[News] Boluarte’s Government Suspends Constitutional Rights in Peru

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Sun Jan 15 14:37:48 EST 2023

Boluarte’s Government Suspends Constitutional Rights in PeruJanuary 15, 2023

At a time when Peruvian social organizations keep calling for
demonstrations against police repression, the Government of
President-designate Dina Boluarte decreed this Saturday a state of
emergency in Lima, Callao, Puno and Cusco, which will suspend several
constitutional rights.

The decree, published in the official gazette close to midnight on
Saturday, authorizes the military forces to intervene together with the
Police to "safeguard" public order.

Peru has been experiencing a series of social protests since last December
7, when the Congress dismissed President Pedro Castillo, who is in prison
on charges of rebellion, and appointed in his place Boluarte, who was
serving as the country's vice-president.

#Peru <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Peru?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> |
Peruvian legislator Kelly Portalatino filed a complaint against the 19
ministers who make up the cabinet of President-designate Dina Boluarte, who
on Friday reiterated that she will remain in office, despite demonstrations
demanding resignation.https://t.co/p8N3j6HOkN pic.twitter.com/Ra0vfflygl
— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) January 14, 2023

The social mobilizations, demanding the resignation of Boluarte, the
closing of Congress, a constitutional assembly and the release of Castillo,
have been strongly repressed by the police forces with a toll of about 50
killed and hundreds injured and detained.

The decree, which went into effect as of Sunday, establishes that "the
Peruvian National Police maintains control of internal order with the
support of the Armed Forces".

For 30 days, the constitutional rights of inviolability of domicile and the
freedoms of transit through the national territory, assembly and personal
freedom and security will be suspended.

Dirigentes de Puno y ronderos de La Libertad y Cajamarca anuncian "2da
marcha de los 4 suyos" con dirección a Lima en los próximos días. Mientras
tanto el gobierno de @DinaErcilia
<https://twitter.com/DinaErcilia?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> carece de una
estrategia clara de diálogo con la población. @ConexiontlSUR
pic.twitter.com/vLmRmevvVu <https://t.co/vLmRmevvVu>
— Ramiro Angulo Machiavello (@RamiroteleSURtv) January 13, 2023

*Leaders from Puno and patrols from La Libertad and Cajamarca announce "2nd
march of the 4 of theirs" heading to Lima in the coming days. Meanwhile,
the government of @DinaErcilia lacks a clear strategy for dialogue with the
population. at ConexiontlSUR*

In the department of Puno, the decree included "mandatory social
immobilization" for 10 days starting this Sunday, to be complied with from
8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the following day.

During these hours, circulation will only be allowed for the acquisition,
production and supply of foodstuffs. In addition, only the personnel
necessary for the provision of essential services will be allowed to

The Government of Boluarte declared a state of emergency on the eve of
several demonstrations that social movements are preparing to hold this
Monday in Lima to demand the release of several leaders who have been
detained by the authorities.
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