[News] Syria says Israeli strikes on Damascus airport leaves two dead

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Mon Jan 2 12:23:49 EST 2023

Syria says Israeli strikes on Damascus airport leaves two dead
By MEE staff

The Israeli army has warned it will continue to attack Syria’s civilian
infrastructure in shadow war against Iran

Damascus International Airport has been the site of multiple Israeli
attacks over the years (AFP)

Published date: 2 January 2023

The Israeli military attacked Syria’s national airport on Sunday night,
putting it temporarily out of service and leaving two Syrian soldiers dead
and two wounded, according to state media.

A military source <https://sana.sy/en/?p=294626> speaking to Syria’s state
news agency, Sana, said: “The Israeli enemy carried out at 2am an
aggression from the direction of Lake Tiberias targeting Damascus
International Airport and its vicinity.”

The strike left material damages and briefly put the airport out of
service, the source added.

The attack followed two other devastating attacks on Damascus International
Airport in 2022.

In June
the airport was bombarded by Israeli
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/israel> missiles, leaving three huge
craters <https://twitter.com/manniefabian/status/1536005073150611456> in
each of its two operational runways.

Just as the airport was repaired, Israeli missiles struck again
in September, disabling its operations.

Israel has conducted hundreds of air strikes in Syria since 2011, targeting
government troops, Iran-backed fighters and Hezbollah members. However,
targeting airports and paralysing aviation has become more frequent in
recent months.

Syria’s Ministry of Transport said work to repair the damage began
immediately and that some flights resumed later on Monday, while work in
other parts of the airport continued.

One of Syria’s few regional allies, Iran, condemned the attack in a
statement reported by Sana.

Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman of the Iranian foreign ministry, said that
“the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns in the strongest terms the continued
crimes and aggressions against Syrian sovereignty by the Israeli entity”.
Intensification of attacks

Israel has intensified its attacks on Syrian airports in a bid to disrupt
growing flights between Tehran and Damascus, which it views as a corridor
to transport weapons.

According to a report from the Israeli Alma Research and Education Center
which is linked to the Israeli security establishment, Iranian airlines
flew at least 110 times to Damascus International Airport in 2022.

Iranian airlines also flew at least 39 times to Rafic Hariri International
Airport in Beirut, according to the report.

Israel's terror campaign against Arab airports continues without respite

Joseph Massad

Read More »

Israel began to target Damascus airport and its environs at least as early
as May 2013
More Israeli raids on the airport ensued in 2014
<https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-30370670>, and later in 2017
and 2019
resulting in scores of casualties.

In a series of tweets
last week, the Israeli army highlighted that it will accelerate strikes
targeting Iranian assets.

“We are conducting an accelerated campaign between campaigns⁠ - and not
only in Syria. To this end, we have carried out dozens of strikes with
hundreds of armaments in the past year,” it said.

“We see that our course of action in Syria is an example of how continuous
and persistent military action leads to shaping and influencing the entire
region,” it said, adding that “we will not accept Hezbollah 2.0 in Syria”.

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