[News] Israel commits 3, 532 violations in West Bank, Jerusalem in January

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Sat Feb 4 13:53:24 EST 2023

Report: Israel commits 3,532 violations in West Bank, Jerusalem in January
February 3, 2023

Israeli occupation settlers and forces have committed 3,532 violations
against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem in January,
the Palestine National Information Centre revealed.

The Information Centre disclosed in a report that January was the bloodiest
month in the occupied West Bank since 2015, citing the Israeli killings of
35 Palestinians, including eight children and a 61-year-old woman – with 20
killed in Jenin alone.

In addition, the report also pointed out that the Israeli occupation
settlers and forces wounded 342 Palestinians.

According to the Information Centre, the occupation settlers committed 17
settlement activities, including stealing land, razing farms, paving new
settlement roads and approving new settlement units, in addition to 319

Meanwhile, the occupation forces and settlers demolished 290 commercial and
agricultural facilities and confiscated 40 others.

The Information Centre also documented the Israeli demolition of 40
Palestinian homes and issued 154 demolition notices.

It documented 29 aggressions on holy sites
road closures in 38 areas and 511 temporary and permanent Israeli military
checkpoints across the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

*READ: UN Rights Chief calls for halt to illogical escalation in Israel,
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