[News] Amid Ongoing PA Arrest Campaign, Islamic Jihad Refuses to Attend Cairo Talks

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Mon Jul 24 17:02:10 EDT 2023

Amid Ongoing PA Arrest Campaign, Islamic Jihad Refuses to Attend Cairo
24, 2023
Ziad al-Nakhala, Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad
movement in Palestine. (Photo: MEMO)

In protest against political detentions by the Palestinian Authority, the
resistance group, Islamic Jihad in Palestine (IJP) has decided not to
attend the planned meeting of Palestinian factions slated to take place at
the end of the month in Cairo.

“We will not join the meeting for secretaries general of the Palestinian
factions hosted by Egypt before the release of our brother fighters from
the Palestinian Authority (PA) prisons,” IJP’s Secretary General Ziyad
al-Nakhala said.

This came amidst a detention campaign carried out by the PA against Hamas
and IJP members, as well as university students in the occupied West Bank.

On Monday night, the PA security forces raided Jalazoun Refugee Camp in
Nablus to detain Palestinian fighters, but they left without detaining
anyone after a fierce exchange of fire with them.

The rights group, Lawyers for Justice said that it has delt with more than
300 cases of political detention by the PA’s security services, including
80 since the start of May.

The Committee of Palestinian Political Prisoners in the West Bank said that
the PA has committed 411 violations against Palestinians in June.

Palestinian factions have said that they received an invitation for a
meeting for the secretaries general of the Palestinian factions from Egypt.

The meeting, which will discuss the Palestinian situation in light of
growing Israeli violence is scheduled to take place on July 30.

In a recent editorial, Palestinian journalist and author Ramzy Baroud
argued that “the PA is now seen by most Palestinians as an obstacle in the
face of full (Palestinian) unity.”

“That position is fully fathomable,” he wrote, “while Israel was ramping up
its deadly operations in Jenin and Nablus, the PA police was arresting
Palestinian activists, angering resistance groups in the West Bank and

“If this continues, a civil war in the West Bank is a real possibility.”

*(The Palestine Chronicle, MEMO)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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