[News] Palestine Action Blocks Sewage Pipes of Leicester’s Israeli Weapons Factory

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jul 13 11:09:03 EDT 2023

palestineaction.org <https://www.palestineaction.org/blocks-sewage-pipes/>
Palestine Action Blocks Sewage Pipes of Leicester’s Israeli Weapons FactoryJuly
11, 2023
[image: image.png]

*Images are available and free to use: bit.ly/PipesPictures

Two days ago, Palestine Action blocked the sewage pipes leading to
Leicester’s Israeli weapons factory, UAV Tactical Systems (U-TacS). In a
new tactic, activists used concrete and other materials to create a
blockage in the pipes to disrupt the operation of the factory. The action
was not publicised at its inception, leaving the factory unaware of their
new plumbing problems. Since the obstruction of the pipes, two vans
belonging to the factory’s estate’s managment firm, Precision Facilities
Management, have entered the premises.

The action took place as part of the ongoing siege against the weapons
factory, which began on May 1st, over two months ago [1
<https://www.palestineaction.org/siege-begins/>]. The siege has used a
diversity of tactics deployed to pressure the weapons factory to vacate
Leicester, including blockades [2
<https://www.palestineaction.org/lock-down-siege/>] [3
<https://www.palestineaction.org/siege-day-24/>], camping on site,
targeting their partners [4
<https://www.palestineaction.org/arms-traffickers/>], mobilising the local
community and now Palestine Action is interfering with Elbit’s plumbing.

Elsewhere, activists targeted Keysight Technologies in Telford, a key
partner of U-TacS, who are often seen delivering materials to the Leicester
factory. The activists poured a subtance into Keysight’s external air
conditioning units and left a spray painted message saying “For Jenin”.

UAV Tactical Systems, is majority owned by Israel’s largest weapons
manufacturer, Elbit Systems, who often market their weapons as
“battle-tested” after being used against the Palestinian people. Elbit
supply 85% of Israel’s military drone fleet and land-based equipment [5
<http://www.whoprofits.org/company/elbit-systems/>].  Recently, the Israeli
military launched air strikes and ground raids against Jenin refugee camp,
murdering 13 Palestinians and displacing thousands more, in the largest
attack on the camp since 2002 [6

In Leicester, and in Elbit’s seven other remaining sites in Britain,
weaponry is being manufactured and exported to Israel [7
Leicester’s UAV Tactical Systems’ flagship product, the Watchkeeper drone,
has also been used extensively by the British military in Iraq,
Afghanistan, and over the English Channel – the Watchkeeper is modelled on
the notorious and deadly Hermes drone, openly marketed as ‘battle-tested’
on the captive Palestinian population [8
On 21st June 2023, an Elbit Hermes 450 drone was used to extrajudicially
assassinate three Palestinians in Jenin, and is often linked to documented
assaults on the Palestinian people.


Images are available and free to use: bit.ly/PipesPictures

If you would like any further information on Palestine action, please
contact info at palestineaction.org

Palestine Action is a direct-action network of groups and individuals
formed with the mandate of taking action against the sites of Elbit Systems
and other companies complicit in Israeli apartheid, calling for all such
sites to be shut down.

[1] https://www.palestineaction.org/siege-begins/

[2] https://www.palestineaction.org/lock-down-siege/

[3] https://www.palestineaction.org/siege-day-24/

[4] https://www.palestineaction.org/arms-traffickers/

[5] http://www.whoprofits.org/company/elbit-systems/



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