 2023

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Summer 2023

Dear Friends,

We hope this letter finds you healthy and engaged! As summer fast 
approaches, we’re excited to continue adding materials to the archives, 
collaborating with others, working on our documentary on the Puerto 
Rican independence movement, and of course our day-to-day commitment to:

Preserve the past – Illuminate the present – Shape the future


*Puerto Rico:

Our December trip to Puerto Rico was a wonderful experience. Joined by 
long-time collaborator and co-founder Andres Algeria, we interviewed 14 
former political prisoners about their lives, what inspired them to join 
and commit themselves to the independence movement, and how their 
experiences shape the way they understand current anti-colonial 
struggles. These interviews took us from working class San Juan to the 
mountains of Guavate, to the southern coastal town of Lajas. We saw the 
environmental effects of years of devastating hurricanes and continued 
US colonial exploitation, but also clear examples of collective 
resilience and self-reliance. It was an honor to be welcomed as comrades 
in struggle and engage with such dynamic and interesting perspectives, 
stories and analysis. Continuing the work, we’re looking forward to 
translating and transcribing our content, planning additional 
opportunities to interview more activists and starting to develop 
narratives for the film. To all those who made this trip possible - we 
can’t thank you enough!

Photo of Andres, Claude and Nathaniel with water in background

Image: Andres Alegria, Claude Marks, Nathaniel Moore


Thanks for your Support!! <http://freedomarchives.org/donation/>

*Just Another Day in the Archives…*

Cover Page of Through the Looking Glass Periodical

Cover: /Through the Looking Glass: A Women's & Children's Prison 
Full Text Link 

We continue to open our space for class visits, researchers, students 
and community members. Here's some of the other things we've been up to:

  * Facilitating Presentations
  * Adding newly processed collections and digitized materials to the
  * Celebrating Paul Robeson’s 125th birthday with an audioscape of Paul
    Robeson for an Oakland gathering and music performance by UpSurge!
  * Organizing to support prisoners in Soledad (CTF) who are suing
    California for physical and psychological attacks against Black
    prisoners for organizing in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and
  * Continued restructuring our database and audio digitization workflow.

Newly Digitized Materials:

Cover of Irish Songs of Resistance songbook

/Irish Songs of Resistance/. Full Text Link 

Cover Aspects of the Mozambican Revolution pamphlet

/Aspects of the Mozambican Struggle/. Full Text Link 


/Lectures on Liberation/. Full Text Link 

We’ve also been pleased to serve as a resource for those working to 
imagine, establish, sustain, and grow community archival projects. This 
work is very important to us – not because we think that we’ve got 
everything figured out – far from it – but because we recognize how 
vital it is to replicate archival models that are grounded in community 
control and leadership, committed to Left and radical political values, 
and centered in accessibility and a vision for social change. These 
conversations strengthen our movements’ intellectual resources as we 
share skills, ideas and solutions and build relationships that sustain 
us and the work far beyond the initial meeting. We appreciate that folks 
see our work as a source of inspiration and are glad to provide insight 
and strategies when we can.


*¡Ricardo Romero Presente!*

Revolutionary activist, grand jury resistor and Chicano movement leader 
Ricardo Romero passed away on April 28th, 2023. Ricardo was not only a 
lifelong friend to many in our community but also was an important part 
of our films /Cointelpro 101/ and /Symbols of Resistance/. Our work 
together created space for Ricardo to share his vibrant stories and 
perspectives and also an opportunity to communicate the beauty and 
commitment of a 5 - decade - long political and personal relationship. 
Ricardo Romero contributed his life to movements for liberation and 
justice and while his presence will be missed, his words, lessons and 
smile will always be with us.


Ricardo at the 2017 San Francisco premier of /Symbols of Resistance./ 
Photo Credit: Scott Braley.


2023 is shaping up nicely and as always we rely on your steadfast 
support. We deeply appreciate the ways you’ve helped us build a strong 
foundation for a vibrant future, continually growing our educational 
resources, and participating in ongoing struggles for justice and 
freedom. Thank you!!

We always welcome your comments and suggestions. Your donations help us 
amplify our efforts and impact – please support our work by sending us a 
check, giving online and when possible, signing up as a monthly donor.

Donate Here!! <http://freedomarchives.org/donation/>

In gratitude,

I'm an image

I'm an image

I'm an image

Claude, Nathaniel, and Danielle

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