[News] Gaza Resistance destroys 20+ Israeli vehicles, 2 officers killed

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Sat Dec 30 19:50:22 EST 2023

Gaza Resistance destroys 20+ Israeli vehicles, 2 officers killed
Al Mayadeen English
December 30, 2023

Among announced operations, a PFLP spokesperson has revealed that the group
foiled a special Israeli operation aimed at freeing an Israeli officer from
[image: 28850d0c-73f3-429b-9d48-a6e4992fcae8.png]

   - An al-Qassam Brigades fighter plants a Shawaz explosive device on the
   hull of an Israeli Merkava tank in Khan Yunis, in footage released on
   December 30, 2023. *(Al-Qassam Brigades/Military media)*

On the 85th of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian
Resistance has announced a multitude of operations, conducted by several
factions, across the Gaza Strip, as the Israeli occupation admits to
additional losses on Saturday.

Two officers, a Master Sergeant serving under the Golani Brigade's 7086th
Battalion Combat Engineering Corps and a Captain serving as the team
commander in the Givati Brigade's reconnaissance unit, were killed by the
Palestinian Resistance in the central and southern Gaza Strip, respectively.

Another Golani combat engineer was seriously injured in the same operation
in the central Gaza Strip, where the occupation recently expanded its
invasion into the al-Bureij refugee camp, suffering heavy losses. The
occupation said that another one of its reservists was seriously wounded in
the same area.

Additionally, the occupation military's spokesperson said that an officer
in the Givati Brigade and a reservist in the Nahal Brigade's Combat
Engineering Battalion were seriously injured in the northern Gaza Strip.

The occupation's military also admitted to a serious injury among the ranks
of its Nahal Brigade in the Gaza Envelope, just outside the Gaza Strip.
Although the IOF's spokesperson did not detail the events leading to the
injury, Palestinian Resistance factions have consistently bombarded
envelope settlements, targeting groupings of Israeli soldiers and armored
vehicle positions.
List and analysis of December 30 operations

On the other hand, Resistance factions have relentlessly and effectively
pushed back against the occupation's expanded invasion into southern and
central areas of the Gaza Strip. Khan Yunis and al-Bureij saw the lion's
share of confrontations in these areas, where the Resistance has documented
its effective strategies which have cost the Occupation heavy casualties,
evident in an increased rate of casualties among occupation soldiers.

Resistance fighters also confronted occupation forces at the Sheikh Aajlin
axis near the coast of Gaza. The coastal area is located to the southwest
of Gaza City, and a couple of operations announced by the Resistance
indicate its ability to conduct operations behind enemy lines.
Al-Qassam Brigades Gaza City

Hamas' al-Qassam Brigades
led operations throughout the Gaza Strip, destroying or damaging a total of
21 Israeli military vehicles, including Merkava tanks, armored personnel
carriers (APCs), and Humvees.

In Sheikh Aajlin, the Brigades introduced a new sniper rifle for the first
time, the M99 anti-material rifle
In a statement, the faction announced that it shot down an Israeli
occupation soldier in Sheikh Aajlin with an M99 sniper rifle. It is still
unclear whether the rifle is the Chinese-made Zijiang M99 or the
Barrett-made M99, however, both rifles have anti-material and long-range

*Read more: Al-Qassam introduces Russian-made portable rocket to Gaza

In the same area, the Brigades detonated pre-set Improvised Explosive
Devices (IED) at a road that an Israeli convoy was traveling through,
destroying two Humvees and attacking the force with assault rifles.

Al-Qassam fighters also shot a thermobaric rocket-propelled grenade (RPG)
at an infantry force
taking refuge in a building in the area, while another group targeted a
Merkava tank with al-Qassam's, locally produced, al-Yassin RPG.

Further east, the Brigades fighters ambushed a force of 20 soldiers in the
Sheikh al-Radwan neighborhood, killing and injuring members of the force.
The Brigades also deployed a sapper force to plant a Shawaz (explosively
formed penetrator) on a Mekrava tank in the same neighborhood.

On the Tuffaah and Daraj neighborhoods, closer to the center of Gaza City,
al-Qassam fighters destroyed eight Israeli Merkava tanks and ambushed an
Israeli infantry force.
Central and Southern Gaza Strip

In the al-Bureij refugee camp, the Brigades targeted a total of eight
occupation armored vehicles, confirming the complete destruction of an APC.
Further south, the Khuzaa neighborhood of Khan Yunis was destroyed.

*Read more: Resistance blows up IOF tanks, vehicles in southern, central
Al-Quds Brigades

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad's al-Quds Brigades announced a greater sum of
operations in Khan Yunis, saying that its mortar units launched attacks on
occupation forces positioned around the district, as well as the 5th Street
leading into the city. Al-Quds Brigades fighters also directly engaged
occupation forces since the early hours of the morning in Khan Yunis.

The group also launched salvos of rockets towards occupied Askalan to the
north of the Gaza Strip and announced a joint operation with al-Qassam
fighters, in which fighters launched rocket artillery and fired mortar
rounds at an Israeli command and control center Abu Ourayban in the
northern Gaza Strip.

Additionally, the Brigades showcased its versatile arsenal by launching
rocket attacks on "Nir Am" and "Mefalsim" to the east of Gaza City, amid
supposed Israeli ground control in the area from which rockets were

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine's (PFLP) Abu Ali Mustafa
Brigades announced that its special forces are engaged in fierce
confrontations in Khan Yunis and al-Bureij. In the central Gaza Strip, the
Brigades targeted an Israeli APC with an imported tandem RPG.

Significantly, the Brigades' spokesperson, Abu Jamal, released a
voice-recorded statement, for the first time since Operation Al-Aqsa Flood
was first launched on October 7.

Abu Jamal announced that a force guarding an Israeli occupation officer,
taken captive on October 7, foiled a special Israeli force attempting to
retrieve the captive, causing casualties among its ranks.

Furthermore, Abu Jamal revealed that Israeli warplanes targeted the area of
the foiled operation killing the Israeli captives and injuring some of the
PFLP fighters. The PFLP was able to appropriate an IOF laptop and several
flash drives from the force, which contain sensitive information, including
maps and plans for attacks on several axes.

The PFLP spokesperson also announced that the Brigades destroyed or damaged
a total of 95 armored vehicles since the start of the ground invasion,
saying that its command has deployed fighters in every axis of
confrontation throughout the Gaza Strip.
DFLP, al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine's National Resistance
Brigades announced that its fighters targeted an Israeli occupation force
with an IED in Khan Yunis, killing and injuring its members.

On the other hand, al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, the military wing of
the Popular Resistance Committees, announced that its fighters targeted an
Israeli Merkava tank with an imported tandem RPG in the city of Khan Yunis.
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