[News] Israeli Forces Kill Nine People in Jenin Military Raid

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jan 26 11:52:28 EST 2023

BREAKING: Israeli Forces Kill Nine People in Jenin Military Raid
January 26, 2023
Palestinian youths confront Israeli occupation forces during Israel’s
brutal aggression on Jenin. (Photo: via QNN TW Page)

Nine Palestinians were killed and 20 others were wounded by Israeli army
gunfire on Thursday morning, during a brutal military raid into the city
and neighboring refugee camp, the official news agency WAFA reported.

Among the fatalities, there is an elderly woman, identified as 60-year-old
Magda Obaid. Two of the slain youths were identified as Saeb Issam Mahmoud
Izreiqi, 24, and Izzidin Yassin Salahat, 26.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said that all 16 casualties, including a
child, sustained gunshot wounds in the chest, shoulders, abdomen, and lower

During the raid, the soldiers completely destroyed the Jenin Camp Club.

According to WAFA, a sizable army force barged its way into the flashpoint
city and the neighboring refugee camp, where snipers seized positions on
the rooftops of houses, trigging violent confrontations.

The Israeli army force disconnected the power supply to the camp, denied
paramedics and reporter access to it, and directly opened fire on an
*Health Minister, Mai al-Kaileh, stated Palestinian Red Crescent (PRC)
first emergency medical workers at the scene could not evacuate the wounded
as Israeli soldiers restricted access to the camp and hampered ambulances
from fetching and transferring the casualties.*

Al-Kaileh added that the Israeli occupation forces fired gas bombs toward
the pediatric section of Jenin Government Hospital, causing suffocation
cases from gas inhalation among Palestinians, including mothers and

She said that she demanded an urgent meeting with the World Health
Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross to bring an
end to the Israeli aggression, save the lives of Palestinians and prevent
further bloodshed while urging international human rights organizations to
urgently intervene to help rein in Israeli army practices.


(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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