[News] Peru: Police Violently Evict Protesters from San Marcos University

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Sun Jan 22 13:55:58 EST 2023

Peru: Police Violently Evict Protesters from San Marcos University
Victor Castellanos - January 22, 2023
[image: Police outside the gates of San Marcos University in Lima, Peru, on
the morning of January 21, preparing to evict protesters from the
university premises. Photo from social media.]

Police outside the gates of San Marcos University in Lima, Peru, on the
morning of January 21, preparing to evict protesters from the university
premises. Photo from social media.

On Saturday, January 21, the Peruvian National Police entered San Marcos
University in Lima, the capital of Peru, and violently expelled protesters
who had been staying in university premises over the last few days.
Peruvians from different regions who traveled to Lima to join the national
strike against de facto President Dina Boluarte had been staying in
university buildings at the invitation of the students, as has been
customary for years during several protests that have taken place in the
Peruvian capital throughout political crises that have been persisting
since the beginning of the century. However, this time, the rector of San
Marcos University, which is the oldest university in Latin America,
condemned the protesters on the premises and called for police action
against them.

Police violently entered the campus and subdued student and social leaders
who had made arrangements to host the caravans of peasants and indigenous
communities that had arrived in the capital, as broadcast live by Telesur
whose correspondents were on site during the attack.

Shocking images from the University of San Marcos where police carried out
a raid this morning Saturday January 21. Students had opened the doors of
the university to the peasant and Indigenous delegations that came to Lima
for the national strike. pic.twitter.com/R9xiv1lyqX

— Peoples Dispatch (@peoplesdispatch) January 21, 2023

The police also arrested several people, threw them on the ground, and took
away donations and their belongings, according to reports circulating on
social media.

Con tanquetas y bombas lacrimógenas entran a la Universidad de San Marcos,
cuando la mayoría de delegaciones habían abandonado el campus. Se van
contra estudiantes y comuneros que resguardaban donaciones. Accionar
repudiable de Dina Boluarte y la rectora Jerí. Basta de represión!
pic.twitter.com/A0ShgzSowx <https://t.co/A0ShgzSowx>

— Indira Huilca (@IndiraHuilca) January 21, 2023

The police arrested a number of demonstrators, transporting them away on
buses without informing lawyers, human rights defenders, and relatives of
the detainees about the charges against them or where they had been taken.
In fact, a person staying in the university’s student residences stated
that no attorney was present with the police during the violent operation.

However, hours after the operation, the provisional superior prosecutor and
national coordinator of the Prosecutor’s Offices for Crime Prevention,
Alfonso Barnechea, announced to the media at the gates of the university
that around 200 people had been arrested and that about 20 prosecutors had
been dispatched to the university to verify that the rights of the detained
had been respected.

#ENVIVO <https://twitter.com/hashtag/ENVIVO?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>|
Se registra la presencia de varios policías en motocicletas además de gran
cantidad de personal de la fuerza pública y una tanqueta

➡https://t.co/tqMKHfl0b4 pic.twitter.com/ish9bbJVFh

— teleSUR TV (@teleSURtv) January 21, 2023

After security agents infiltrated the campus, police in riot gear closed
the gates and cordoned off the area. A police helicopter was also present
during the operation. Lawyers, human rights defenders, and parliamentarians
were not allowed to enter the university premises.

#Perú <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Per%C3%BA?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
Registran video donde policía dispara a discreción en Ilave #Puno
pic.twitter.com/mrRNRL5PIm <https://t.co/mrRNRL5PIm>

— JAIME HERRERA (@JaimeHerreraCaj) January 21, 2023

No information has been provided yet about the whereabouts of the
detainees, and no media institutions except networks that support the de
facto government have been permitted to record the eviction and detention

Students have been occupying San Marcos University since January 17 in
solidarity with peasants, activists, and indigenous communities who have
been protesting throughout the nation against Boluarte’s de facto
government and the coup-perpetrating Congress.

The University Council of the National Engineering University, also located
in Lima, agreed to welcome students traveling from southern regions of the
country. The first students to arrive were from the San Antonio Abad
National University of Cusco.

Con policías de Ilave-Puno disparando así, a todo lo que se mueve.
Obviamente que tienen que haber muertos y heridos…
Video 👇@Defensoria_Peru
<https://twitter.com/Defensoria_Peru?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> @FiscaliaPeru
<https://twitter.com/FiscaliaPeru?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> @DinaErcilia
pic.twitter.com/HZrwikn6rU <https://t.co/HZrwikn6rU>

— LUIS (@LUCHINPERUCHO) January 21, 2023

Since Wednesday, January 18, hundreds of people from Puno, Arequipa, and
Cuzco, as well as from other parts of Peru began arriving in Lima to
participate in *La Marcha de los Cuatro Suyos* (“The March of the Four
Nations”), calling for the resignation of de facto President Boluarte, the
closure of Congress, the convening of a constituent assembly, and early

*Police repression against students*
The police, after evicting demonstrators from San Marcos University
grounds, also attacked students who were protesting against the arbitrary
and forcible removal of people who had been peacefully spending the night
on university grounds to collect donations.

#URGENTE <https://twitter.com/hashtag/URGENTE?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
La PNP entró a una residencia dentro de la Universidad San Marcos. Las
personas que se encontraban dentro están asustadas.#UNMSM
pic.twitter.com/HCCici2a1D <https://t.co/HCCici2a1D>

— Alex Febrero (@AlexFebrero_) January 21, 2023

Students also criticized police raids on student residences without
warrant. Social media posts present images and videos of police agents
entering residences and threatening students.

(Últimas Noticias
by Víctor Castellanos, with Orinoco Tribune content

Translation: Orinoco Tribune

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