[News] Israeli general killed Israelis on 7 October then lied about it

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Mon Dec 25 05:49:19 EST 2023

Israeli general killed Israelis on 7 October then lied about it

Ali Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> and David
Sheen <https://electronicintifada.net/people/david-sheen> The Electronic
Intifada <https://electronicintifada.net/people/electronic-intifada> 24
December 2023


Video and witness accounts recently published by Israeli media reveal new
details about how Israeli forces killed their own civilians in Kibbutz
Be’eri on 7 October.

Last week, Israel’s Channel 12 released
previously unseen footage <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjGL0HFTgiU> of
an Israeli tank firing at a civilian home in the settlement, just a few
miles east of Gaza.

The new evidence shows that the Israeli commander on the scene, Brigadier
General Barak Hiram, lied to a top Israeli journalist about what happened
in the kibbutz that day, after Palestinian resistance fighters launched a
large-scale assault on Israeli military bases and settlements across the
boundary from Gaza.

This amounts to an attempted cover-up by a senior military officer, with
media complicity.

But far from being held in any way accountable, Hiram is soon set to take
up his new role as commander of the Gaza Division, the Israeli army brigade
that was routed by Palestinian forces on 7 October.

Hiram resides in the settlement of Tekoa, built in violation of
international law near the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem.

In an interview with Ilana Dayan
the host of Israeli Channel 12’s prestigious investigative program *Uvda*
on 26 October, Hiram gave a false account of the efforts to rescue
civilians in Be’eri.

He also fabricated atrocity propaganda, claiming that Palestinian fighters
had tied up and executed in cold blood 10 civilians in the kibbutz, eight
of them children.

These sorts of lurid stories – amplified by Israeli leaders and relayed
directly to the White House and world media – played a direct role in
inciting Western governmental and public support for Israel’s genocidal

Hiram’s interview with Dayan was broadcast more than 10 days *after* Yasmin
Porat <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/yasmin-porat> gave her own
testimony to Israeli state radio – a very different account from Hiram’s
and one much less flattering to Israeli forces.

Porat was among 15 civilians held by Palestinian fighters in the house shot
at by a tank seen in the new video, the home of Kibbutz Be’eri resident
Pessi Cohen, who was also killed there.

In her 15 October interview
with Israeli radio, which went viral after The Electronic Intifada
translated it, Porat described how she and her partner Tal Katz had been at
the Supernova rave <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/supernova-rave>
when rocket fire from Gaza began early on the morning of Saturday, 7

The couple got in their car and escaped to Be’eri, where they knocked on
the door of kibbutz residents Adi and Hadas Dagan.

They hid with the Dagans until Palestinian fighters found them and took
them to another nearby house where more civilians were being held by
several dozen Hamas fighters.

Early reports mistakenly
these events took place in the kibbutz dining hall.

At Pessi Cohen’s house, according to Porat, the Palestinian fighters
treated the dozen plus Israeli civilians “humanely,” and assured them they
would not come to any further harm.

The Palestinians provided them with water and allowed them outside onto the
lawn to escape the heat.

According to Porat, the fighters wanted Israeli authorities, who they
thought would already be massing in the area, to grant them safe passage
back to Gaza, where they would then release the civilians at the border.

The fighters’ demands were relayed to Porat via Suhayb al-Razim, a
Palestinian minibus driver from occupied East Jerusalem, who they had also
captured <https://www.akhbarelbalad.net/ar/1/1/7624/> and forced to serve
as their Hebrew translator.

Al-Razim had been taken captive earlier in the day while ferrying Israeli
partygoers to and from the Supernova rave.

At the behest of the Palestinian fighters, Porat called the Israeli police
so that the gunmen could negotiate their way out.

After numerous phone calls with the police, the hostages and their captors
waited out the arrival of Israeli forces. When those forces finally pulled
up to Pessi Cohen’s home, they began firing without warning, Porat said.
Killed by their own side

“We were outside and suddenly there was a volley of bullets at us from the
[Israeli unit] YAMAM. We all started running to find cover,” Porat told
Channel 12

Amid the gun battle that ensued, one Palestinian commander, later
identified as Hasan Hamduna, negotiated his own surrender with the Israeli
forces. They instructed him to strip and come outside with Porat.

As they came out, Porat called on the Israelis to stop firing, which they
did. Then she saw several kibbutz residents lying on the ground – people
who with one exception would end up dead.

Asked if Israeli forces may have killed them, Porat replied, “undoubtedly.”

“They eliminated everyone, including the hostages. Because there was very,
very heavy crossfire,” Porat said. “I was freed at approximately 5:30 pm.
The fighting apparently ended at 8:30 pm. After insane crossfire, two tank
shells were shot into the house.”

Among those killed by the tank shells were Adi Dagan and Porat’s partner
Tal Katz.

Hadas Dagan was injured but survived – the only Israeli aside from Porat to
come out of the battle alive.

In another interview last month
Porat revealed that according to Hadas Dagan, the tank shelling had also
killed Liel Hatsroni, a 12-year-old girl whom Israeli propagandists had
been claiming was murdered by Palestinians.

Earlier this month, Hadas Dagan gave her first interview, confirming key
parts of Porat’s account.

It is part of a half-hour long Channel 12 report
published on 9 December that also features Porat as well as family members
of other Israeli captives killed in the same incident.

“It’s obvious that this incident presents a very heavy moral dilemma. I
don’t want someone to take the story with the very difficult moral dilemma
presented here and point an accusatory finger at the army,” Dagan says when
identifying the immediate cause of her husband’s death. “To me it’s very
clear that I, and Adi, were wounded from the shrapnel of the tank shell
because it happened at that very moment.”

She describes the horrifying experience of watching her husband bleed out
onto her from a hole in his neck several centimeters long, until he stopped

“I am mad, I am very mad. I am mad that we were abandoned, that we were
betrayed, that we were alone, alone, alone, for so many hours,” she says.
“Adi, to end his life like that, in that way, crunched up.”
“Suddenly I saw a tank”

A video shot near ground level shows a tank rolling through the kibbutz on
7 October, while aerial footage taken by an Israeli helicopter shows a tank
firing a shell at Pessi Cohen’s house at 5:33 pm. Israeli fighters present
described it as a warning shot.

That tank then suffered damage, possibly by an RPG rocket reportedly shot
from inside the house by the Hamas fighters. “Afterwards, the tank was
damaged and another tank arrived and it completed the mission,” Channel 12

In the 9 December report, Hadas Dagan corroborates Yasmin Porat’s account
of extensive negotiations with the Palestinian fighters before Israeli
forces arrived and began shooting.

Channel 12 played audio from phone calls made by Porat in which she,
12-year-old Israeli twins Liel and Yanai Hatsroni and Palestinian commander
Hasan Hamduna, speak to emergency services.

Hamduna tells the Israeli officer that he wants the army to ensure their
passage to Gaza, claiming the Palestinians are holding some 50 Israelis.

As Porat has explained, Hamduna was deliberately exaggerating the number of
Israelis being held, apparently in an attempt to make the police and army
treat the situation more urgently.

After Hamduna surrendered with Porat, there is video of him in Israeli
custody, naked, blindfolded and handcuffed, calling on his comrades to
surrender as well, telling them through a megaphone that the Israelis would
treat them humanely and tend to any injuries.

While this attempt to renew negotiations was going on, there was nonstop
shooting in both directions, Porat told Israeli state television Kan on 6
December <https://www.kan.org.il/content/kan/kan-11/p-12043/s7/643590/>.

Eventually a second Israeli tank rolled up, likely commanded by armored
battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel Salman Habaka, who was killed
weeks later in Gaza.

“I myself arrived in Be’eri and reported to Brigadier General Barak Hiram,”
Habaka said in a video produced by the Israeli army in the days following
the battle at Be’eri.

“The first thing that he demands of me: to fire a shell into the house.”

Asked by an Israeli social media
<https://www.tiktok.com/@hamal.co.il/video/7289102133096353026> channel to
supply a story of how he “succeeded in saving a family,” Habaka offered

Instead, he said his mission was “to locate and destroy terrorists,” and if
they were found indoors “we destroyed the terrorists before we sent in the
infantry to bring people out.”

The arrival of such weaponry immediately raised Yasmin Porat’s fears.

“Suddenly I saw a tank,” she told Kan. “I remember, I said to one of the
police officers, ‘What, are you going to fire a tank shell? There are
hostages outside.”

“And he says to me, ‘No it’s just so that the units are able to break into
the house, they are bringing down the walls,’” Porat added.
[image: Houses and buildings reduced to rubble in Kibbutz Be'eri]

The enormous destruction in Kibbutz Be’eri could not have been caused only
by the light weapons carried by Palestinian fighters on 7 October. It is
now known that Israel used tanks and helicopters in the settlement.

But those were not the only heavy weapons Israeli forces used in Be’eri.

Mainstream media outlets worldwide have broadcast footage of the aftermath
<https://twitter.com/leftiblog/status/1737663347913527527> in the kibbutz,
where entire streets of houses were reduced to rubble

But none have been asking the obvious question: How could Hamas fighters
armed only with AK-47 assault rifles and a few RPGs have done such
extensive damage?

The answer, of course, is that they didn’t do so alone. Israeli state
television has reported that in addition to tanks, Israeli forces utilized
combat helicopters in their counter strike to reconquer Be’eri.

Two veterans of the Israeli military’s elite tactical rescue squad Unit
669, who were volunteer rescuers on 7 October, told Kan earlier this month
<https://www.kan.org.il/content/kan/kan-11/p-578726/648687/> what they
witnessed in Be’eri.
“This was the situation: You’re sitting in a kibbutz in the state of Israel
where we take the kids bike riding on weekends. Every second a missile
falls on you. Every minute,” says Erez Tidhar, one of the volunteers.
“Suddenly you see a missile from a helicopter that shoots into the

“An IDF helicopter firing into an Israeli kibbutz,” Tidhar adds in
consternation, “and then you see a tank rolling down the roads of the
kibbutz, fire the cannon and shoot a shell into a house. These are things
you can’t quite comprehend.”

Tidhar, notably, is the head <https://www.cybertechisrael.com/node/2421> of
Israel’s national cybersecurity directorate.

Israel’s American-built Apache helicopters were already known to have been
deployed in large numbers across the region on 7 October, firing
enormous quantities of devastating Hellfire missiles and exploding cannon
shells, killing Palestinians and Israeli civilians alike.

This fierce firepower burned to death hundreds of people
so completely that Israeli authorities could not tell for weeks if they
were Palestinian fighters or Israeli civilians.

The confusion led to Israel reducing its death toll
to 1,200 on 10 November, with senior Israeli government spokesperson Mark
Regev admitting that 200 of the dead it had originally counted as Israelis
had actually been Palestinian fighters.
“Authorization to shoot”

But this is not how Barak Hiram, the brigadier general who was on the
scene, describes events in Be’eri.

Hiram portrays himself as heroically stepping into a chaotic situation,
assuming command, bravely battling terrorists and rescuing civilian

He also tells atrocity tales exposed as lies by the accounts of the two
survivors, Yasmin Porat and Hadas Dagan.

“Saturday morning, when we understood there was an invasion happening in
the area around Gaza, many soldiers and former soldiers from around Israel
came together to defeat the terrorists and save Israeli families in their
homes,” Hiram told Israel’s i24News
on 11 October.

Two weeks later, he expanded on his version in his 26 October interview
with Channel 12’s Ilana Dayan.

“At a certain point Nissim Hazan also arrived, who was a brigade commander
in my division,” Hiram explains.

Like Hiram, Hazan also resides in a settlement in the occupied West Bank

“He arrived as a tank commander on a single tank that he managed to put
into use after it was damaged, and he was our first tank inside the
settlement,” Hiram says.

“And I gave him authorization to shoot mortars into structures to simply
stop the terrorists,” Hiram adds.

Speaking about the hostage situation, Hiram says that while an Israeli
commando unit known as YAMAM was “purifying” one of the neighborhoods, “one
of the citizens manages to flee from the buildings.”

This appears to be a reference to Porat’s negotiated exit from the Cohen
house with Palestinian fighter Hasan Hamduna.

“And it creates a kind of dynamic or feeling that the terrorists are
barricaded there inside the block [of houses] might be ready to talk or
something like that,” Hiram recalls.

A special negotiations team arrived on the scene and tried to communicate
with the fighters inside, according to Hiram.
Hiram’s distortions and lies

Up to this point, Hiram’s account is more or less congruent with Porat’s
but then, with Ilana Dayan’s complicity, it spirals into distortion and
outright fiction.

“Do they answer?” Dayan asks regarding the efforts at negotiation. “They
answer us with an RPG rocket,” Hiram says.

“At this stage I authorize the YAMAM force commander there to burst inside
and to try to save the citizens trapped in those buildings,” Hiram claims.

“So the YAMAM force wages a truly heroic battle there, and charges inside,”
Dayan embellishes. “Does any hope remain that there are still hostages that
can be saved?”

“I think in that block there were about 20 citizens and I think the YAMAM
force managed to save about four of them,” Hiram asserts.

“All the rest were murdered,” Dayan says.

“All the rest were murdered in cold blood,” Hiram replies. “And there we
found eight children tied together and shot, a couple, husband and wife,
tied together and shot.”
Deadly lies heard in Washington

Hiram’s story is likely the source of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu’s assertions, made directly to US President Joe Biden
in the immediate aftermath, that “They took dozens of children, bound them
up, burned them and executed them.”

Israeli newspaper *Haaretz* debunked
the claim, reporting early this month that “There is no evidence that
children from several families were murdered together.”

This is also true for the families held hostage at the home of Pessi Cohen,
as confirmed by the only captives to leave it alive.

Hadas Dagan has never claimed that hostages were tied up and Yasmin Porat
noted in a 12 October interview with Channel 12 that her partner Tal Katz,
also killed by the final tank shelling, was the only one in their group of
15 hostages whose hands had been tied up by the Hamas fighters.

Dagan has never claimed there were executions and Porat has insisted that
there were none.

In the same 12 October interview
Porat said that although the Palestinian fighters all had loaded weapons,
she never saw them shoot captives or threaten them with their guns.

“They did not abuse us. They treated us very humanely,” Porat said in her
now famous radio interview three days later
with Kan.

“By that I mean they guard us. They give us something to drink here and
there. When they see we are nervous, they calm us down,” she added. “It was
very frightening but no one treated us violently. Luckily nothing happened
to me like what I heard in the media.”

Furthermore, neither Porat nor Dagan ever reported, nor has any video
emerged, of Israeli commandos storming the house in an attempt to save

And contrary to Hiram’s portrayal, there had been negotiations – as Porat

Days after Channel 12 published its interview with Hiram, Channel 13
broadcast <https://13tv.co.il/item/news/domestic/internal/s1xi7-903778293/>
recordings of calls to the emergency services in which the Palestinian
fighters sought to negotiate their safe passage back to Gaza.

An account of events at Be’eri published in *The New York Times*
on 22 December also portrays Hiram as being in a hurry to use force, even
when other officers thought negotiations might produce better results.

“As the dusk approached, the SWAT [commando] commander and General Hiram
began to argue,” the *Times* reports. “The SWAT commander thought more
kidnappers might surrender. The general wanted the situation resolved by

“Minutes later, the militants launched a rocket-propelled grenade,
according to the general and other witnesses,” the newspaper states.

“The negotiations are over,” Hiram recalled telling the tank commander,
according to the *Times*. “Break in, even at the cost of civilian

Instead of saving four people as he claimed to Ilana Dayan, with his order
to shoot tank shells at the house, Hiram ensured that everyone on the
battlefield save for Hadas Dagan was killed, and that at least three others
– Liel Hatsroni, her aunt and guardian Ayala Hatsroni and Suhayb al-Razim –
were almost totally incinerated on the spot.
Relatives call for investigation

Relatives of those killed in Be’eri are asking questions about what
happened to their loved ones and they are taking note of Hiram’s lies.

“We collect bits and pieces of information, no one talks to us in an
orderly manner,” says Naama Ben Ami, whose mother Hava was killed in
Be’eri. “We don’t really know what happened here.”

Ben Ami and other relatives were interviewed amid the ruins of Be’eri, in
the same 9 December Channel 12 report
in which Hadas Dagan spoke out for the first time.

“I think there are a lot of disturbing operational questions here,” says
Omri Shifroni, nephew of Ayala Hatsroni and cousin of the 12-year-old twins
she raised, Liel and Yanai Hatsroni, all of whom perished in the Be’eri

“How did they get here? When did they open fire, who fired? I do not know
whose shooting killed them,” Shifroni says.

He then refers directly to Hiram’s claims made in the interview with Dayan.

“He had no idea!” Shifroni says of the brigadier general. “Even when he
spoke, and this was two weeks after [the events of 7 October], he had no
idea what happened here. No clue – because it was not the truth.”

“This is something that has to be investigated,” says Sharon Cohen, the
daughter-in-law of Pessi Cohen. “It must be.”

They were speaking specifically about their own kin, but what occurred at
Kibbutz Be’eri was no singular incident of Israel killing its own people,
whether through reckless incompetence or by design.
The truth leaks out

Until now, the truth has been leaking out only in dribs and drabs.

In November, an Israeli police source admitted
that military helicopters shot at civilians at the Supernova rave – the
desert dance party near Be’eri that Yasmin Porat and her partner had

Nof Erez, an Israeli air force colonel, has even gone as far as to call the
Israeli response to 7 October a “mass Hannibal
– an application on a wide scale of Israel’s military doctrine that allows
the deliberate killing of its own people rather than permitting them to be
taken captive.

That same month, Israel revealed
that hundreds of unrecognizably burned bodies it thought were its own
civilians were actually Hamas fighters – a clear admission of
indiscriminate fire on a massive scale.

Earlier this month, the Israeli military admitted to an “immense” quantity
of so-called friendly fire incidents on 7 October, but asserted that it
would not be “morally sound” to investigate them, as Israeli newspaper *Yedioth
Ahronoth* reported

Israel has moreover faced huge international embarrassment and anger at
home after its army admitted
to killing three Israeli prisoners who had managed to get away from their
captors in Gaza.
The Palestinian “monster”

While the killing of Israeli civilians – men and women, young and old – by
Palestinian fighters on 7 October has been widely reported, the killing of
Israeli civilians by Israeli forces on the same day is being covered up by
the Israeli state.

Meanwhile, Israel’s media and its sympathizers abroad blast unverified
claims and lies at full volume in order to distract from or justify the
genocide in Gaza.

These include notorious lies about Jewish babies being executed and hung
from a laundry line
and even cooked in an oven <https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64093>

But in an Israel more hyped up than ever to annihilate Palestinians, there
are few voices calling for any real accountability about what happened on
and after 7 October.

Take Ilana Dayan for instance.

As one of Israel’s premier “investigative” reporters, she has tried to
clear Barak Hiram of culpability in the Be’eri tank shelling that killed
Israeli citizens by claiming, “When the news reports on a hostage incident
at Be’eri, in actuality, sadly, there were no hostages.”

Here’s how she explained what happened on that day in a recent episode
of the *Unholy* podcast, hosted by Channel 12’s Yonit Levy and *The
Guardian’s* Jonathan Freedland: “There’s a monster that grew up on the
other side of the fence, on the other side of the border.”

While happy to repeat exaggerations and fictions, Dayan expressed no
interest whatsoever in what Israel has been doing for over 75 years to
Palestinians across the country, and especially in Gaza, that would lead
them to launch an armed attack against Israel at any scale.

When asked if Israelis would one day have to reckon with the horrifying
scale of death, suffering and devastation their army is inflicting on
civilians in Gaza, Dayan pushed back indignantly.

“Is it possible to understand that a heartbroken nation is too broken to
have a reservoir of empathy for the other, for the enemy?” Dayan asked.
“What was Hamas expecting when they launched this brutal, sadistic,
terrible, horrific atrocity? What were they expecting?”

And asked whether Israelis should be shown that reality, Dayan responded:
“We are not foreign reporters, we are Israeli reporters. This is not the
time for us to weigh both sides.”

That might explain why Dayan was willing to carry water for Barak Hiram and
buttress his fictional account of the battle at Be’eri, burying the truth
about how Israel killed its own citizens there.

It does not however explain why international media, organizations and
governments, including the UN
continue to accept Israel’s lies and have failed to call for credible,
independent investigations into what really happened on 7 October.

The price of this complicity is being paid by the people of Gaza.

*Ali Abunimah is executive director of The Electronic Intifada.*

*David Sheen is the author of* Kahanism and American Politics: The
Democratic Party’s Decades-Long Courtship of Racist Fanatics
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