[News] Yemen - The responsibility of Muslims towards Palestine entails taking a serious stand and providing comprehensive support—both materially and militarily—to the Palestinian people

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Dec 20 14:02:10 EST 2023

https://t.me/PalestineResist - December 20, 2023

🇾🇪 Ansarallah Commander, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr El-Din Al-Houthi 
delivered a speech today about the latest developments in Palestine. 
Immediately after the speech, Al-Qassam Brigades broadcasted exclusive 
combat scenes (https://t.me/PalestineResist/23486) on Yemeni television. 
Extended highlights can be found here 
(https://t.me/PalestineResist/23522), and selected highlights are below:

For 75 years, the zionist Jewish "israeli" enemy has continued its 
aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, committing 
the most heinous crimes.

The enemy army has made Gaza's hospitals primary targets, openly 
announcing ground operations against Al-Shifa Hospital and others in an 
unprecedented behavior. Countries at war usually declare strategic and 
military bases as their targets, but the "israeli" enemy shamelessly 
declares hospitals as its targets.

The zionist enemy targets the Palestinian people with all means of 
extermination, including killing by all brutal methods, starvation, 
siege, and denying food and medicine.

The "israeli" enemy targeted everyone in Gaza's hospitals, including 
patients, wounded, and medical staff, presenting this as a military 
achievement to boast about. The "israeli" enemy continues its brutality, 
and when it fails in a ground battle, it resorts to random bombing of 
civilians in the Gaza Strip.

The Jewish zionists are a mass of intense hatred, hostility, and 
criminality, completely devoid of any human feeling and all human 
emotions. The Americans are partners with the zionists in all their 
crimes from the very beginning, having sent their military experts for 
management and planning and supplied them with thousands of destructive 

The Americans provided the zionists with internationally banned weapons, 
provided them with material support to finance military operations, and 
sent surveillance planes to contribute information.

Along with all forms of military and financial support, the Americans 
have provided political support to the enemy entity and protection in 
the regional surroundings of Palestine, and have threatened all 
countries in the region against any cooperation with the Palestinian 
people, intending to ensure the zionists have sufficient conditions to 
commit massacres in Gaza without any objections.

When we see the tragic scenes of thousands of children and women killed 
by American bombs and the severe hunger, we must remember the American 
contribution to all of this. America is another arm of global Jewish 
zionism, which the American president has boasted about and declared his 
affiliation, and he acts from that standpoint.

The American has transformed its bases in the region to support the 
zionist enemy, and all its weapon stores, even those in Arab countries, 
are used to support the "israeli".

Every resolution under the guise of a ceasefire at the United Nations is 
opposed by the American, who insists on continuing the killing and 
crimes in Gaza yet presents himself as the peacemaker in the Middle East.

The British movement, which took the lead in establishing the zionist 
entity from the beginning, continues today to support the zionist enemy.

We also see in the support of the zionists the involvement of some 
European countries, including France, Italy, and Germany, each with a 
dark history and a horrendous criminal record. These are countries known 
for their moral bankruptcy, having erased ethics and values from their 
political dictionary.

When the zionist lobby moves Western regimes, it makes them even 
renounce liberal values, so they act as if they are insane, devoid of 
any human values, as a product of jungle policies.

The responsibility is great in the Islamic world, and the responsibility 
is on all Muslims today, considering Palestine as a part of them, both 
geographically and in terms of people.

Sometimes in Arab countries, ugly voices emerge to blame the Palestinian 
people and their fighters, and speak ill of any position that supports 
them. The Arab countries did not only shirk the responsibility to 
support the Palestinian people, but they also gloat over their 
misfortune and their fighters, insult them, and distort any support for 

We do not expect America and European countries to play any positive 
role for the benefit of the Palestinian people, as they are always in a 
position of injustice, tyranny, arrogance, and looting of peoples.

The responsibility of Muslims towards Palestine entails taking a serious 
stand and providing comprehensive support—both materially and 
militarily—to the Palestinian people, as this is considered their duty. 
It is incumbent upon the Islamic world and Muslims globally to 
acknowledge that the major responsibility for the suffering of the 
Palestinian people rests on their shoulders, necessitating a strong 
voice and stance.

Where is the scholarly voice that decrees the obligation of jihad in 
support of the Palestinian people? What justifies their silence, 
neglect, and even blaming the Palestinian people and their fighters? Is 
there a scholarly movement among those who used to decree the obligation 
of jihad when it was about the conflict in Syria, targeting the Yemeni 
or Iraqi people, and others?

The Axis of Resistance stands at the level of military, media, and 
popular support, and participating in marches, while in some Arab 
countries even demonstrations are prohibited.

The stance at the general level, including the Riyadh Summit, was weak, 
merely statements with demands, and everything ends after the statement.

If the American and the European came from the far ends of the world to 
cooperate with the oppressive occupier, then why doesn't our nation 
stand with the oppressed Palestinian people, given its affiliation and 

Our people have mobilized militarily in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and 
the Arabian Sea to prevent the movement of "israeli" and 
"israel"-affiliated ships from delivering supplies to the "israelis", as 
well as moved towards its correct position to declare war on the zionist 
Jewish "israeli" enemy, and mobilized its missile and drone forces to 
target the zionist enemy.

We have made a public request to the countries that are geographically 
between us and occupied Palestine to open land passages for hundreds of 
thousands of our people to move to Palestine.

Our people continue to make financial donations to the Palestinian 
people despite the very difficult living conditions, as we are 
essentially a besieged people and still in a state of war.

Unfortunately, some Arab countries (4 countries, including Arab states 
and military forces) align with the zionist enemy, mobilizing their 
military capabilities (https://t.me/PalestineResist/18160) to protect it 
from Yemeni missiles instead of moving to protect the Palestinian people.

We aim to develop our military capabilities to overcome any obstacles, 
even amidst the regional forces' efforts to counter our strikes against 
the "israeli" enemy, and to do more that meets the level of 
responsibility and fulfills our people's desire and hope in supporting 

Our stance is against the "israeli" enemy, and we have not targeted any 
other country. We have been patient with interception operations carried 
out by some Arab countries and have not targeted them.

Our people's stance is honorable and correct, aligning with our 
faith-based and humanitarian responsibility. We are not ashamed of our 
stance; rather, we strive to take it to the utmost extent possible 
without embarrassment or hesitation, seeing it as a position worthy of 
sacrifices, whatever they may be.

If the American seeks to subjugate our nation's peoples to remain 
spectators to the genocide crimes in Gaza, then our people have decided 
not to submit, not to kneel, and not to retreat from their stance.

Some ignorant and vile individuals mocked our people's stance in the 
Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea, until the zionist enemy 
became angry and groaned from its impact on their economy, asking its 
partners in genocide crimes to act in the Red Sea to prevent this movement.

The Americans and the arms of the zionist lobby all cry out from our 
people's stance in preventing "israeli" ships from passing through the 
Red and Arabian Seas.

We target only ships either owned by "israelis" or partially owned by 
them or going to the ports of occupied Palestine, bringing supplies to 
the zionist enemy.

The American movement is not to protect international navigation at Bab 
Al-Mandab; the greatest danger is the American movement seeking to 
militarize the Red Sea.

The one threatening maritime navigation for all countries and nations is 
the American, for the sake of the "israeli" enemy and to serve "israel."

The countries of the world must criticize the American and those who tag 
along with it from distant countries that come to threaten navigation 
and militarize the Red Sea.

All countries on the shores of the Red Sea bear the responsibility to 
act against the intrusive, harmful American position that threatens 
international navigation.

I advise all countries that the American is trying to involve not to 
entangle themselves, not to sacrifice their interests, and not to lose 
the security of their navigation to serve the zionists.

If our position had no effect, the "isarelis" would not have cried out 
against it, would not have announced that they were harmed by it, and 
would not have taken up space even in the "isaraeli" media about its 
harms and impact.

Any American targeting of our country will be targeted by us, and we 
will make American battleships, interests, and navigation the targets of 
our missiles, drones, and military operations.

We are not the kind who stands idly by while the enemy strikes us if the 
American intends to escalate further and commit the folly of targeting 
our country or waging war on it. We are a people who refuse injustice, 
rely on Allah, and do not fear the direct American threat and aggression.

We have suffered greatly from the wars waged against us by the American 
through its agents in the region.

The most beloved thing to us, and we have always wished for since day 
one is for the war to be direct between us and the American and 
"israeli," not through their agents.

We ask all Arab countries to stop, watch, and let the American and 
"israeli" enter into direct war with us, and let us be in direct war 
with the "israeli" and American enemy.

If the Arabs want to be an audience clapping for the American, let them 
clap; if they want to dance over the victims' remains, let them dance, 
but do not join the American in their war against us militarily and 

As long as the American wants to enter into direct war with us, they 
should know that we do not fear them, and they are facing an entire 
people, not just a specific group.

If the American wants to prevent the Yemeni position towards Palestine, 
they are in trouble with the entire Yemeni people.

If the American sends its soldiers to Yemen, they should know, by 
Allah's will, they will face harsher than what they faced in Afghanistan 
and suffered in Vietnam.

The American should not think they can strike here or there and then 
send mediators to calm the situation.

We trust in Allah, who is the Lord of the worlds and the supporter of 
the oppressed; we set out to support the truth, embodying Allah's 
command and true promise.

What the American is doing at sea is currently a loss; they fire a 
$2,000,000 missile to counter a $1,000 drone.

By Allah's grace, we have the endurance to confront the enemy and remain 
steadfast in the face of aggression. Our people have stood firm for nine 
years against a significant aggression.

We say to the European countries, there is no danger to your ships that 
do not go to the enemy entity, but when you get involved with the 
Americans, you are risking your interests in every sense of the word.

The fighters in Gaza are dealing harshly with the zionist enemy, killing 
its soldiers, and this matter may not receive the media coverage it 
deserves, but it is an honorable affair that represents hope for victory.

We say to the Palestinian people and to the brother fighters in proud 
Gaza:  you are not alone, for Allah is with you, and He is the best of 
helpers. Our Yemeni people are with you with all they can offer. The 
American stance, threats, and intimidation from the American or anyone 
else will not deter us from our position at your side.

All the free people of our nation are with you. The Axis of Resistance 
is present in important and active roles, with Hezbollah on the blazing 
front north of Palestine at your side.

Whatever the American position is in supporting the zionist enemy, it 
will lose alongside the "israeli" loss. Therefore, no matter the extent 
of suffering, the oppressed will ultimately achieve victory.

Our stance is ongoing, and the correct position that all nations of the 
world should strive for is to demand the cessation of aggression on Gaza.

The American seeks to protect "israeli" ships because it wants the 
crimes in Gaza to continue. Our stance continues, and the correct 
position that all countries of the world should strive for is to demand 
a halt to the aggression on Gaza.
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