[News] 'Dozens of Field Executions in Gaza': Euro-Med Monitor Submits Primary Report to ICC, UN

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Tue Dec 26 13:21:56 EST 2023

'Dozens of Field Executions in Gaza': Euro-Med Monitor Submits Primary
Report to ICC, UNDecember 26, 2023
Dozens of Palestinian bodies are wrapped in improvised white clots. (Photo:
via Eyes on Palestine)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

In a report submitted on Tuesday, Euro-Med Monitor documents dozens of
cases of field executions carried out by Israel during its ground invasion
in Gaza.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor submitted a primary report to UN special
rapporteurs and the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court,
documenting “dozens of cases of field executions carried out by the Israeli
army in the Gaza Strip”.

In a statement
issued on Tuesday, the human rights group “requested an immediate
investigation into these crimes, calling for the perpetrators to be held
accountable, and for justice for all victims.”

The report was submitted to Maurice Tydball Benz, the UN Special Rapporteur
on extrajudicial or arbitrary executions; Francesca Albanese, the Special
Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories
occupied since 1967; Navanethem Pillay, head of the Investigative Committee
on the Occupied Palestinian Territory; and Karim Khan, ICC Prosecutor.

“Nearly 10 days after the Israeli army began its ground attack in the Gaza
Strip on 27 October, the Israeli army carried out dozens of executions and
direct physical liquidations against civilians as part of its all-out
military campaign,” the Geneva-based organization said in its statement.

“The Israeli forces’ extrajudicial execution crimes and liquidations during
their ground incursion into the Gaza Strip were examined by the Euro-Med
Monitor in the legal file,” the statement added.
*Mere Examples*

The report includes a list of cases that, according to Euro-Med Monitor,
are “merely examples of the numerous killings and field executions that
have occurred in areas where Israeli land incursions are taking place”

For example on December 10, Euro-Med Monitor documented the case of
41-year-old Munir Fadl Ali Al-Najjar.

Below is an excerpt from the rights group’s report:

“10 December 2023:

“Israeli forces executed Munir Fadl Ali Al-Najjar, 41, after opening fire
at him while he was in his house along with his 74-year-old mother in the
Jabaliya camp.

“He was shot in the neck and left bleeding to death next to his mother.
Al-Najjar was a civilian who had suffered from a foot injury since

“The Israeli forces did not allow his brother Sami, who works for a United
Nations agency, to move his brother’s body from the room, and instead
subjected him to an interrogation inside the family’s house, which was
turned into a military point to interrogate civilians.”

Euro-Med Monitor noted that “the Israeli executions violate international
standards and the right to life stipulated in Article 3 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, plus Article 6 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights.”

Moreover, the organization “reiterated that the UN special rapporteurs and
the ICC Prosecutor must launch a swift investigation into the
aforementioned violations, as well as other war crimes that Israel has
committed against civilians in the Gaza Strip, and to hold those
responsible for issuing and carrying out the illegal orders accountable.”

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 20,915 Palestinians have been
killed, and 54,918 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on
October 7. Palestinian and international estimates say that the majority of
those killed and wounded are women and children.

*(The Palestine Chronicle)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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