[News] Gaza Resistance factions batter invading Israeli soldiers

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Wed Dec 13 19:51:23 EST 2023

Gaza Resistance factions batter invading Israeli soldiers
Al Mayadeen English
December 13, 2023

The Israeli occupation forces' losses are continuously rising as the
Palestinian Resistance continues to inflict major casualties upon them with
a united front.
[image: 26dedc42-9828-4f89-92fc-cb44db6c431f.jpg]

   - Gaza Resistance factions batter invading Israeli soldiers

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad's military wing, al-Quds Brigades, engaged
Wednesday in close-quarter combat with the Israeli occupation forces
attempting to invade Gaza through the Western direction, inflicting major
casualties on the latter.

A joint force of the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas
Resistance movement, and the al-Aqsa Brigades ambushed an Israeli
occupation force in the Gaza Strip.

According to the al-Quds Brigades, the joint unit ambushed 15 Israeli
soldiers and engaged them, liquidating most of them and injuring the rest.

The PIJ's military wing also said that its soldiers fiercely confronted the
Israeli occupation forces in the advance axes in Gaza City. Elsewhere in
Gaza City, the Resistance destroyed two Israeli infantry fighting vehicles
using Tandem RPGs.

The al-Quds Brigades also attacked Israeli positions in Juhr al-Dik and
"Netzarim" using high-caliber mortar shells.

The al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, meanwhile, said its fighters are
engaged in fierce confrontations in the Israeli axes of advance in the
Zaytoun and Shujaiyah neighborhoods in east Gaza.

The al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades added that they had detonated an IED in
an Israeli infantry fighting vehicle, causing casualties among enemy
soldiers east of the Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza.

The al-Qassam Brigades also made an announcement saying that it bombed a
field command room in the southern direction of Gaza City with
heavy-caliber mortar and artillery shells.

Moreover, they said their forces bombed occupied Asdud with a garage of
rockets in response to the Israeli occupation's massacres against civilians.

The Mujahideen Brigades attacked the "Ra'im" base, east of the Gaza Strip,
the headquarters of the Israeli Gaza Division, with a barrage of rockets.

As for the northern Gaza Strip, al-Qassam said it attacked an Israeli D9
bulldozer using a Yassin-105 anti-tank RPG in Tel al-Zaatar.
IOF going through the wringer

In the southern Gaza Strip, al-Qassam destroyed 3 Merkava tanks east of the
city of Khan Yunis, using the Yassin-105 RPG and the notorious Shawaz IEDs.

The al-Qassam Brigades nearly completely destroyed Israeli forces
attempting to penetrate a street in Khan Yunis twice in a row.

The al-Qassam mujahideen were also able to completely destroy an Israeli
troop carrier east of the city of Khan Yunis using a P29 shell.

Meanwhile, al-Quds Brigades announced targeted a gathering of Israeli
soldiers in the vicinity of the al-Thilal Mosque along the eastern axis in
Khan Younis with a barrage of 60mm mortar shells.

Al-Quds Brigades fighters were also engaged in fierce confrontation with
occupation soldiers in al-Zaytun neighborhood, east of Gaza, where they
targeted two military vehicles with Tandem charges.

*Read more: 6 officers, 4 soldiers of elite IOF units killed in Gaza's

The group also targeted three military vehicles and an armored personnel
carrier with Tandem charges and point-blank IEDs in the Jabalia camp and
the Tawam area, north of Gaza.

Al-Quds Brigades also announced targeting gatherings of Israeli soldiers
with rockets and mortar shells in the vicinity of the al-Mahatta area in
Khan Younis.

The fighters also engaged an Israeli infantry force from point-blank range
in the al-Shujaiya neighborhood, leading to the death and injury of its

Al-Quds Brigades also announced a joint operation with al-Qassam, whereby
together they ambushed a unit of 15 Israeli soldiers, in the al-Mughraqa
area, leading to their death and injury.

Furthermore, the group's Resistance fighters targeted an Israeli Merkava
tank with a Tandem charge in the al-Shujaiya axis, setting it aflame. They
engaged in fierce confrontations with Israeli occupation forces in
al-Shujaiya, inflicting confirmed injuries among the occupation soldiers.

On its part, al-Mujahideen Brigades announced that its fighters in the
northern Gaza brigade engaged in fierce and violent confrontations with
occupation soldiers and vehicles along the Jabalia axis.

Meanwhile, alarm sirens were repeatedly reported to be sounding in the Gaza
Envelope settlements.

*Read more: Israeli ports on alert: Schedules pulled amid Yemeni operations
Casualties on the rise

Israeli media reported Monday several Israeli soldiers
 were killed during confrontations with the Palestinian resistance in the
Gaza Strip.

Among those killed were two reservist officers from Battalion 2855 and
8111. Additionally, a reservist major, of Battalion 8111, was killed during
battles in southern Gaza.

Another major was also reportedly killed in what the IOF called a "military

The Israeli Occupation Forces also acknowledged the injury of a reservist
fighter of Battalion 8111, reportedly sustaining serious injuries during a
battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

*Read more: Three new Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza: IOF spox

Concurrently, Israeli media reported that despite the army announcing the
injury of 1593 soldiers since the beginning of the war, hospital data is
much higher

Last week
the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) announced that the death toll of their
forces has risen to 84 since their invasion of Gaza began, bringing the
total death toll since October 7 to 408 Israeli soldiers.

Although the IOF does not disclose its total losses in Gaza, Israeli
newspaper *Haaretz *reported days ago that it received a letter with the
total number of those killed in Israeli occupation forces in confrontations
with the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza.

*Haaretz* reported that the IOF acknowledged the death of nearly 1,000
soldiers since the war on Gaza began, after it refused to provide any data
regarding the total numbers of those killed and wounded, while also asking
hospitals to remain confidential.
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