[News] The Zionist Occupation Can No Longer Hide Its Losses

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Thu Dec 28 15:52:04 EST 2023

The Zionist Occupation Can No Longer Hide Its Losses
Dalal al-Zainabi
December 28, 2023

[image: An Israeli Occupation Forces soldier rests his head on an artillery
gun barrel of an armored vehicle as troops take position near the Gaza wall
on October 9,  2023. Photo: AFP.]

An Israeli Occupation Forces soldier rests his head on an artillery gun
barrel of an armored vehicle as troops take position near the Gaza wall on
October 9,  2023. Photo: AFP.

Caracas (OrinocoTribune.com <https://orinocotribune.com/>)—Despite heavy
internal censorship by the Zionist entity and the US and its European
lackey’s muddying the information landscape with maximum disinformation,
the occupation can no longer hide its significant losses at the hands of
the Resistance fighters.

According to official zionist occupation sources, the number of Israeli
soldiers killed since the start of the Al Aqsa Flood Operation has risen to
498. Of those, 164 of them were liquidated during the ground invasion of
the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, the official number of injured reached 2,066.
Last week, the occupation forces’ withdrew
their elite Golani Brigade’s 13th Batallion from the Gaza Strip after
suffering substantial losses in its ranks.

This Wednesday, the “Israeli” army admitted the death of three soldiers
serving in the Givati Brigade, another of the occupation army’s elite
forces. According to the Zionist media, the transfer of the wounded to
hospitals is carried out at night and in helicopters. Israeli occupation
newspaper *Haaretz* reported
on December 10, that Israel was refusing to release information on
casualties suffered during the war. This has led to speculation that the
army has sought to hide the dead and wounded toll in an effort to maintain
morale amongst its soldiers and convey the image to the public it is
winning the war against the Palestinian resistance.

On December 23, US outlet *The Intercept* released
leaked documents from the “Israeli” Military Censor that reveal the
magnitude of the censorship imposed on occupation media outlets by the
army. According to the article, since October 7th “more than 6,500 news
items were either completely censored or partially censored by the Israeli

*Haaretz* therefore sought to report on casualty levels based on details
from Israeli hospital officials. However, data from hospitals gathered by
*Haaretz* shows that the number of wounded soldiers by that time was 3,117,
which is twice the number reported by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).

*Zionist savagery backfires: even fungi reject the occupiers *Additionally,
the *Israeli Public Broadcasting Authority* (Kan 11) revealed earlier this
week that dozens of occupation soldiers have become seriously ill due to an
infection by a deadly fungus. According to Kan 11, some of the injured
soldiers, who returned from the war in the Gaza Strip, are being treated in
the ICU, and their condition was described as “very serious.”
According to Lebanese
outlet *Al-Akhbar*
“Israeli” epidemiologists have declared an emergency meeting to discuss the
dangerous repercussions of the fungi, and the possibility of an outbreak
among occupation soldiers. The “Israeli” epidemiologists suspect that its
source is contaminated soil in Gaza, which was mixed with sewage after the
occupation army destroyed the sewage pumps in the northern areas of the
Gaza Strip.

The deadly fungus is not the first disease to affect enemy soldiers
participating in the war of extermination on Gaza. The Zionist
newspaper *Yedioth
Ahronoth* revealed earlier this month that the army faced a massive
outbreak of intestinal diseases and cases of food poisoning among its
soldiers. Dozens of soldiers were transferred to the hospital with cases of
dysentary that were “caused by a combination of expired donated food that
was stored in an unprofessional way, and lack of personal hygiene.”

It seems the colonizers who, for years have used biological weapons
<https://new.thecradle.co/articles-id/2364> against the Palestinians, are
getting a taste of their own savagery.

*Hezbollah intensifies attacks on “Israeli” positions*
Also on Wednesday, Hezbollah attacked Israeli targets in the north of the
occupied territories six times in response to “Israel’s” attacks on
civilians in Bint Jbeil, as reported by *Al-Mayadeen
On December 26
the IOF martyred newlyweds Ibrahim Bazzi and Shorouk Hamoud as well as
Ibrahim’s brother Ali Bazzi. It is noteworthy that the Secretary General of
Hezbollah Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah had previously announced
in November that every Lebanese civilian killed by the occupation will
result in equal retaliation against “Israeli” civilians.

“In support of the resilient Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in
solidarity with their brave and honorable resistance, and in response to
the repeated crimes of the enemy and targeting the homes of civilians in
Bint Jbeil, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Kiryat Shmona
settlement (the occupied town of Al-Khalsa) at 04:30 PM on Wednesday,
December 27, 2023, with thirty (30) Katyusha rockets.” reported the Islamic
Resistance Movement of Lebanon (Hezbollah) in a statement
<https://t.me/mmirlb/6060> issued this Wednesday.

On the same day, Hezbollah launched high-caliber Burkan-type missiles
against a military outpost and carried out significant attacks against
“Israeli” military gatherings, using drones, ATGM’s, and artillery in the
north of the occupied territories. The Burkan missile carries a massive
warhead that contains between 300 and 500 kilograms of explosives and has a
range of up to 10 kilometers. Hezbollah used it against “Israeli” targets
for the first time in November. Lebanese news outlet *Al-Manar* released
footage <https://english.almanar.com.lb/2010296> of the attacks and more
details of the operations.

Since the beginning of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and the Zionist entity’s
genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza, Hezbollah has declared its support for
Palestinian resistance fighters and has launched daily attacks at Israeli
military positions.

Hezbollah’s solidarity with the Palestinian people has put tremendous
pressure on the occupation. *Al-Mayadeen* quoted
former “Israeli” Security Minister Avigdor Lieberman as saying “what is
happening in the North is extremely dangerous” and that over 100,000
settlers have retreated from the northern region of Occupied Palestine on
the border with Lebanon. In the opinion of this author, the evacuation of
settlers from stolen territory is itself a form of decolonization and
another testament to the incredible successes of the Al-Aqsa Flood
Operation and the subsequent operations
carried out by Palestine’s regional allies in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and

*Gaza: the Resistance punishes Zionist arrogance *Just today, al-Qassam
announced targeting two Israeli helicopters with surface-to-air SA-18
missiles, one in the Saftawi area north of Gaza City and the other east of
Jabalia refugee camp.

Furthermore, the group said its fighters engaged with an Israeli force in
the Saftawi area for six consecutive hours the night before. The heavy
fighting forced the occupation soldiers to call in a helicopter to cover
the retreat of their troops. Al-Qassam also announced the successful
deployment of another new weapon
the RPO-A rocket, a Russian-made anti-fortification shell known as “Shmel.”

On December 21st, the spokesperson for Al-Qassam Abu Obeida announced
<https://t.me/MilitaryMediaY/38010> that the Resistance had partially or
totally destroyed over 720 occupation vehicles in Gaza since the beginning
of the ground invasion including troop carriers, tanks, bulldozers, and
military trucks. He announced “our forces continue to destroy the enemy’s
military vehicles and lure its soldiers into deadly traps and ambushes.”

*Imperialists can only do two things: murder and lie *As the US-Israeli war
on the Palestinians approaches its third month, it is noteworthy that the
occupation has been unable to achieve any strategic victories in the Gaza
Strip. It has been unable to free a single one of its POW’s outside of
prisoner exchange; it has not succeeded in eliminating the leadership of
the Resistance despite endless claims that it is “close to eliminating”
Hamas leader Yahya al-Sinwar; it has not significantly diminished the
capacities of the resistance in any way, this is proven by the fact
Resistance rockets continue to strike “Tel-Aviv” and other occupation
cities on a daily basis; it has not succeeded in breaking the spirit of the
brave Palestinians or uprooting the people of Gaza into the Sinai
Peninsula. It is quite evident that the United States, which is leading
this war
and the Zionist entity’s only “successes” consist of bombing civilian
infrastructure and martyring civilians.

Since October 7, the genocidal war on Gaza has claimed the lives of at
least 20,424 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injuring 54,036
others, according to local health authorities. Thousands of innocent
civilians are unaccounted for, trapped under the rubble, due to the
scorched earth nature of the Zionist genocide.

The imperialists who are hellbent on annihilating Palestine are only
capable of two things: murdering civilians and lying about their crimes and
their losses. The longer this war drags on, the more the Resistance
continues to punish the occupiers for their arrogance and their crimes
against humanity.

Orinoco Tribune Special by Dalal al-Zainabi


Dalal al-Zainabi

Dalal is a contributor and volunteer for Orinoco Tribune.
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